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Welcome to Curriculum Night!

Explore the personal responsibility aspects and academic goals of third-grade curriculum. Includes homework details, organizational skills development, Horizons Program, standardized testing, communication methods, volunteer opportunities, and classroom wish list. Connect with the teacher and sign up for a conference. Stay informed through weekly newsletters and online resources. Join us for an engaging and informative evening!

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Welcome to Curriculum Night!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Curriculum Night!

  2. Third grade is a BIG year.  We learn a lot about personal responsibility and spend time talking about the importance of taking responsibility for our learning.For example, writing down homework in their agenda, asking a parent to sign agendas and the weekly folders sent home on Monday, as well as listening and following directions.

  3. Homework Our agendas are wonderful!  We use them to relay information from and to school each day.  Developing organizational skills is a major goal for third, fourth and fifth grade.  They are expected to bring their agenda home each night and back to school each day.  Please review and initial the agenda with your child daily. You may also use the agenda as a means to communicate with me.

  4. Homework Monday – Spelling/study words Math IXL 10 minutes  Tuesday Raz-kids 10 minutes Wednesday Raz-kids 10 minutes Thursday Spelling review words for test Math IXL – 10 minutes In addition, students may have a math sheet or a science/social studies sheet. Second and third semester multiplication math facts for timed tests will be added.

  5. Horizons Program • Testing for this program will not begin until Iowa Test of Basic Skills and the Cogat (a mental ability test) results have been received. At that time all third graders scores will be reviewed, but not all third graders will be tested. Mrs. Palazzo has a presentation in her classroom this evening and you are encouraged to attend. She will be able to address your questions at that time.

  6. Miscellaneous • Reading – “cold read” test only, not a basal test • Raz-kids • Math – mastery of multiplication facts 0 – 10 • Writing – Narrative, Informational, Persuasive, Response to • Literature, grades on the report card will most likely reflect teacher assistance and guidance (2) for most students instead of independent grade.(3) This will come later for most students. Students must be able to do the entire writing process and meet the components on the rubric independently to receive a 3.

  7. Miscellaneous • Weekly newsletters will be sent home usually by 4:00 on • Friday and can also be found on my school webpage. • All textbooks, except reading are online. You can find the • links and username and passwords on my school webpage. • Study guides with Science and Social Studies units. • Skill maintenance web-sites can be found on my school web • page. • Classroom discipline (warning, turn cards) Red tickets for good behavior, student choose a privilege at the end of the week.

  8. Standardized Tests ITBS Sept. 7 Vocabulary/Reading 8 Reading/Language 9 Math CogAT Sept. 12 - 13 CRCT April 11 Reading 12 Language Arts 13 Math 18 Science 19 Social Studies

  9. Communication Parent/Teacher communication is very important. I may be reached by various ways including: Monday FOLDERS Note in Agenda Phone call (770)887-4584 ext. 710442 AFTER SCHOOL HOURS Email: toemig@forsyth.k12.ga.us

  10. Volunteers Starting the week after Labor Day I would love to have parents come on a regular basis to help with small groups in either Math or Reading/Language Arts. It is not hard and I will have everything prepared for you. You will be with a small group of students listening to a student read for fluency practice or help with a worksheet. .

  11. Wish List • We can always use: • Kleenex • Bottles of Hand Sanitizer • Paper towels • Gallon and Quart size zip lock bags • Lysol or 409 spray • Large tip dry erase markers • File folders • Candies – peppermint, Skittles, Starburst

  12. Please sign up for a conference before you leave this evening. Phone conferences are available too. Conferences

  13. Thank you for visiting this evening!

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