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Health Science Education Syllabus Health Science I
Health Science Education Syllabus Health Science I Welcome to HSE. I am excited about having the opportunity to assist you in your educational experience. I will serve as your educator. In this course you will assume responsibility for your education, as well as your actions. Will you excel or fail? The choice is yours. HSE Supply List In order to be successful in your class you will need: • A 5 subject spiralMead or Exceednotebook with plastic cover and perforated pages (college ruled paper only) • glue sticks, tape or both (needed daily) • Colored pencils, pens, crayons or markers, scissors • Plastic or paper sticky subject tabs– not markers • #2 wooden pencils, not pump (state exam testing) • Clear contact paper or wide clear packing tape • White T-shirt ABSENCES • Assignments missed are due as soon as possible. You will only be allowed 5 days maximum to make up work. This does not mean you have 5 days to ask for work. It is your responsibility to ask for make up work as soon as you return to school. If it is not received and completed within 5 days of return you will receive a zero. INCOMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS Good work habits and organizational skills are a must to be successful in the workforce! These habits need to be developed in high school. Late work is not accepted in college. Therefore, remember that you should be punctual with your school work. However, if your work is handed in late, for any reason, you will be allowed to make it up within two days. Late work will result in a maximum grade of 68. Health Occupation Students of America – fee $20/yr No Cell Phones or electronic devices allowed during class. School Policy will be enforced. NO EXCEPTIONS, NO EXCUSES
Making the grade Classroom grading scale is as follows: Tests/Projects 40% Quizzes 30% Class Work/Homework 30% Total 100% All tests are cumulative. You should make at least 80% on each test. This shows that you understood the information covered. If you fail your test you need to attend learning center and retake the test. I will average the two test for your new grade. (Test will/may differ) Grading Scale A 100 – 94 A- 93 - 92 B+ 91 B 90 - 86 B- 85 - 84 C+ 83 C 82 - 78 C- 77 - 76 D+ 75 D 74 - 70 D- 68 F 67 - 0 REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR NOTEBOOK TO CLASS EVERY DAY! I will Check for this daily. I will be happy to tutor you if you need any extra help mastering your class. Please let me know when you need help and I will arrange time to work with you. Please take responsibility for your own learning. Be prepared for surprise quizzes. Contact Information: Ms. Sue Patterson RN,BSN,MAEd School Phone: 910-521-3253or Cell phone: 910-318-3258 E-mail: suzanne.patterson@robeson.k12.nc.us I have read and am familiar with the information in this syllabus. Student: ________________________________________ Date: __________________ Parent/Guardian:____________________________________ Date: __________________