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Demands for Civil Rights. Inroads in Sports. 1945, Branch Rickey, the general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers hired Jackie Robinson to become the first African American in Major League Baseball His life was threaten repeatedly He was rookie of the year and won the MVP in this third year.
Inroads in Sports • 1945, Branch Rickey, the general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers hired Jackie Robinson to become the first African American in Major League Baseball • His life was threaten repeatedly • He was rookie of the year and won the MVP in this third year
The Rise of African American Influence • Before WWII African Americans were not treated as equals • After the war, the campaign for civil rights began to accelerate • Their were several reasons for this acceleration • African American Migration • AA began moving to the cities • AA did well in these communities, becoming doctors and lawyers • The New Deal • A large number of AA found good jobs in the New Deal • World War II • Increased demand for labor in the cities, gave many AA higher paying jobs and greater voting power • The Holocaust opened many peoples eyes to racism and discrimination • Rise of the NAACP • They worked the courts to challenge segregation laws • They were successful, with the aid of a great legal team
Brown v. Board of Education • Oliver Brown sued the Topeka, Kansas, Board of Education to allow his 8-year-old daughter to go to school at a near by white only school • Thurgood Marshall argued on behalf of Brown in the Supreme Court • Read the ruling on Pg 700 • It was a unanimous decision that the courts declared seperate but equal was unconstitutional • Reaction • AA rejoiced, many white Americans accepted it • However, in the South it was met with resistance
The Montgomery Bus Boycott • In 1955, Rosa Parks a former secretary for the NAACP refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery segregated Bus • At the next stop, policed arrested her for violating segregation laws • A bus boycott was organized • 26 year old Martin Luther King Jr. became the spokesperson for the movement • In 1956 after over a year of the boycott, the Supreme Court ruled that bus segregation was unconstitutional
Resistance in Little Rock • Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus declared he would not enforce integration, or bring together of different races • He posted Arkansas National Guard at Central High School to turn away 9 AA students who were to attend • President Eisenhower placed the Arkansas National Guard under his command and sent the soldiers to protect the nine students • He said his actions were necessary to defend the authority of the Supreme Court
Other Voices of Protest • The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) protested when a funeral home refused to bury a Latin American WWII vet • Them and other groups worked to improve rights for Latin Americans • American government developed a new policy of termination with the Native Americans • The idea was to assimilate them into American life • The policy was met with resistance and in time the federal government discarded it