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Semalt Gives Instructions On How To Deal With Bad Reviews

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Semalt Gives Instructions On How To Deal With Bad Reviews

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  1. 23.05.2018 Semalt Gives Instructions On How To Deal With Bad Reviews Getting one or two bad reviews shouldn't spell doom for your business. However, how you handle it can make a big difference - do it carelessly, and it becomes a problem that doesn't go away. If you're running a big enterprise, then naturally you'd get quite a few bad reviews, and they won't hurt much but woe unto you if you have a small enterprise. It could tarnish your reputation. With a dozen or so review websites allowing users to give their two cents, it's not surprising that some bad reviews ?nd their way on Google's ?rst page. In order to ?nd out what has been said about your business on Yelp, TripAdvisor, FourSquare, and other review sites use Google Alert to get noti?cations on any mentions. Social Mention also keeps you in the loop regarding social media posts. It works like Google Alert. Here are six helpful tips, given by Oliver King, the Semalt Customer Success Manager, on dealing with bad customer reviews. https://rankexperience.com/backuparticles/article1011.html 1/3

  2. 23.05.2018 1. Do not ignore the problem While a single bad review shouldn't be a cause for concern, if bad reviews keep in piling with no response from your side, this is a very bad practice. Prospective clients going through your pro?le can't help but wonder if you really have their interest at heart or if you're only after money. It's good if they can hear both sides of the story - that of the disgruntled customer and yours. Of course, there are exceptional cases you can ignore the review say like when one person keeps posting bad reviews or when it's obvious the person writing the review isn't in a good state of mind. 2. Offer a solution A simple sorry can remedy the situation sometimes. All the same, you should actually do something to avoid a repeat of the same. This way you turn a potential crisis into a winning strategy. Eat humble pie and apologize. If the client is adamant, in such case try to ?nd an individual approach to him or her. If your clients listen to you, offer a discount or give them a gift in good faith. 3. Learn from the experience One of the most engaging and time-consuming tasks you face as a sole entrepreneur is market research. Lucky for you, customer reviews are a blessing in disguise. They do half the job for you. A good review indicates you're on track. A negative one points out to what needs tone improved. For instance, your shipment takes ages to reach the client then you should consider working with another shipping company. 4. Do not get into arguments This is a mistake you can't afford to make. Getting into arguments does not ?x the problem. Instead, it fuels the ?re and gives a negative image to your brand. 5. Never buy good reviews At face value, paying for good reviews may seem like a good idea. However, do not engage in such acts. How will the world react when they discover you were using underhand tactics? That would be the end of your business. 6. Familiarize yourself with the system https://rankexperience.com/backuparticles/article1011.html 2/3

  3. 23.05.2018 Get to know how Yelp, TripAdvisor and other review website work. They may offer a possibility to remove bad reviews if there is a good reason to do so. Handling bad reviews always puts you on the spot, but if you handle it like a pro, then your brand will continue to grow. https://rankexperience.com/backuparticles/article1011.html 3/3

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