ISCOM 473 Week 5 e Commerce Process//
ISCOM 473 Week 5 e Commerce Process// Click on below link to buy ISCOM 473 Week 5 e Commerce Process Use what your team has learned about the instructor approved organization chosen in Week 1, along with the information technology/ERP concepts described in Chapter 4 of our primary text. Identify the ERP, e-commerce and e-procurement tools progressive companies use to manage their suppliers. Point out how these tools are used by your chosen organization if this information is available to you. Design/create a process map that reflects the Supply Process used by the company studied since week 1 and how Information Technology/Systems/ERP is used to support and improve the process. If you cannot create this process map from the information available concerning the company your team selected, use the Figure 4-2 from our primary text and declare the lack of this information from your chosen organization. Address what information should be shared with the departments outside procurement. Create a PowerPointu00ae presentation of 10 slides with speakeru2019s notes that discusses this process. There is no penalty for exceeding 10 slides. Format your presentation according to APA standards for the cover slide and the slide containing your references. In your speaker notes use citations aligned with your references. Provide your references in the final slide. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Instructor Hints for Success: Your presentation should integrate a supply process flowchart similar to Figure 4-2 of our primary text. Reference your organizationu2019s supply process by sharing the web pages that describe the concepts used. If a process map cannot be built from the information provided by your chosen organization use Figure 4-2 as a baseline to work with. If available, the ERP system used by your chosen organization with suppliers should be described along with the various e-Procurement and e-Commerce tools. If this information is not available, describe best practices/systems that could be used. Do not forget to define the how information is shared (would be shared) with business units outside procurement to support other business processes through interfaces or integrated data. ISCOM 473 Week 5 e Commerce Process Click on below link to buy
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