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Analysis of Rician K-factor in 5GHz Band Environments

This study by N. Kita, Y. Inoue, and S. Kubota from NTT examines the Rician K-factor in various indoor environments at 5GHz. Measurements were taken in an apartment, corridor, office, and meeting room, using a sliding correlator to process the data. The study compares actual delay snapshots with theoretical Rician distributions to determine the K-factor. Results show K-factor values ranging from 7-10dB for line-of-sight conditions and similar values for non-line-of-sight scenarios. Further measurements are recommended to establish typical values. This research provides valuable insights for wireless communication system design and optimization.

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Analysis of Rician K-factor in 5GHz Band Environments

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Measured Rician K-factor in a 5GHz band Naoki Kita, Yasuhiko Inoue, Shuji Kubota NTT nkita@ansl.ntt.co.jp yinoue@ansl.ntt.co.jp kubota@ansl.ntt.co.jp N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  2. Overview We derived Rician K-factor by: • measuring the radio wave in some environments, • apartment • corridor • office • meeting room • processing the output of the sliding correlator, • comparing with the cumulative distribution of the first delay wave component with the theoretical Rician distribution. N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  3. Measurement Apparatus Sliding correlator Tx / Rx Antennas N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  4. Example of Measured Delay Snapshots & Data Treatment Example of acquired delay snapshots ・・・ ・・・ Relative level [dB] Relative delay time [nsec] Picked Out Example Relative level [dB] Cumulative Probability K⋍ 10 dB Relative distance between BS and MS [m] Relative level [dB] N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  5. Measurement Scenarios N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  6. Apartment Ent- rance room#1 • LOS: in the same room • NLOS: the neighboring room STA room#2 NLOS 8.4 m AP LOS kitchen & dinning room STA room#3 room#4 8.4 m N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  7. Measured Rician K-factor in the “Apartment” scenario Apartment LOS NLOS Cumulative Probability (%) Cumulative Probability (%) Relative level [dB] Relative level [dB] N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  8. Corridor NLOS conditions Rx 36 m 34 m 52 m LOS conditions Tx Rx 69 m 131 m N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  9. Measured Rician K-factor in the “Corridor” scenario (1) Corridor(LOS) Near (50m-90m) Far (90m-120m) Cumulative Probability (%) Cumulative Probability (%) Relative level [dB] Relative level [dB] N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  10. Measured Rician K-factor in the “Corridor” scenario (2) Corridor(NLOS) Cumulative Probability (%) Relative level [dB] N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  11. Measured Rician K-factor in the “Office” scenario Office LOS(15m-27m) NLOS Cumulative Probability (%) Cumulative Probability (%) Relative level [dB] Relative level [dB] N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  12. Measured Rician K-factor in the “Meeting Room” scenario Meeting Room LOS Cumulative Probability (%) Relative level [dB] N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  13. Summary of Measured Rician K-factor • Conclusion • Rician K-factor values for LOS conditions: 7 – 10 [dB] • Rician K-factor values for NLOS conditions are similar to those of LOS conditions. • More measurements will be necessary to derive a typical value. N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  14. Environment Corridor (LOS) Apartment (room#2) Meeting room Office N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

  15. Thank you very much! N.Kita, Y.Inoue and S.Kubota, NTT

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