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rule 180 d

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 180 Degree Rule (The Line)

  2. The 180 degree rule • There are very feww/ little laws you shouldn’t break in filmaking and the Rule of 180 Degrees is one of them • It is also known as crossing the line. • It’s a technique filmakers use so the audience at home know where evrybody is and where all the action is happeningin the scene • When your walking around in realife you have context of where people are and if you walk into a room you can see where people are standing • However, the audience at home the only way they get to know what happening in the scene is through the picture that you show them with what you shoot • It’s the filmakers responsibility to let everyone know who is watching where everyone in the scene is standing in relation to eachother and the 180-degree rule is used to show that • Here are some examples…

  3. Movie - Heat Example 1

  4. Heat example 1 • Very straight forward scene starring Al Pacino (left hand side of the shot) and Robert Di Nero (right hand side of the shot) • They are having a talk around a dinner table • So when the filmmakers set the scene up they would have figured out- whose going to be on the left-hand side of the shot and whose going to be on right hand side of the shot • The line would be between the two actors

  5. Quotations are commonly printed as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader.

  6. Heat example 1 • The line would be between the two actors • With the line in place this is where the 180-degree rule comes into place • It means the film makers can shoot in 180 degrees around that line to make sure the actors are always facing the right directs

  7. Heat Example 1 • I these photos Al Pacino is always on the left-hand side of the screen looking at the right • Robert Di Nero is always on the right-hand side of the screen looking at the left • As we go into close ups of the scene it holds true throughout the whole scene= it never crosses the line

  8. Tv show- The Mandalorian Example 2

  9. The Mandalorian Example 2 • The rule is very important in this show. • In this scene the actors have got masks on the whole way through it so there is no way for the audience to know who is talking by just looking at them • So the 180 degree rule help the audience watching know which storm trooper is talking and when and why

  10. The Mandalorian Example 2 • This is how the line would have been set up in the scene showing you the 180 degress it can set the camera • It can be complicated filming at the best of times as you have to keep track of filming something as complicated as the 180-degree rule

  11. How to set up the 180 degree rule Shot • Can now shoot in 180-degree line • Putting the pen down so it can help/ make it easier you visualize/ figure out where the line is • So, with the figures as they are that means the line is where the sharpie is • From this establishing shot we have Rambo on the left and John MacLaine on the right

  12. How to set up your own shot • In this close up shot even though the other figure isn’t in the shot we still know he is there because Rambo is looking in that direction • His eyes are facing the same way and he is looking in the same direction • In This over the shoulder shot it uses the 180 degree rule • You can see that everyone is looking in the same direction • Rambo still on the left and John on the right

  13. What not to do when setting up your own shot • In this close up it breaks the 180 degrees rule as it crosses the line • It looks and feels wrong • It looks like the guy is talking to himself as his eyes are facing the wrong direction • So, it is critically import that you follow the rule, so it is visually pleasing and makes sense to watch

  14. Tip when filming with the Rule • The easiet way to keep track of the 180 degree rule is to figure out which way your actor is facing and keep them facing that way through the rest of the scene

  15. My Photos That Demonstrate The 180 Degree Rule

  16. SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes. This means that you can: • Resize them without losing quality. • Change fill color and opacity. Isn’t that nice? :) Examples:

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