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Media Impact on Teen Health: Facts and Tips

Discover how media consumption affects teens' health from Yale University and CA Pacific Medical Center research. Learn about risks and ways to use technology for better health. Share uplifting content and join a safe social network for positive interactions. Find inspiration through quotes, music, and dance to boost your mood amid life's chaos.

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Media Impact on Teen Health: Facts and Tips

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Be Uplifted Sara Morris CIS 1020-033 Ages 11-19

  2. The facts • Yale University and CA Pacific Medical Center report links between media consumption and kids health. • Researchers found the more bad media (TV, movies, music) a kid is exposed to, the higher the health risks. • The bottom line is that media can have a significant impact in these areas: • obesity • tobacco use • sexual behavior • drug and alcohol use • low academic achievement

  3. You choose • Do you want to use technology to improve your health? • What would you share? Pictures, Video, Music, Quotes, or Good Humor • 59% of teens view social networks as unsafe • Would you join a social network that has uplifting content and is predator-free?

  4. What makes you want to move?

  5. What lifts you up? • “Dance is the hidden language of the soul” – Martha Graham, American dancer and choreographer.

  6. What makes you happy? • “To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life” – Jill BolteTaylor

  7. What would you share? "It's kind of fun to do the impossible." - Walt Disney (1901-1966) Quote Video Music Picture

  8. bibliography • Cruz, Gilbert. "Why Media Could Be Bad For Your Child's Health." TIME (2008). • Statistic Brain. n.d. <http://www.statisticbrain.com/social-networking-statistics/>.

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