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Baptism. BY: ANDREW RADEL. BAPTISM TAKES AWAY OUR ORIGINAL SIN. Original sin is the sin that we are born with because Adam and Eve turned against God, b y eating the fruit from the tree which was forbidden. Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation and the first sacrament we receive.
BAPTISM TAKES AWAY OUR ORIGINAL SIN Original sin is the sin that we are born with because Adam and Eve turned against God, by eating the fruit from the tree which was forbidden.
Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation and the first sacrament we receive. You cannot receive any other sacrament until you are baptized.
Baptism gives us sanctifying grace Sanctifying grace is the grace that we receive at baptism and every other sacrament. It is Gods life within us.
Getting baptized As we are being Baptized we have holy water poured on our heads.
Before we are baptized we or our parents chose godparents. Godparents guide and teach there godchild in the catholic faith.
The white garment and candle. The white garment represents you putting on Christ, and the candle represents the light of Christ.