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Exploiting the Path Propagation Time Differences in Multipath Transmission with FEC

Infocom 2009, April 19-25, Rio de Janeiro. Exploiting the Path Propagation Time Differences in Multipath Transmission with FEC. Maciej Kurant EPFL, Switzerland. Acknowledgements: Patrick Thiran (EPFL), Dan Jurca (DoCoMo, Munich), Pascal Frossard (EPFL). T. protection (FEC). data to send.

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Exploiting the Path Propagation Time Differences in Multipath Transmission with FEC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Infocom 2009, April 19-25, Rio de Janeiro Exploiting the Path Propagation Time Differencesin Multipath Transmission with FEC Maciej Kurant EPFL, Switzerland Acknowledgements: Patrick Thiran (EPFL), Dan Jurca (DoCoMo, Munich), Pascal Frossard (EPFL)

  2. T protection (FEC) data to send received reconstructed schedule Multipath transmission with FEC source destination relay • Requirements: • few losses • small delay (no retransmission possible)

  3. Example Assumptions: 1. Paths are independent T=5ms source destination relay

  4. Example 1%, 10ms 1% 10ms Time t=0 Effective loss rate : 0.553% 0.148% State of the art - IMMEDIATE Assumptions: 1. Paths are independent 2. Continuous-time Gilbert model for packet losses: • average loss rate • average loss burst length T=5ms source destination relay Schedule: 1.000%

  5. Example Time t=0 Effective loss rate : 0.113% ∆t = 50ms source destination relay slow! ∆t >> 0 (here assume 50ms) Schedule: 1.000% 0.553% 0.148% State of the art - IMMEDIATE We use ∆t to SPREADthe packets on the green path, so that the total block delay is not changed.

  6. Example Time t=0 Effective loss rate : 0.113% 0.016% The optimal rates on the paths may change. source destination relay slow! Schedule: The gain over state of the art is close to one order of magnitude! 1.000% 0.553% 0.148% State of the art - IMMEDIATE We use ∆t to SPREADthe packets on the green path, so that the total block delay is not changed.

  7. Contributions

  8. Model: Assumptions: 1. Paths are independent 2. Continuous-time Gilbert model for packet losses: • average loss rate • average loss burst length source destination relay protection (FEC) schedule Solution (effective loss rate ): data to send 1. Exact solution of the model • Previous attempts (using approximations): • L. Golubchik et al, “Multi-path continuous media streaming. what are the benefits?” Performance Evaluation Journal, 2002. • E. Vergetis, R. Guerin, and S. Sarkar, “Realizing the benefits of user-level channel diversity,” SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 2005. • Y. Li, Y. Zhang, L. Qiu, and S. Lam, “SmartTunnel: Achieving reliability in the internet,” Proc. of INFOCOM’07, 2007. • …

  9. ∆t = max(t2,t3) - t1 [ms] t1 t2 t3 2. Observation that ∆t>0 ∆t = t2 - t1 [ms] t1 t2

  10. 3. Proposition of SPREAD T Time t=0 • IMMEDIATE rules: • Send each packet immediately after it is generated at the source • Find the best packet rates for each path • Assign packets to paths to minimize the loss rate Usually very good, but not necessarily optimal • SPREAD rules: • On each path,spread the packets evenly in time within all the available time budget • Find the best packet rates for each path • Might schedule a packet departure • before it is generated!

  11. 4. Evaluation: Loss rate improvement i.e., a relative loss rate improvement over the state of the art path propagation time difference [ms] source packet generation period [ms] number of packets per FEC block

  12. 4. Evaluation: Minimizing delays Reverse the problem, i.e.: “Minimize the FEC block delay of SPREAD, but keep .” FEC block delay gain [ms] path propagation time difference [ms] Useful, e.g., to minimize the effect of jitter.

  13. 5. Trace-driven evaluation

  14. Limitations • Simple performance metric • Not (yet) adaptive • Assumes path independence • Assumes that we control when packets are actually sent • Needs more experimental verification But the general principle remains.

  15. Conclusions • Paths often have different propagation times. • This can be exploited in multipath FEC transmission to reduce: • the effective loss rate • the total FEC block delay. • To achieve this, we: • solved the multipath FEC model, • proposed and evaluated SPREAD.

  16. Sponsored article Sponsored article SPREAD Space Packets Regularly Exploiting Asymmetry in Delays MASTErPIECE MultipAth Scheduler That Exploits PropagatIon diffErenCEs bETTER Exploit Transmission Time diffERences SPLENDiD Space Packets evenLy and Exploit Network Delay Differences Not so easy to find? Try AcronymCreator.net ! Sponsored article Sponsored article

  17. Thank you !

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