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Purchasing and Accounts Payable. THINGS TO KNOW. DEFINITIONS.
Purchasingand Accounts Payable THINGS TO KNOW
DEFINITIONS • REQUISITIONS- Formal authorization to make a purchase - getting permission to buy something. Board Policy 6210: “Staff who obligate the district without proper prior authorization may be held personally responsible for payment of such obligation.” • PURCHASE ORDERS – A commercial document – an offer issued by a buyer to a seller. Essentially, a “promise to pay”. • REIMBURSEMENTS – Compensation for money spent for an item that becomes the property of the district or a service received in behalf of the district. • REQUESTOR – The person requesting to make an order or receive reimbursement. • VENDOR – The person or company providing an item or service to the district. In case of reimbursements, the Requestor is also the Vendor. PRIOR APPROVAL IS NEEDED FOR ALL PURCHASES, even if they are grant funded or from a teacher’s 400 account; otherwise the Requestor may be personally liable for the expense.
AN IMPORTANT notE about grants • GRANTS do not become available for spending until the month is closed out on the books. The business office closes the books generally in the second week of the month. Any deposits made after the second week of the month will not become available for spending until after the second week of the next month.
1Where will the money come from? 2 Who’s Paying First? you want to make a purchasE? Ask yourself two questions The School Me. (I’m going to ask for Reimbursement.) An account directly related to me and/or my job – such as My 400 Account or a Grant I received (such as from Booster Club or Ed Foudnation) Another Account Directly related to my job. Example: I’m the librarian – the library account will pay for it. Other Accounts (Basic Ed funds, Special Ed, Title, LAP, ASB, etc.) You are the vendor. The vendor is the vendor. PAPER REQUISITION SKYWARD REQUISITION
Three Types of Vendors You(You will ask for reimbursement) All Other Vendors Ecommerce Vendors(Vendor’s e-systems Interact directly wth Skyward) Except (It’s a slightly different animal) • Do requisition as normal, except: • Print out exactly what item(s) you want to purchase and give the print-out(s) to Secretary (Secretary will place the order on district’s corporate account.) Paper or Skyward (see next slide) Skyward Only Paper or Skyward (see next slide)
General Fund Requisition Flow Submit Electronic REQUISITION Complete Paper PURCHASE REQUISITION Paper Submission Submit Electronically Requestor See Instructions Needs Work SecretaryGenerates PURCHASE ORDER (on Fridays) Superintendent Business Manager
ASB Fund Requisition Flow Submit Electronic REQUISITION Complete Paper PURCHASE REQUISITION Paper Submission Submit Electronically See Instructions Requestor SecretaryGenerates PURCHASE ORDER (on Fridays) Bus. Manager Superintendent ASB Advisor ASB Student Treasurer
Purchase Order is Approved! Now what? Secretary places the order Unless… You checked this box Or, made a note on the skyward requisition on the MASTER INFORMATION screen that you would do it. ✓ In, which case, the you, the Requestor, place the order
My Order Arrived! Now What? …and then emails you to let you know when the item is ready for you to pick it up. Secretary verifies the order against the purchase order Small attractive items with a value $500 get forwarded to the Librarian, who catalogs the item Packing Slip Invoice Vendor Vendor gets paid Accounts Payable
I listed myself as the vendor on the purchase requisition and paid for the item(s) myself (used my credit card on Amazon, for example)…how do I get reimbursed? Requester gets paid Receipt Packing Slip NOTE: Accounts Payable checks are generated every 2nd Monday. Check website for actual dates. Purchase Order Accounts Payable
I bought the items at the store and have receipts, how do I get reimbursed? YOUR NAME HERE Purchase Reimbursement Form Obtain written prior approval from Superintendent before spending using the requisition process YOUR NAME HERE Receipts Requester gets paid Superintendent Business Manager Accounts Payable
How do I get reimbursed for travel expenses? Obtain Prior Approval from Superintendent Before Traveling! Claim for Travel Expenses Form Receipts Requester gets paid Superintendent Business Manager Accounts Payable
Electronic Requisitions in Quick Reference Instructions Log into Employee Access. Then go to : Financial Management/ Purchasing/ My Requisitions Ecommerce allows you to shop with certain vendors at their website and use their shopping cart to add items directly into Skyward Could my order be E-commerce? No Yes Click “Add from Online Catalog”. Then Select a Vendor. Verify Requisition Group, Accounting Year, Vendor, and add a description. Then click “Save and Add Detail” Click “No” to security warning, then add items to Shopping Cart on Vendor’s website. Click “Save”. Fill in the required Detail Lines, then click “Save” Back in Skyward, click “OK”, then click “Edit”. Click “Add Requisition Accounts” Click “View Requisition Accounts”, then “Add Account” Distrib” Select correct account(s). Click “Save Account Distrib”. Add attachments or notes if you need to BACK Click “Submit for Approval” when you are done.