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Welcome to DENR Managers’ Forum. “Let’s Discuss Results” Employee Satisfaction Survey. Harlan Frye, HR Director January 26, 2005. 1. Housekeeping. Restrooms Break Snack Bar Smoking Cell Phones Hallway - Noise Parking Lot. 2. Agenda. 8:30 Food/Networking 9:00 Welcome
Welcome to DENR Managers’ Forum “Let’s Discuss Results” Employee Satisfaction Survey Harlan Frye, HR Director January 26, 2005 1
Housekeeping • Restrooms • Break • Snack Bar • Smoking • Cell Phones • Hallway - Noise • Parking Lot 2
Agenda • 8:30 Food/Networking • 9:00 Welcome • 9:15 Survey Results • 10:00 Break • 10:15 Discussion/Questions • 11:00 Group Discussions • 11:30 Group Reporting • 11:50 “Where do we go from here?” • 12:00 Adjourn 3
Purpose & Outcome of Forum • YOU will be given observations and impressions of results and trends intended to get you thinking • YOU will develop specific actions you can take to address those trends and findings 4
Key Reasons for Conducting Survey Identify: • Strengths • Areas of Improvement • Issues important to employeesGaps in Communication & Knowledge 5
Survey Involvement • Executive Staff • Senior Managers • Managers’ Forum Workgroup Members • HR Staff • Office of State Personnel • Budget, Planning & Analysis • EMPLOYEES 6
Employee Population at time of survey NumberResponse Rate • Total 3,45748% • Managers 475 / 78660% • Line Employees1,172 / 2,67144% 10
Study Classifications FAVORABLE NEUTRAL UNFAVORABLE Strongly Agree Don’t Know Strongly Disagree Agree Disagree 11
Top 5 Favorable ResponsesALL EMPLOYEES (96%) I have the relevant skills and abilities to do my job. (90%) My supervisor cares about the safety of his/her subordinates. (89%) Salary increases should be based on employee performance. (89%) I understand where my job fits in with my division’s objectives. (87%) My workplace is safe. 13
Top 5 Unfavorable ResponsesALL EMPLOYEES (79%) I am satisfied with my salary. (72%) My salary is comparable to similar positions in other public sectors. (64%) I feel the state’s benefit package meets the needs of my family. (59%) I feel the state’s benefits package meets my needs. (55%) I am paid equitably for the work I do compared to similar positions in DENR. 14
Top 5 “I Don’t Know” ResponsesALL EMPLOYEES • 43% My Division resolves complaints effectively.47% DENR management uses good problem-solving techniques to arrive at sound decisions. • 56% DENR Administration meets my needs in the Office of the Controller. • 57% DENR management practices what they preach. • 64% DENR resolves complaints & grievances effectively. 15
Top 5 Favorable ResponsesMANAGEMENT and SUPERVISORY (95%) I have the relevant skills and abilities to do my job. (92%) My supervisor cares about the safety of his/her subordinates. (91%) My workplace is safe. (91%) People within my workgroup cooperate to get the job done. (91%) I understand where my job fits in with my division’s objectives. 21
Top 5 Favorable ResponsesLINE EMPLOYEES (96%) I have the relevant skills and abilities to do my job. (89%) My supervisor cares about the safety of his/her subordinates. (88%) I understand where my job fits in with my division’s objectives. (88%) Salary increases should be based on performance. (88%) My workplace is safe. 22
Top 5 Unfavorable ResponsesMANAGEMENT and SUPERVISORY (78%) I am satisfied with my salary. (76%) My salary is compatible to similar positions in other public sector agencies. (67%) I feel the state’s benefit package meets the needs of my family. (61%) I am paid equitably for the work I do compared to similar positions in DENR. (58%) I feel the state’s benefit package meets my needs. 23
Top 5 UnfavorableResponsesLINE EMPLOYEES • (79%) I am satisfied with my salary. • (71%) My salary is compatible to similar positions in other public sector agencies. • (63%) I feel the state’s benefit package meets the needs of my family. • (59%) I feel the state’s benefit package meets my needs. • (57%) DENR provides an atmosphere for me to meet my personal goals. 24
Top 5 “I Don’t Know” ResponsesManagement and Supervisory (54%) DENR resolves complaints and grievances effectively. (50%) DENR management practices what they preach. (49%) DENR Administration meets my needs in the Controller’s Office. (46%) DENR’s management uses good problem solving techniques to arrive at sound decisions. (40%) DENR listens to its customers. 25
Top 5 “I Don’t Know” ResponsesLine Employees (68%) DENR resolves complaints and grievances effectively. (59%) DENR management practices what they preach. (58%) DENR Administration meets my needs in the Controller’s Office. (48%) My division resolves complaints effectively. (48%) DENR’s management uses good problem solving techniques to arrive at sound decisions. 26
Top 5 -Largest Percentage DifferenceBetween Management/Supervisory and Line Employee Responses*FAVORABLERESPONSES (D 22%) I know how to access DENR’s grievance policy and procedure. (D 21%) I am aware of DENR’s grievance policy and procedure. (D 19%) DENR is an organization that has a formal procedure to deal with workplace harassment. (D 18%) My division resolves workplace complaints effectively. (D 16%) DENR’s hiring practices are fair. 27 *In all 5 cases, Management/Supervisory had the higher percentage, Line the lesser.
Top 5 -Largest Percentage DifferenceBetween Management/Supervisory and Line Employee Responses*UNFAVORABLERESPONSES (D 19%) DENR Administration meets my needs in Purchases and Services. (D 19%) DENR Administration meets my needs in Budget, Planning, & Analysis. (D 14%) DENR Administration meets my needs in Human Resources. (D 13%) I have the equipment needed to do my job effectively. (D 12%) Communication is good between Division employees and DENR management. 28 *In all 5 cases, Management/Supervisory had the higher percentage, Line the lesser.
Some Comparisonsof Year 2000 Survey ResultswithYear 2004 Survey Results 29
Percent of Active DENR Employees Responding to Survey Year 2004 48% Year 2000 56% 30
Survey Results – All QuestionsAll Employees – Year 2000 vs. Year 2004 31
Top 3 Favorable ResponsesAll Employees2000 • #3 (91%) My supervisor cares about the safety of his/her subordinates. • #2 (92%) Salary increases should be based on employee performance. • #1 (96%) I have the relevant skills and abilities to do my job. 32
Top 3 Favorable ResponsesAll Employees2004 • #3 (89%) Salary increases should be based on employee performance. • #2 (90%) My supervisor cares about the safety of his/her subordinates. • #1 (96%) I have the relevant skills and abilities to do my job. 33
Top 3 Favorable ResponsesALL EMPLOYEESYear 2000 vs. Year 2004 #1 Year 2000: (96%) I have the relevant skills and abilities to do my job. Year 2004: (96%) I have the relevant skills and abilities to do my job. *********************************************************************** #2 Year 2000: (92%) Salary increases should be based on employee performance. Year 2004: (90%) My supervisor cares about the safety of his/her subordinates. *********************************************************************** #3 Year 2000: (91%) My supervisor cares about the safety of his/her subordinates. Year 2004: (89%) Salary increases should be based on employee performance. 34
Top 3 Unfavorable ResponsesAll Employees2000 • #3 (58%) My division deals effectively with employees having poor job performance. • #2 (67%) My salary is comparable to similar positions in other public sectors agencies. • #1 (74%) I am satisfied with my salary. 35
Top 3 Unfavorable ResponsesAll Employees2004 • #3 (64%) I feel the state’s benefit package meets the need of my family. • #2 (72%) My salary is comparable to similar positions in other public sectors agencies. • #1(79%) I am satisfied with my salary. 36
Top 3 Unfavorable ResponsesALL EMPLOYEESYear 2000 vs. Year 2004 #1 Year 2000: (74%) I am satisfied with my salary. Year 2004: (79%) I am satisfied with my salary. ****************************************************************************** #2 Year 2000: (67%) My salary is comparable to similar positions in other public sectors agencies. Year 2004: (72%) My salary is comparable to similar positions in other public sectors agencies. ****************************************************************************** #3Year 2000: (58%) My division deals effectively with employees having poor job performance. Year 2004: (64%) I feel the state’s benefit package meets the need of my family. 37
Questions • “What are the messages for DENR?” 38
Group Discussion • Thinking about the observations and trends you have heard, discuss and identify……..3-5 ACTIONS that YOU can take in YOUR Division to impact on the trends you have heard 39
Where Do We Go From Here? • Survey Results to All Employees • Division Reports & Division Management Analysis • Strategic Plan Action Planning Implementation Evaluation of Outcomes 40
Where Do We Go From Here?(Continued) • HR - Attend Division Staff Meetings- Employee Forums- HR Development Employer of Choice Strategy 41
THANK YOUfor attending the Managers’ Forum Evaluation Adjourn 42