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TEEN Coaching. Coaching & Mentoring for Youth Services. © TEEN Coaching 2008. All rights reserved. INTRODUCTION TO TEEN COACHING.
TEEN Coaching Coaching & Mentoring for Youth Services © TEEN Coaching 2008. All rights reserved.
INTRODUCTION TO TEEN COACHING TEEN Coaching provides Personal Development training to anyone working with challenging young people. This training has been developed from extensive experience working with young people placed in Juvenile Justice and Care services and mixed with Personal Development Coaching. Workshops include: 1) P.A.U.S.E.which focuses on interpersonal skills & approaches which can reduce & minimise challenging behaviour. 2) Listen Closely…which focuses on communication to enhance listening skills and build better relationships. 3)Time toC.A.R.E.which focuses on self-care to prevent stress and anxiety when working with challenging behaviour. Workshops are interrelated and are presented in small group settings to create a personalised and modern approach to professional development.
WHO IS TEEN COACHING FOR? • Anyone working with teenagers with challenging behaviour, especially those new to it. • Anyone wanting to learn communication techniques to enhance how they relate and build rapport with Young People. • Anyone wanting to learn effective skills to manage challenging behaviour. • Anyone wanting to enhance their knowledge of teenage problems. • Anyone wanting to learn effective self-care skills for working in an emotionally challenging profession.
PRINCIPLES OF TEEN COACHING… “be the change you want to see”Mahatma Gandhi(1869 - 1948) 1: We believegreater emphasis should be placed on self-awareness when working with young people. This is to ensure our personal responses to challenging behaviour do not contaminate how we respond to it. 2: We believe relationships are fundamental to successful outcomes for young people; therefore, greater emphasis should be placed on learning interpersonal relationship building skills. This is to enhance the quality of interaction between young person & worker. 3: We believegreater emphasis should be placed on giving frontline staff skills that work and can be used immediately. 4: We believe Young People should be taught, cared for or mentored by professionals who are committed to continued personal development. This is to enhance the standard of interaction, guidance and support they receive.
P.A.U.S.E. www.teencoaching.ie
P.A.U.S.E.focuses on the following areas… • The importance of understanding the origins of challenging behaviour. • The importance of developing self-confidence for communicating decisions, service structures & boundaries when working with challenging behaviour. • The importance of developing our responses to feeling under threat. • The importance of self-awareness when working with young people. • Identifying how we can contribute to either challenging behaviour or agreement. • How to ensure our ‘duty of care’ remains with the young person regardless of behaviour.
Listen Closely…….. www.teencoaching.ie
Listen Closely… focuses on the following areas… • How to use verbal & non-verbal communication techniques to develop self-confidence and leadership qualities for working more effectively with young people. • How to recognise verbal & non-verbal communication patterns so that we can understand young people and their struggles better. • How to develop our interpersonal communication with young people to ensure a high standard of interaction. • How to maximise conversational opportunities to motivate young people to make better decisions.
Time to C.A.R.E. www.teencoaching.ie
Time to C.A.R.E.focuses on the following areas… • Communication. • Recognising the signs and signals of work related stress. • The importance of self-care to minimise the impact stress & fatigue can have on the standard of practice we deliver. • How building strong emotional and physical stamina can enhance how we work with young people.
EVALUATIONS & ENDORSEMENTS www.teencoaching.ie
Example of Evaluation feedback… “I think it is paramount that everyone gets to experience these workshops. For me as a Social Care Worker my approach towards the young person has improved because I have more confidence in my work, I have a better understanding of how the young person is feeling, my shifts have improved because I have a better relationship with the young person” Paula Tormey, Social Care Worker, Westmeath. “These workshops bring clarity to so many areas that I now feel that I should invest more time in self-development. I now strive to conduct myself in a more professional manner. Whether you are doubting yourself or your colleague, these workshops bring clarity to so many of the grey and blurred area’s in childcare. I think every person would benefit from these workshops as it opens your mind and definitely enhances your abilities in this field” Ken Blanchfield, Social Care Worker, Kildare. “This workshop clearly stresses the impact we the worker can have on the behaviour of young people. It has giving me the mindset of indeed “pausing” and going beyond my own reactive responses to situations..........The P.A.U.S.E. acronym has given me a simple framework to assist me in staying focused at all times during my practice and a guideline to work off to allow me to assess and reassess that my practice is at all times child centred..........I think this type of reflection and development is essential if we are to give the children the best possible care that they need” Elaine Ryan, Social Care Worker, Westmeath.
Endorsements… “Anthony O' Prey and his Teen Coaching System is a terrific way of ensuring that the latest and best psychological strategies are employed to work most effectively with teens….. His P.A.U.S.E. & Time to C.A.R.E. Systems are fantastic examples of what can be done when quality experience is combined with an extensive skill set…..If you want to learn more about dealing with young people and learning more about yourself and how you communicate, look no further.”Owen Fitzpatrick PsychologistCo-Founder of the Irish Institute of NLP Presenter of RTE’s ‘Not Enough Hours’ “Teen Coaching is an exciting person centred approach to working professionally with teenagers. It combines personal self awareness with NLP in order to greatly increase staff effectiveness. One of Teen Coaching’s many strengths is its ability to incorporate the practice into staff’s daily activities. I look forward to Teen Coaching being incorporated into all youth worker’s interaction with young people.” Derek Dempsey Psychotherapist Counsellor Dublin Simon Community MIAAAC, MCS.
Endorsements… "I am pleased to support and endorse the content of the training courses presented by Teen Coaching. The philosophy underpinning the courses is positive, practical and very relevant for all childcare personnel. Indeed, the courses are pitched to meet the needs of childcare staff in their day to day interaction with the children in their care. I also admire the participatory style of the courses as I believe that some of the best training takes place when professionals share and debate their own experiences and, most of all, what works best for them. I am confident that these courses will help participants to develop new skills and new approaches that will equip them to meet the ever changing demands now placed on childcare workers. I wish Teen coaching every success." John Lonergan Former Governor Mountjoy Prison Lillie Road Group of Homes (Management Board) “TEEN Coaching offers an excellent response to the effects of stress and strain felt in the caring professions. Time to C.A.R.E. teaches the practitioner the essential principles of good health care practices in a way which gives them a life long tool to use throughout their career. After reviewing TEEN Coaching in detail, I highly recommend these workshops to anyone working with young people in a paid or voluntary capacity.” Dr. Vincent Carroll MD College Director of the Lansdowne College of Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine. Senior Medical Officer with H.S.E. Dublin North
Granard Youthreach feedback… “I invited Anthony O' Prey into our Centre to deliver part one of a 3 workshop In-Service entitled TEEN Coaching. The booking of the other workshops were dependant on the success of the first one and as we had never seen Anthony’s work prior to this all I had to inform me were a number of testimonies from other agencies (which were not Youthreach Centers). Anthony’s professional background in Residential Care in a variety of locations countrywide gave him a real insight into the lives and behaviours of the troubled teenager. His presentation is very verbal, regularly using the language and expressions of this age group while drawing upon the more academic material of recognised experts in this field to support his interpretations. It is always refreshing to see a practitioner who not only talks the talk but who also has walked the walk. My own conclusions at the end of the In-Service was that the Centre staff had benefited enormously from the training and especially those younger staff who may heretofore have been bewildered by the anger and behaviour of some of our clients particularly in their initial years in Youthreach. It also reminded the more grizzled amongst us of the challenges we face on a daily basis but more importantly of the acute need of a service like Youthreach to continue to travel the chaotic journey of many of our clients with them, and restore some value to their brittle selves. The tool-kit that he provided in the second half of the intervention entitled P.A.U.S.E. should equip most teachers with an adequate resource to deal successfully with difficult situations. Crucially, the staff members own disposition at the time of being challenged forms an integral part of the P.A.U.S.E. I look forward to inviting Anthony back for the 2nd workshop i.e. budget permitting." Seán Ó Súilleabháin Co-ordinator, Granard Youthreach
Galway H.S.E. feedback… 'Simply excellent' Breege Clark, Foster Parent, Galway H.S.E. 'Really enjoyed it. Found it very interesting' Patrisha Lynskey, Foster Parent, Galway H.S.E 'Found it very worthwhile and informative' Veronica Browne, Foster Parent, Galway H.S.E 'I like that the workshop focused on the simple principles we can all apply without a PH.D in Behaviour and still promote change and resilience in young people'. Aine Griffin, Fostering Social Care Leader, Galway H.S.E. www.teencoaching.ie
Thank you www.teencoaching.ie info@teencoaching.ie