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A High Statistics Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering Experiment in the NuMI Beam at Fermilab. Jorge G. Morfín Fermilab Illinois Institute of Technology 29 August 2002. OUTLINE. Facility: Beam Facility: Expected Event Rates Facility: MINOS Near Detector Hall Detector Concept
A High Statistics Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering Experiment in the NuMI Beam at Fermilab Jorge G. Morfín Fermilab Illinois Institute of Technology 29 August 2002
OUTLINE • Facility: Beam • Facility: Expected Event Rates • Facility: MINOS Near Detector Hall • Detector Concept • Physics Topics to be Studied NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
NuMI Beamline on the Fermilab Site NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
NuMI Beamline Geometry • Target-Horn Chase: 2 parabolic horns. 50 m • Decay Region: 1m radius decay pipe. 675 m • Hadron Absorber: Steel with Al core 5 m • Muon range-out: dolomite (rock). 240 m • Near Detector Hall 45 m NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
NuMI Neutrino Beam Configurations • Horn 1 position fixed - move target and horn 2 to change mean energy of beam. • Three “nominal” configurations: low-, medium-, high energy. • In addition, “pseudo-me” and “pseudo-he” beams. Horns left in le configuration and only target moved. • MINOS will run with a combination of configurations. It will be heavily weighted towardlower energy but also involve pme- and phe-beam running. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Neutrino Event Energy Distributionsand Statistics • Reasonably expect 2.5 x 1020 pot per year of NuMI running. • le-configuration: Events- (Em >0.35 GeV) Epeak = 3.0 GeV, <En> = 10.2 GeV, rate = 200 K events/ton - year. • me-configuration: Events- Epeak = 7.0 GeV, <En> = 8.5 GeV, rate = 675 K events/ton - year pme rate = 540 K events/ton - year. • he-configuration: Events- Epeak = 12.0 GeV, <En> = 13.5 GeV, rate = 1575 K events/ton - year phe rate = 1210 K events/ton - year. With E-907 at Fermilab to measure particle spectra from the NuMI target, expect to know neutrino flux to better than ±5%. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
MINOS Parasitic Running: Event Energy Distribution • MINOS oscillation experiment uses mainly le beam with shorter pme and phe runs for control and minimization of systematics. • An example of a running cycle would be: • 12 months le beam • 3 months pme beam • 1 month phe beam • Approved for 2 such cycles (3 year run) with 2.5x1020 protons/year: 860 K events/ton. <En> = 10.5 GeV • DIS(W > 2 GeV, Q2 > 1.0 GeV2): 0.36 M events / ton. • Quasi elastic: 0.14 M events / ton. • Resonance + “Transition”: 0.36 M events / ton NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
MINOS Parasitic Running: x, Q2 and W2 elastic + resonance Events / ton NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Prime User: he Event Energy Distribution • Run he beam configuration only! <En> = 13.5 GeV • For example, 1 year neutrino plus 2 years anti-neutrino would yield: 1.5 M n - events/ton0.9 M n - events/ton • DIS (W > 2 GeV, Q2 > 1.0 GeV2): 0.85 M n events / ton 0.35 M n events / ton • Shadowing region (x < 0.1): 0.3 M events/ton NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
he- n beam: x, Q2 and W2 Events / ton-year NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
NuMI Near Hall: Dimensions & Geometry ≈ 100 m underground Length: 45m - Height: 9.6m - Width: 9.5m Length Available for New Detector:26 m Incoming angle: n beam: 58 mr. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
NuMI Beam Interacts Off-Module-Center Wonderful - inviting - spot for a new detector which could use MINOS near detector as part of a muon ID/spectrometer! NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
A First Significant Step…Block Diagram Recycler (permanent) Magnets Planes of C, Fe, Pb Forward m ID Spectrometer Scintillator Strips Side m ID spectrometer MINOS Near Detector Magnet Coil 2.5 cm thick iron plates alternating with scintillator strips 15 ton fiducial volume NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Detector: Conceptual DesignANL: John Arrington, Roy Holt, Dave Potterveld and Paul Reimer - FNAL: JGMFermilab Bright Booster Study - Spring 2001 • 2m x 2 cm x 2cm scintillator (CH) strips with fiber readout. • Fiducial volume: r = .8m L = 1.5: 3 tons of scintillator • Downstream half: pure scintillator • Upstream half: scintillator plus 2 cm thick planes of C, Fe and W. • 11 planes C = 1.0 ton (+Scintillator) • 3 planes Fe = 1.0 ton (+MINOS) • 2 planes Pb = 1.0 ton • Readout: mainly VLPC, perhaps also multi-anode PMT for TOF. • Use MINOS near detector as muon identifier / spectrometer. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Example of Event Profiles in Scintillator DetectorDavid Potterveld - ANL CC: En = 4.04 GeV, x = .43, y = .37 CC: En = 11.51 GeV, x = ..34, y = .94 “Elastic”: En = 3.3 GeV, x = .90, y = .08 NC: En = 29.3 GeV, x = ..25, y = .46 NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Detector: Side m-ID/Spectrometer • Without the side m ID/Spectrometer we would lose 19 % of he-events and 25% of MINOS-parasitic events. • The Em of lost events has ≈ 50% below 2 GeV. The < Eh> for these events ranges from 1.0 GeV for the le-beam to 1.6 GeV for the he-beam • We can use permanent magnets to ID and measure P of the m. B = 3.8 KG. 6” x 4” x 1” cost $5.00! • These side detectors also function as a calorimeter for particles leaking out the side. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Scintillator/Fiber & VLPC R&D at Fermilab • Scintillation detector work at Fermilab • Scintillation Detector Development Laboratory • Extruded scintillator • Fiber characterization and test • Thin-Film facility • Fiber processing: Mirroring and coatings • Photocathode work • Diamond polishing • Machine Development • Diamond polishing • Optical connector development • High-density Photodetector packaging (VLPC) Scintillator Cost < $ 5 / kg Polymer Dopant Continuing development of D0 VLPC readout with $750K grant. Produced D0-type arrays for detailed device analysis at low cost compared to D0 Goal: Demonstrate X10 cost reduction for VLPC. • Triangles:1 cm base and transverse segmentation. • Yields about 1 mm position resolution for mips • From D0 pre-shower test data NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
2 cm 1cm New K2K Near Detector: Similar Concept Particle identification using dE/dx information. 3m 3m NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Off-axis Near Detector - Univ. of Rochester • Would be “near detector” for an off-axis neutrino oscillation experiment. • Lower <E> and narrower peaked En distribution yields x10 less events. • Main physics goal is to measure composition of neutrino beam and low-energy CC and NC cross-sections. • Proposed detector is constructed of scintillator bars (2 cm x 2 cm) in a 2m x 2m x 3m yielding a 1.9 m3 fiducial volume. Surrounded by 1m iron/scintillator sandwich on four sides and 2.4 m downstream muon ID/spectrometer. • Requires civil-construction to build “hall” off NuMI facility and extensive iron handling. About x10 cost of this experiment. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Add a Liquid H2/D2Target Fid. vol: r = 80 cm. l = 150 cm. 350 K CC evts in LH2 800 K CC evts in LD2 per year he-n running. H_2/D_2 MINOS Near Technically easy/inexpensive to build and operate. Meeting safety specifications the major expense. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Detector: Event Rates; CC - Em > 0.35 GeV Event rates (2.5 x 1020 protons per year) Parasitic Running Prime User Prime User (3 years) (1 year, he-n) (2 year, he -n) CH 2.60 M 4.80 M 2.70 M C 0.85 M 1.60 M 0.90 M Fe 0.85 M 1.60 M 0.90M Pb 0.85 M 1.60 M 0.90 M LH2 0.35 M 0.20 M LD2 0.80 M 0.45 M NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Rough Costs • Scintillator (12.5 K channels) $50 K • Fibers (12.5 K channels) $50 K • Permanent Magnet Material (35 cm thick) $70 K • VLPC • Boeing Tax $250 K • VLPC $50/channel $625 K* • Electronics $40/channel $500 K • Cryogenics $200 K • SUM $1575 K • SUM = $1750 K x 2 (assembly)$ 3.5 M NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
n-Scattering Physics Topics with NuMI Beam Energies and Statistics Measure during initial MINOS exposure • Quasi-elastic neutrino scattering and associated form-factors. • Spin of the strange quark through n elastic scattering. Far more accurate with many fewer assumptions than charged lepton results for Ds. • Nuclear effects involving neutrinos. Need antineutrinos for (maximal) physics output • sin2qW via the ratio of NC / CC (as well as ds/dy from n-e scattering) to check the recent surprising NuTeV result. • Nuclear effects for valence and sea quarks. • Parton distribution functions (pdf), particularly in the high-xBj region. • Leading exponential contributions of pQCD. • Charm physics including the mass of the charm quark mc (improved accuracy by an order of magnitude, Vcd, s(x) and, independently, s(x.). Need excellent particle identification • Strange particle production for Vus, flavor-changing neutral currents and measurements of hyperon polarization. • Resonance production region (very poorly studied up to now). NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
(Quasi-)elastic Scattering • World sample is still fairly miserable statistics! • Garvey et al showed that n+p elastic scattering quite sensitive to the spin carried by s within proton. • Measure s cleanly in n scattering • Radiative corrections small. • Past experiments (BNL, LSND) • We can significantly reduce systematic errors by measuring the ratio: n+p n+p n+n m+p NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Measuring Ds -- J. Arrington, R. Holt, D. Potterveld and P. Reimer - ANL C. Horowitz and R. Tayloe - Indiana U. Status Ds ≈ - 0.12 ± 0.03, BUT: Large x --> 0 extrapolation and one has to assume SU(3) symmetry Neutrino NC Scattering yields Ds directly Measure R to ± 0.03 yields Ds to ± 0.02 R. Holt - ANL NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Measurement of the Axial Form Factor • Needed to control systematic errors for extraction of s. • Accurate determination of MA possible with charged current quasi-elastic events. • Search for non dipole behavior? Look at large Q2 range: 0.2 - 6+ GeV2. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Is Neutron Background in the NuMI near hall a problem? Particle Flux (10-5 cm-2) --------------------------------------------------- Eth (MeV) LE ME HE --------------------------------------------------- n 0 11.560 29.130 76.320 0.1 2.447 5.613 13.000 1 1.745 3.812 8.404 20 1.088 2.490 4.551 100 0.472 1.112 1.992 --------------------------------------------------- h± 0.2 0.537 1.234 3.118 20 0.529 1.105 2.938 100 0.395 1.078 2.454 --------------------------------------------------- g 0.2 38.010 80.690 204.600 20 2.557 4.472 12.570 100 0.913 1.304 4.208 --------------------------------------------------- e+- 0.2 3.340 4.880 12.540 20 1.246 2.144 4.921 100 0.403 0.703 2.209 --------------------------------------------------- m 0.2 3.542 6.753 11.740 20 3.450 6.690 11.580 100 3.448 6.560 11.320 --------------------------------------------------- • Using MARS Monte Carlo. M. Kostin and N. Mokhov determined flux of non-n particles at site of new detector. • Multiply the relevant number by fiducial volume to determine total track length within fid. vol. • For example: for neutrons E > 100 MeV with the le-beam, 14 cm of track length in fiducial volume per spill. • Need to fold Ep from n+p n+p with incoming neutron spectrum. Further reduction by surrounding detector with neutron absorbing material and making kinematic cuts possible. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Studying Charged-Current Resonant Processes • Data from a number of experiments exists • Pure I=3/2 channel ~solid • Agreement less than spectacular for mixed isospin channels • Description by Rein-Sehgal model • Nuclear effects: • Axial form-factor? • Nuclear medium effects on • Delta inelastic scattering • Pion final state reactions? n–p0 n–n+ p–p+ NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Studying Neutral Current Resonant Processes The World’s sample!! • ANL • p n + (7 events) • n n 0 (7 events) • Gargamelle • p p 0 (178 evts) • p p 0 (139 evts) • BNL • p p –/ p p + • K2K • Starting a careful analysis of single 0 production. 0 angle K2K Preliminary1-kton, single 0’s P 0(MeV/c) NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Studying Nuclear Effects with Neutrinos • F2 / nucleon within a nucleus changes as a function of A. • Nuclear effects measured (with high statistics) in -A not in . • From low-to-high xBj go through: shadowing, anti-shadowing, “EMC” effect, Fermi motion. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Are Nuclear Effects the SAMEfor n and e/m-A Scattering • Shadowing with nNOT the same as with charged leptons. • Axial vector component of current • Shadowing off valance quarks different than off sea quarks???? • No reason to expect the EMC effect to be the same with axial vector current involvement. Particularly if pion cloud is responsible for the effect • All such IVB effects are contained in nuclear parton distribution functions (Kumano, Eskola et al.) for parton level interactions. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Any Indication of a Difference in Nuclear Effects of Valence and Sea Quarks? • Nuclear effects similar in Drell-Yan and DIS for x < 0.1. • Then no “anti-shadowing” in D-Ya (E906 will yield improved statistics) while “anti-shadowing” seen in DIS (5-8% effect in NMC). • Indication of difference in nuclear effects between valence & sea quarks? a hep-ex/9906010 NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Nuclear Parton Distribution Functions • Nuclear effects similar in Drell-Yan and DIS for x < 0.1. Then no “anti-shadowing” in D-Ya while “anti-shadowing” seen in DIS (5-8% effect in NMC). Indication of difference in nuclear effects between valence & sea quarks? • This quantified by: • K.J. Eskolab et al within LO DGLAP using initial nuclear distributions from CTEQ4L and GRV-LO and assume scale evolution of nuclear parton densities is perturbative. • S. Kumano et alc hep-ph/0103208 plus a talk at this workshop NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín b hep-ph/9807297 c hep-ph/0103208
A Specific Look at Scattering Nuclear Effects:Shadowing • S.A.Kulagin has calculated shadowing for F2 • and xF3 in -A interactions based on a • non-perturbative parton model. • Shadowing in the low Q2 (A/VMD dominance) • region is much stronger than at higher Q2. Q2 = 15 GeV2 NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Predicted Scattering Nuclear Effects compared to e/m-A Scattering NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín hep-ph/9812532
Experimental Results in Scattering: Nuclear Effects? Bubble Chamber: Ne/D2 FNAL E-545 CERN BEBC NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Goals in Study of Nuclear Effectswith scattering • Overall Goal: Measure nuclear effects across full xBj range in scattering off a variety of targets. • Goal: Measure nuclear effects separately for F2 and xF3. What are the nuclear effects for valence quarks alone ? Use as input to global nuclear PDF’s • Long-term Goal: High statistics scattering experiment on H2 and D2 as well as heavy nuclei to extract all six structure functions on nucleons as well as within nuclei. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Examples: Expected Statistical Errors-MINOS Parasitic(n running only) Ratio Fe/C: Statistical Errors xBjMINOS MINOS 2-cycle DIS 0.0 - .011.8 % xxx .01 - .02 1.4 10 % .02 - .03 1.3 6 .03 - .04 1.2 4 .04 - .05 1.1 3 .05 - .06 1.1 2.6 .06 - .07 1.0 2.3 NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Examples: Expected Statistical Errors - he Running Taking ratios: most beam systematics cancel. Assume relative target systematics are the same as Tevatron Muon Expt. O (1 %). Ratios (he, 1 year n, DIS): Statistical Errors xBjFe/ LD2Fe/C .01 - .02 11% 9 % .02 - .03 6 5 .03 - .04 4 3 .04 - .05 3 2 .05 - .06 2 1.7 .06 - .07 1.7 1.4 Ratios (he, 1 year n, 2 year n, DIS): Statistical Errors No optimization of n implies very conservative errors High xBj (he, 1 year, DIS): Statistical Errors xBjCHLH2LD2 .60 - .65 0.6 % 2 % 1.4 % .65 - .70 0.7 3 1.7 .70 - .75 1.0 4 2 .75 - .80 1.3 5 3 .80 - .85 2 7 5 .85 - .90 3 11 7 .90 - .95 5 17 11 .95 - 1.0 7 25 16 NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Another Open Nuclear Effects Question: Behavior of F2 as x --> 1.0 in Nuclear Environment • Need to add more than Fermi gas model to simple nucleon model to reproduce behavior of F2 at high x in nucleus. • Few-nucleon-correlation and multi-quark models allow quarks to have higher momentum ---> high x tail with F2e- ax . • Analyses by SLAC, BCDMS, CEBAF and CCFR with values of a varying 7 < a < 17 in various kinematical regions and targets. • BCDMS and CCFR are in similar kinematical regions: BCDMS ( + C): a = 16.5 ± 0.5 CCFR ( + Fe): a = 8.3 ± 0.7 ± 0.7(syst.) • Is a dependent on nucleus? • Is a dependent on vs. • Recent* e + Fe from Jlab: a = 16! hep-ex/9905052 NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Extracting Parton Distribution Functions:What Can We Learn With All Six Structure Functions? Recall that Neutrinoshave the ability to directly resolve flavor of the nucleon’s constituents: interacts with d, s, u, and c while interacts with u, c, d and s. Using Leading order expressions: • Does s = s and c = c over all x? • If so..... NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Six Structure Functions for Maximal Information on PDF’s + y2 FL X = 0.1 - 0.125 Q2 = 2 - 4 GeV2 NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
The Ultimate NuMI Neutrino Scattering FacilityNickolas Solomey Side Muon ID (Steel + Scintillator) Magnet Muon ID Steel + Scint TOF Electromagnetic Calorimeter Additional Scintillator Tracking MINOS Near H_2/D_2 Scintillator Strips Electromagnetic Calorimeter Additional Scintillator Tracking Electromagnetic Calorimeter Side Muon ID (Steel + Scintillator) NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Proposal for a Study of n-Nucleus Scatteringin the NuMI Beam • Collaboration of nuclear and particle physics communities. • Currently indicating interest in this experiment: • Argonne National Lab, Colorado, Ecole Polytechnique, Fermilab, Illinois, IIT, Indiana, Los Alamos National Lab, Marsseilles, Rutgers, Tuft - (Athens, BNL, College de France, Pittsburgh) • Goal is to sign up many MINOS collaborators and add more NP. • Submit EOI/LOI to the Fermilab PAC in late 2002. • Start running parasitically with MINOS in 2005 time scale. • Neutrinos only • Run as prime users starting as early as 2008. • Higher Energy running with n and n. NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
Summary • NuMI Beam is Intense: • yielding≈ 860 K events/ton during MINOS approved run* • yielding ≈ 1.6 M events/ton-year in the he-mode. • NuMI Near Hall: • space for new detector(s) with w(x) ≤ 6 m, h(y) ≤ 4 m, (sum) L ≈ 25 m. • NuMI Near Hall Physics: • cross section measurements including quasi-elastic neutrino scattering and associated form-factors. • spin contribution of strange quark • nuclear effects of n different than e/m. Nuclear effects on valance- different than sea-quarks • sin2qW via the ratio of NC / CC • PDFs particularly high-x, study of leading exponentials of pQCD • strange particle production • NuMI Near Hall Detector studies underway: • “solid scintillator” + planes of A: 3 - 5 ton fiducial volume - cost O($3M) • liquid H2 / D2 (bubble chamber): large target technically feasible - safety requirements….? • Can study all of the listed physics topics during MINOS run and/or in a 3 years (n + n ) he run • Real and growing interest from both the NP and EPP communities, NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín
INVITATION! JOIN THE FUN!! NuMI n Scattering Experiment - Jorge G. Morfín