'Spam filtering' diaporamas de présentation

Spam filtering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hass and Associates News Blog: Spamhaus DDoS attack not to b

Hass and Associates News Blog: Spamhaus DDoS attack not to b

http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/viruses-spyware-and-other-nasties/news/451322/spamhaus-ddos-attack-not-to-blame-for-rise-in-spam The media, online and off, has been full of scare stories about the 'biggest Internet attack ever' and how a distributed denial of service (DDoS) campaign aimed against anti-spam outfit Spamhaus peaked at an attack volume of 300 Gbps (the highest ever recorded by those who record such things) was 'slowing down the global Internet'. DaniWeb didn't join the rush to shout 'the sky is falling' as, frankly, we didn't believe it as there was precious little evidence to be found that the DDoS attack was impacting anyone other than Spamhaus along with it's anti-DDoS protection service CloudFlare and their upstream providers. Sure it was a serious attack, one that could well have implications on the direction such things are heading in, and potentially could be bad news for all of use. However, the Internet did not slow down and for the vast majority of global users there was no noticeable effect at all. The one area that you might think would be impacted is the amount of spam that reaches your mailbox. After all, if one of the main organisations responsible for keeping the lid on spam distribution channels is taken off air then surely we can expect to see spam levels peak. So when a press release arrived following these attacks which proclaimed that spam is twice as likely to be hitting mailboxes than previously, I was concerned. But only for a few moments, as a bit more reading reassured me that it had nothing to do with the Spamhaus attacks at all. Hear the name 'Virus Bulletin' and you immediately think of anti-virus and anti-malware certification and testing, but the same organization also carries out comprehensive spam filtering reviews.....

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