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6 Billion Creatives & Counting. 6 Billion Creatives & Counting. All humans are born with capacity to be creative thinkers. ?. Who What Where When Why How In What Ways. ?. What is it. !. Generation of new ideas or new combinations of old ideas. Who Might Be. Creative. !.
6 Billion Creatives & Counting All humans are born with capacity to be creative thinkers
? Who What Where When Why How In What Ways
? What is it
! Generation of new ideas or new combinations of old ideas
Who Might Be Creative
. ! “…” ?
Etienne-Louis Boullee, France Donato Bramante, Italy Zion & Breen, United States Marcel Breuer, United States and Germany Michiel Brinkman Johannes Brinkman, Netherlands Neave Brown Isambard Kingdom Brunel, England Filippo Brunelleschi, Italy Erik Bryggman, Finland Charles Bulfinch, United States Thornton-Latrobe-Bulfinch, United States Shepley and Bulfinch, United States Gordon Bunshaft/ SOM, United States Lord Burlington, England Daniel Burnham, United States Decimus Burton, England William Butterfield, England Santiago Calatrava, Spain Callicrates Ictinus and Callicrates with Phidias, Greece Arnolfo di Cambio Cambridge Seven Associates Felix Candela, Mexico Cola da Caprarola Douglas Cardinal, Canada Giancarlo de Carlo, Italy Carrere and Hastings Richard Castle Severus and Celer William Chambers G. P. Chedanne, France Serge Chermayeff Mario J. Ciampi Henry Ciriani, France Henry N. Cobb, United States Alvar Aalto, Finland Robert Adam, Scotland Steffen Ahrends Gregory Ain Leon Battista Alberti, Italy Galeazzo Alessi, Italy Christopher Alexander, United States William Van Alen Amenophis III, Egypt Tadao Ando, Japan John Andrews, Australia Anthemios Apollodorus of Damascus, Roman The Architects Collaborative (TAC) Arton C. R. Ashbee, England Erik Gunnar Asplund, Sweden Arup Associates United Kingdom Gae Aulenti, France M. H. Baillie-Scott Luis Barragan, Mexico Sir Charles Barry, England William Henry Barlow Falke Barmou Edward Larabee Barnes, United States Geoffrey Bawa Gunter Behnisch, Germany Peter Behrens, Germany Belgiojoso, Peressutti and Rogers Pietro Belluschi, United States Henrik Petrus Berlage, Netherlands Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini, Italy Dominikus Böhm, Germany L. A. Boileau, France Francesco Borromini, Italy Mario Botta, Switzerland Le Corbusier Lucio Costa, Brazil Charles Correa, India Domenico da Cortona Keith Cottier, Australia Justus Dahinden Paeonis and Daphnis Howard Davis, United States Town and Davis Charles Davis/ EHDD, United States Paeonius and Demetrios John Dobson Peter Dodge/ EHDD, United States Domitian Adrien Dortsman Balkrishna Doshi, India A. E. Doyle, United States Duany and Plater-Zyberk, United States Willem Marinus Dudok, Netherlands Bijvoet and Duiker Contamin and Dutert Charles and Ray Eames, United States Karl Ehn Gustave Eiffel, France L. A. Boileau and Gustave Eiffel, France Peter Eisenman, United States Sedad Eldem, Turkey Craig Ellwood, United States Carl Ludvig Engel Kobori Enshu Arthur C. Erickson, Canada Johann Fisher von Erlach Joseph Esherick, Esherick Homsey Ralph Erskine, England, UK, Joseph Esherick, United States Aldo van Eyck, Netherlands ALL people in ALL countries are born with the capacity to be Creative
World of creative people Malaysia ASamad Said Amir Muhammad, prime minister Tun Mahathir Mohd. Argentina Ladislao Biro Juan Vucetich, Diego Maradona Carlos Gardel Astor Piazzola, South Africa Chris Barnard Ernie Els Mandella Charlize Theron Israel Abie Nathan S.Y. Agnion Dalia Rabikowitz Yona Wallach Yigal Tomarkin Peres David Ben Gurion India U.R.Ananthamurthy Anil Ananthakrishna, H.D.Devegowda, Bheem Singh Bhure Lal, Justice Venkatachaliya Lokayukta Salumarada Timmakka V.N.Narayanana P.N.A.Tharakan Bob Hoekstra Verghese Kurian M. F. Hussain Arindam Chaudhuri Shiv Khera Arundhati Roy Ritu Beri Mexico Juan Celada Mario Molina Octavio Paz Carlos Fuentes Diego Rivera Guadalupe Posada. Subcomandante Insurgente Juán O'Gorman Russia Berdyayev Vygotski, Lotman. Altshuller, Batischev, Berdyayev, Vygotski, Lotman . Dostoyevsky, Pasternak, Gogol, Bulgakov, Pushkin Chekhov Great Britain Sir Norman Foster James Dyson Richard Branson Mo Mowlem Camila Batmangheldjh Silvio Berlusconi Python team Eddie Izzard John Logie Baird Begin Sharon Gil peretz Roni Horowitz And Nir Barkat BRM GROUP Nir Barkat Shlomo Dovrat Prof. Israel Aumann Brasil Oscar Niemeyer Pelé Robinho Tom Jobin Vinicius de Moraes Gilberto Gil Portinari Hector Babenco Australia Ken Done Paul Keating Barry Humphries Olivia Newton John Kylie Minogue Janine Shepherd
? Are You
? 32 Traits
32 Traits Adaptable Curious Divergent thinker Energetic Fantasize, able to Flexible thinker Fluent Future oriented Humor Idealistic Imaginative Independent Ingenious Learning, always Non-conforming Not motivated by money Observant, highly Open-ended Original Passionate-their work Perceive world differently Question asker See possibilities Self- knowledgeable Self-actualizing Self-disciplined Sense of destiny Sensitive Severely critical Specific interests Synthesize correctly often intuitively Tolerant of ambiguity
? Why
Fun Thrive Change Grow, Survive Improve, Refocus Remove pain Solve problems !
? When/ Where
? A to Z
Attitudes/Actions Behavior Children/Clothing Designs Environments Finances/Family Gardens Hobbies Interests Jokes Knowledge Looks Meals Names Occupations Problem Solving Quests Recreation. Record Speech, Share Tables Understandings Vacations Work Excitements Yearnings Zig Zags
? About What
! Lives Work Family Selves
? What Stops It
Fear of… Jealousy Negativity Conformity Lack of Skills Needing to Fit In Lack of Confidence !
? How
New, Unique, Original 6, 12, 24, 144 Ask different Questions Seek possibilities not correct answers !
? How 2 Regain It
Practice Use Traits Add Skills ? Support Promote Recognize Encourage Apply Develop
! Resources
Resources http://www.cre8ng.com
Every aspect & part of our work, lives Organizations, cultures, countries Can be made more creative. As we develop, expand and Enrich Creative Thinking EVERYONE will generate More ideas & solutions CHOOSE TO BE…
beliefs, code of belief, commandments, conclusions credo declaration decrees directive, doctrine, dogma finding guidelines, guides, ideals, imperative, judgement laws, lead, notion, opinion, perspective, point of view, points position, principles, pronouncement standards, statement of belief, tenets, tips values, beliefs, code of belief, commandments, conclusions credo declaration decrees directive, doctrine, dogma finding guidelines, guides, ideals, imperative, judgement laws, lead, notion, opinion, perspective, point of view, points position, principles, pronouncement standards, statement of belief, tenets, tips values, beliefs, code of belief, commandments, conclusions credo declaration decrees directive, doctrine, dogma finding guidelines, guides, ideals, imperative, judgement laws, lead, notion, opinion, perspective, point of view, points position, principles, pronouncement standards, statement of belief, tenets, tips values, beliefs, code of belief, commandments, conclusions credo declaration decrees directive, doctrine, dogma finding guidelines, guides, ideals, imperative, judgement laws, lead, notion, opinion, perspective, point of view, points position, principles, pronouncement standards, statement of belief, tenets, tips values, Broken Crayons Creative Thinking Inside, Outside, Along side, Under, Over, with a New or No Box at All,
Danke Merci Gratis Xie xie ni Nandri Terima Kasih Thank you lah No worry mate Grazie Abrigado Gracias Origato