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Built in the 1660s and once the most luxuriously decorated in Isfahan, the interior of the small Hasht Behesht Palace (Hasht Behesht means 8 paradises in Farsi) has been extensively damaged over the years.
Muqarnas Esfahan Hasht Behesht Palace
Built in the 1660s and once the most luxuriously decorated in Isfahan, the interior of the small Hasht Behesht Palace (Hasht Behesht means 8 paradises in Farsi) has been extensively damaged over the years. Construit în 1660, odinioară cel mai bogat decorat palat din Esfahan, interiorul micului palat al cărui nume înseamnă Cele opt paradisuri a suferit imense stricăciuni de-a lungul timpului. Esfahan
Muqarnas is the Arabic word for stalactite vault, an architectural ornament developed around the middle of the 10th century in northeastern Iran and almost simultaneously, but apparently independently, in central North Africa. It involves three-dimensional architectural decorations composed of niche-like elements arranged in tiers. The two-dimensional projection of muqarnas vaults consists of a small variety of simple geometrical elements. Muqarnas - panori decorative tipic islamice numite şi stalactite sau faguri datorită felului în care atârnăîn straturi suprapuse şi sunt divizate în alveole geometrice. Aceste muqarnas fac trecerea de la arcul frânt la planul orizontal al solului. Într-o dimensiune simbolică aceste motive decorative reprezintă, după cum explică istoricul iranian modern Seyyed Hossein Nasr „coborârea lăcaşului ceresc spre pământ“. Internet image
Muqarnas a type of corbel used as a decorative device in traditional Islamic architecture. The term is similar to mocárabe, but mocárabe only refers to designs with formations resembling stalactites, by the use of elements known as alveole. Muqarnas takes the form of small pointed niches, stacked in tiers projecting beyond those below and can be constructed in brick, stone, stucco or wood. They may then be decorated with painted tiles, or paint on wood or plaster. They are often applied to domes, pendentives, cornices, squinches and the undersides of arches and vaults. Muqarnas, un tip de nişe utilizateîn scop decorativ în arhitectura tradiţională islamică. Termenul este similar cu mocárabe, dar mocárabe se referă numai la decoraţiuni asemănătoare stalactitelor prin utilizarea unor elemente cunoscute sub numele de alveole. Muqarnas sunt utilizate la decorarea domurilor, pandantivelor, cornişelor , precum şi în partea inferioară a arcelor şi bolţilor.
Iran Text: Internet Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2011 Sound: Farid Farjad – Ahangemahali