'Wireless routers' diaporamas de présentation

Wireless routers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

List of Top 10 Tri Band Routers

List of Top 10 Tri Band Routers

Every house that uses the internet needs a router. Without it access the internet is not possible on several devices. So what type of router is best the single band, dual band or the tri-band. The latest technology used in Tri-Band Routers is that it has three radios. One that operates at 2.4 GHz and the other two operate at 5 GHz. These tri-band routers are good for multi devices households for wisdom the heavy network, lots of video streaming, file transfer and online gaming. There is various type of Best Tri-band Routers in the market with different specifications. How To Choose” The Best Tri-Band Wireless Router” • Wireless Standards– These are the wireless protocols standard which is set by IEEE(Institute of Electricals and Electronics Engineers). The most advanced standard is 802.11 AC which mostly comes in advanced wireless protocols. Other standards are 802.11 a/b/g/n which comes in most of the wireless routers. • The level of wireless security– nowadays everyone wants security with the increase of the cyber charge. The best security for the wireless router is the WPA/WPA2 available in most of the routers and SPI firewall protection. • Wi-Fi speed it is delivering– The router Wi-Fi speed depends on the internet connection. Different router delivers different speed, some of the most popular variants are 300 Mbps, 600 Mbps, 1200 Mbps, 1900 Mbps and so on. • The maximum coverage area of the router- The coverage area refers to how far is the range of the router. The coverage area depends on the external and internal antennas coming with the Tri Band Wireless Routers. So, this is all for this Best Wireless Routers. Hope you liked the article and made your decision. If this article will be resourceful then Please Visit www.inknik.com

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