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Introduction to Python

In the late 1980s, history was about to be written. It was that time when working on Python started. Soon after that, Guido Van Rossum began doing its application based work in December of 1989 by at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatics (CWI) which is situated in Netherlands.u00a0<br>It was started firstly as a hobby project because he was looking for an interesting project to keep him occupied during Christmas. The programming language which Python is said to have succeeded is ABC Programming Language, which had the interfacing with the Amoeba Operating System and had the feature of exception handling.u00a0<br>

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Introduction to Python

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  2. WHAT IS PYTHON Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation. Python is dynamically-typed and garbage-collected..

  3. HISTORY OF PYTHON Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It was initially designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation. It was mainly developed for emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code.  In the late 1980s, history was about to be written. It was that time when working on Python started. Soon after that, Guido Van Rossum began doing its application based work in December of 1989 by at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatics (CWI) which is situated in Netherlands.  It was started firstly as a hobby project because he was looking for an interesting project to keep him occupied during Christmas. The programming language which Python is said to have succeeded is ABC Programming Language, which had the interfacing with the Amoeba Operating System and had the feature of exception handling. 

  4. Versions of Python Python Version 1 Python reached version 1.0 in January 1994. The major new features included in this release were the functional programming tools lambda, map, filter and reduce. Van Rossum stated that "Python acquired lambda, reduce(), filter() and map(), courtesy of a Lisp hacker who missed them and submitted working patches”. The last version released while Van Rossum was at CWI was Python 1.2. In 1995, Van Rossum continued his work on Python at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) in Reston, Virginia from where he released several versions. By version 1.4, Python had acquired several new features. Notable among these are the Modula-3 inspired keyword arguments(which are also similar to Common Lisp's keyword arguments) and built-in support for complex numbers. Also included is a basic form of data hiding by name mangling, though this is easily bypassed.

  5. Python Version 2 Python 2.0, released October 2000,introduced list comprehensions, a feature borrowed from the functional programming languages SETL and Haskell. Python's syntax for this construct is very similar to Haskell's, apart from Haskell's preference for punctuation characters and Python's preference for alphabetic keywords. Python 2.0 also introduced a garbage collector capable of collecting reference cycles.[ Python 2.1 was close to Python 1.6.1, as well as Python 2.0. Its license was renamed Python Software Foundation License. All code, documentation and specifications added, from the time of Python 2.1's alpha release on, is owned by the Python Software Foundation (PSF), a non-profit organization formed in 2001, modeled after the Apache Software Foundation. The release included a change to the language specification to support nested scopes, like other statically scoped languages.(The feature was turned off by default, and not required, until Python 2.2.)

  6. Python Version 3 Python 3.0 (also called "Python 3000" or "Py3K") was released on December 3, 2008.It was designed to rectify fundamental design flaws in the language—the changes required could not be implemented while retaining full backwards compatibility with the 2.x series, which necessitated a new major version number. The guiding principle of Python 3 was: "reduce feature duplication by removing old ways of doing things". Python 3.0 was developed with the same philosophy as in prior versions. However, as Python had accumulated new and redundant ways to program the same task, Python 3.0 had an emphasis on removing duplicative constructs and modules, in keeping with "There should be one— and preferably only one —obvious way to do it". Nonetheless, Python 3.0 remained a multi-paradigm language. Coders could still follow object-oriented, structured and functional programming paradigms, among others, but within such broad choices, the details were intended to be more obvious in Python 3.0 than they were in Python 2.x.

  7. Table of versions 1. Implementation started – December, 1989. 2. Internal releases at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica – 1990

  8. Features of Python 1) Easy to Learn and Use Python is easy to learn as compared to other programming languages. Its syntax is straightforward and much the same as the English language. There is no use of the semicolon or curly-bracket, the indentation defines the code block. It is the recommended programming language for beginners. 2) Expressive Language Python can perform complex tasks using a few lines of code. A simple example, the hello world program you simply type print("Hello World"). It will take only one line to execute, while Java or C takes multiple lines.

  9. 3) Interpreted Language Python is an interpreted language; it means the Python program is executed one line at a time. The advantage of being interpreted language, it makes debugging easy and portable. 4) Cross-platform Language Python can run equally on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Macintosh, etc. So, we can say that Python is a portable language. It enables programmers to develop the software for several competing platforms by writing a program only once. 5) Free and Open Source Python is freely available for everyone. It is freely available on its official website www.python.org. It has a large community across the world that is dedicatedly working towards make new python modules and functions. Anyone can contribute to the Python community. The open-source means, "Anyone can download its source code without paying any penny.“ 6) Object-Oriented Language Python supports object-oriented language and concepts of classes and objects come into existence. It supports inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, etc. The object-oriented procedure helps to programmer to write reusable code and develop applications in less code.

  10. Advantages of python 1. Easy to Read, Learn and Write Python is a high-level programming language that has English-like syntax. This makes it easier to read and understand the code. Python is really easy to pick up and learn, that is why a lot of people recommend Python to beginners. You need less lines of code to perform the same task as compared to other major languages like C/C++ and Java. 2. Improved Productivity Python is a very productive language. Due to the simplicity of Python, developers can focus on solving the problem. They don’t need to spend too much time in understanding the syntax or behavior of the programming language. You write less code and get more things done. Python is a very productive language. Due to the simplicity of Python, developers can focus on solving the problem. They don’t need to spend too much time in understanding the syntax or behavior of the programming language. You write less code and get more things done.

  11. 3. Interpreted Language Python is an interpreted language which means that Python directly executes the code line by line. In case of any error, it stops further execution and reports back the error which has occurred. Python shows only one error even if the program has multiple errors. This makes debugging easier. 4. Dynamically Typed Python doesn’t know the type of variable until we run the code. It automatically assigns the data type during execution. The programmer doesn’t need to worry about declaring variables and their data types. 5. Free and Open-Source Python comes under the OSI approved open-source license. This makes it free to use and distribute. You can download the source code, modify it and even distribute your version of Python. This is useful for organizations that want to modify some specific behavior and use their version for development. 6. Vast Libraries Support The standard library of Python is huge, you can find almost all the functions needed for your task. So, you don’t have to depend on external libraries. But even if you do, a Python package manager (pip) makes things easier to import other great packages from the Python package index (PyPi). It consists of over 200,000 packages.

  12. Disadvantages of Python 1.Slow Speed:- We discussed above that python is an interpreted language and dynamically typed language. The line by line execution of code often leads to slow execution. 2. Not Memory Efficient:- To provide simplicity to the developer, Python has to do a little tradeoff. The Python programming language uses a large amount of memory.  3.Weak in Mobile Computing:- Python is generally used in server-side programming. We don’t get to see Python on the client-side or mobile applications because of the following reasons. Python is not memory efficient and it has slow processing power as compared to other languages. 4. Database Access:- Programming in Python is easy and stress-free. But when we are interacting with the database, it lacks behind. The Python’s database access layer is primitive and underdeveloped in comparison to the popular technologies like JDBC and ODBC. 5. Runtime Errors:- As we know Python is a dynamically typed language so the data type of a variable can change anytime. A variable containing integer number may hold a string in the future, which can lead to Runtime Errors.

  13. Career opportunities in Python 1. Python developer 2. Data analyst 3.Product manager 4.Machine learning engineer

  14. Training and Certification • Job Oriented Training from our expert trainer. • 100% placement available. • We are also providing certificate after training and certificate for internship also. • Our institution provide high quality training with expert and professional trainers.


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