Acid Reflux - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options
1.tAcid Reflux - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options 2.tAcid Reflux - Acid reflux is a fairly common disease, and more than 10 million cases are reported each year in India. It is technically known as GERD or u2018gastroesophageal reflux diseaseu2019. Acid reflux results in the backing up of stomach acids and bile into the food pipe in a reverse upward direction. An abnormal functioning of the LES (lower oesophageal sphincter), which connects the food pipe with the stomach results in acid reflux disease. It causes a burning pain in the chest, and irritation in the lining of the oesophagus (food pipe). 3.tAs it is a common disease, diagnosing acidic refluxes do not require a medical professional at all times. One can discern the presence of refluxes, based on symptoms experienced by oneself. Also laboratory testing is generally not required to diagnose acid refluxes. Let us study the symptoms, causes and various options for treatment of acid reflux in detail. 10.tIf you are struggling with Acid Reflux or GERD, take an appointment with GERD Specialist - Dr. Chirag Thakkar at Adroit Centre for Digestive and Obesity Surgery. 11.t Consult us for GERD Treatment - For Appointment Call - 079-29703438 Or Visit:-
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