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Secondary Science CRT Training. December 15, 2011. 2012 Changes to iTest System. Although the iTest system is very similar to the spring of 2011, a few important changes have been implemented: Preliminary Score Reporting will present both raw and scaled for a number of CRTs
Secondary Science CRT Training December 15, 2011
2012 Changes to iTest System Although the iTest system is very similar to the spring of 2011, a few important changes have been implemented: • Preliminary Score Reporting will present both raw and scaled for a number of CRTs • Corrections can be made to students from the Unsubmitted Student Report • Student testing status will be displayed on the Student Data Screen • Corrections can be made to students from the Invalid Student Report • Ability to add a student without first submitting a student preload file
2012 Changes to System Documentation and On-Line Help Resources • You have the ability to print DAS documentation on any topic. • On-line help has been reorganized to make it easier to access a topic. • Quick Refs were updated for consistency and to reflect updates to iTest. • Table of contents for the User Guide is now similar to that of the On-line help. • All show me videos have been updated with content improvement and new logos. • Mac Install Guides have been updated for installation improvements.
Appropriate Testing Practices • Educators should not be alone in a computer lab with student tests that are open and shouldn’t enter into a student’s test. • Be sure all actions will produce a reliable score that accurately reflects a student’s ability. • All information in the TAM is reviewed and adhered to. • All personnel administering tests have been trained. • Accommodations are provided when appropriate, and have been used consistently during instruction. • Students should be provided with additional time to complete the test, if necessary. • Once a student has started a test, it shouldn’t be submitted until the student has had the opportunity to complete the missing sections. • Students should be encouraged to provide good-faith efforts. • All students who are eligible for testing are tested with the correct test. • Testing environment is conducive to successful performance – remove distractions or posted items that may relate to the test.
Read-Aloud Accommodation • If at all possible, students with disabilities should be tested on desktop computers rather than thin-clients to improve the alignment of text with the spoken words. • In order for the embedded text-to-speech tool or the PTW read-aloud icon to be available during testing, the appropriate read-aloud accommodation code must be marked in the DAS prior to the student logging in. • The accommodation code “5. Screen Reader” must be marked in the DAS for each test the student is to receive this accommodation. • Be sure to have student choose the medium or fast reading option. Students who have been using text-to-speech converters often prefer the fast speed. • Headphones should be distributed and the computer volume should be adjusted prior to testing.
Responsibilities for the School Testing Coordinator • Oversee all aspects of testing. • Ensure that all policies and procedures required for standardized test administration are carried out. • Compile documentation concerning unique student circumstances that affect testing. • Use the CBT system to mark special codes and accommodations for appropriate students, submit tests for scoring, and download Preliminary Raw Score Reports.
Responsibilities for the School Testing Coordinator (2) • Work with the Test Administrator/Proctor to check Preliminary Raw Score Reports to ensure that all students who were expected to test are accounted for, and that special codes are accurately marked. • Work with LEA Assessment Personnel to resolve any testing issues. • Ensure that all students are either submitted for scoring or have an appropriate non-participation code marked. • Close the data window for the school after all students have tested or are accounted for.
Responsibilities for the School Lab/Session Manager • Work with the School Testing Coordinator and/or Test Administrator/Proctor to print Student Login Tickets, provide Test Access Codes, start sessions, stop sessions, and resolve CBT issues. • Document any situations that affect testing (e.g., fire drills, technical issues).
Responsibilities for the School Test Administrator/Proctor (This is the classroom teacher) • Actively proctor testing. • Follow all requirements outlined in the Test Administration Manual. • Work with the School Testing Coordinator to ensure that students’ results are submitted for scoring only after all sections are finished. • Work with the Lab/Session Manager to resolve problems that arise during testing. • Work with the Lab/Session Manager to schedule make-up or completion sessions for students to finish testing. • Review each Preliminary Raw Score Report with the School Testing Coordinator, making sure that the students who tested appear on the report and that special codes are accurate.
Student Login Tickets Every student needs a Student Login Ticket with his/her name, user ID and password preprinted on it. You will need to distribute the tickets prior to testing. Student Login Tickets may be printed in different ways, depending on local preferences. They will be produced as part of a PDF file and can be downloaded from the DAS.
Printing Student Login Tickets • Option #1 manage – reporting groups – print tickets select the appropriate 9 + 2 click on the ticket icon • Option #2 reports – monitor test progress choose test and 9 + 2 filter students as appropriate click on the ticket icon
Marking Special Codes Points to Remember: • Mark non-standard participation codes before testing begins. • Update non-standard and mark non-participation codes before the last day of the school’s testing window. • Educators should NEVER use a student’s login information to enter his/her test. • Special Codes should only be used for a small percentage of students. • Mark the special codes only if a student: • participated in a non-standard administration of the test (select the reason in the participation drop-down box). • did not participate in the assessment (mark the reason in the participation drop-down box). • If “accommodated” is chosen, you need not identify the individual type of accommodation. This will not generate an error.
To Select the Appropriate Student • Select “Manage – Student List.” • Select the correct LEA, School, and Grade in the filters for the student record. • Click on the “View” link next to the student record. • In the “Test Information” section, select the appropriate testing session. • Click the “Edit” link next to the appropriate session that appears in the table at the bottom of the page. • Select the participation status from the Participation Status list. • Click “Update.” • A “Test has been updated successfully” notification will appear above the available testing sessions. • Click “Close.”
What’s New in the DAS • A student may now be added to the DAS prior to the first upload of a student preload file. • The Unsubmitted Test Report includes a View link to immediately access the Student Data Window for the selected student. • The Invalid Student Report includes a View link to immediately access the Student Data window for the selected student. • A sample of the Preliminary Score Report is now available in the DAS.
What’s New in the DAS (2) • The following items have been updated in the Preliminary Score Report: 1. The report includes both raw and scaled scores. 2. Proficiency levels and descriptions have been updated. 3. The % correct for each standard is displayed rather than the number of questions answered correctly. • The Student Data window now includes the Test Status in the Test Information table.
Administration of Training Tests Training tests are available for student and educator use. They are designed to allow students to practice manipulating the TestNav system as they will encounter it in live testing. Training tests are neither scored nor intended as content practice tests. Educators are encouraged to take the training tests to increase their familiarity with the system. The USOE strongly encourages LEAs to take advantage of this resource. The more familiar teachers and students are with the system, the more prepared they will be for testing. Instruction/practice centered around these training tests should include: • Use of the tools available at the top of the screen. • Use of the navigation elements at the bottom of the screen. • How to scroll within an item or passage. • Discussion of the difference between “Save and Exit” and “Submit.”
iTest Components http://utah.measuredprogress.org • Data Administration System (DAS) • Proctor Test Workstation (PTW) Kiosk • Student Test Workstation (STW)
iTest Components - PTW The Proctor Test Workstation (PTW)” • Is a web application that requires a secure login. • Is the interface for administering tests to students. • Is accessible at http://utah.measuredprogress.org • Allows the proctor to: 1. start, pause and end test sessions 2. monitor student progress during a test 3. end test sessions and print test receipts
iTest Components - STW The Student Test Workstation (STW): • Is accessed via a Kiosk that must be loaded onto each student workstation • Is a web application that requires a secure login (http://students.utah.measuredprogress.org) • Is the interface for answering test questions using the mouse and/or a keyboard • Provides use of virtual tools such as rulers, calculators or reference sheets. • Does not access other programs or websites.
iTest Components - DAS The Data Administration System (DAS): • Is a web application that requires a secure login • Is managed through user accounts (state admin, LEA admin, school admin, and proctor) • Allows users to: 1. Access technical requirements and kiosks 2. Manage student and staff accounts 3. Assign and update special codes 4. Print student login tickets 5. Monitor test progress 6. Submit students for scoring 7. Generate preliminary raw score reports