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Modelling and Operation of HVDC Based Power Transmission System

Modelling and Operation of HVDC Based Power Transmission System

Submodule overcurrent caused by DC pole to pole fault in modular multilevel converter HVDC MMC HVDC system is one of the important research objects about its electrical characteristics. In this paper, the fault mechanism before and after the converter blocked was analyzed respectively and the circuit model for the analysis of submodule overcurrent was explored. The analytic equation for overcurrent calculation was deduced and a detailed analysis was also performed. The changes of submodule overcurrent stress with different circuit parameters were obtained and the key issues were also summed up. The results indicate that the submodule overcurrent is the AC system three phase short circuit current superposed the discharging current before the converter blocked, and the submodule overcurrent is the AC system three phase short circuit current superposed the valve reactor freewheeling current after the converter blocked. From the computation and simulation results, it is concluded that the analytical method is feasible and its calculation results are comparatively precise. Mohd Liaqat "Modelling and Operation of HVDC Based Power Transmission System" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-2 , February 2019, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd20319.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/electrical-engineering/20319/modelling-and-operation-of-hvdc-based-power-transmission-system/mohd-liaqat

118 views • 8 slides

Grid Connected PV Wind System with Implementation

Grid Connected PV Wind System with Implementation

Renewable energy sources are getting more and more widespread, mainly due to the fact that they generate energy by keeping the environment clean. Most of these systems have an isolation transformer included, which if excluded from the system would increase the efficiency and decrease the size of PV installations, furthermore it would lead to a lower cost for the whole investment. For safety reasons grid connected PV systems include galvanic isolation. In case of transformerless inverters, the leakage ground current through the parasitic capacitance of the PV panels, can reach very high values. A common mode model based on analytical approach is introduced, used to predict the common mode behavior, at frequencies lower than 50kHz, of the selected topologies and to explain the influence of system imbalance on the leakage current. It will be demonstrated that the neutral inductance has a crucial influence on the leakage current. Finally simulation results will be shown for the NPC multilevel inverter topology, emphasizing the low leakage current for the case of a grid connection without galvanic isolation. P.Kamalakar "Grid-Connected PV-Wind System with Implementation" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-6 , October 2017, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd2518.pdf Paper URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/electrical-engineering/2518/grid-connected-pv-wind-system-with-implementation/pkamalakar

91 views • 3 slides

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