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Coherency Sensitive Hashing (CSH). Simon Korman and Shai Avidan Dept. of Electrical Engineering Tel Aviv University ICCV2011 | 13th International Conference on Computer Vision. Outline. Introduction Locality Sensitive Hashing for Finding Nearest Neighbors
Coherency Sensitive Hashing (CSH) Simon Korman and ShaiAvidan Dept. of Electrical Engineering Tel Aviv University ICCV2011 | 13th International Conference on Computer Vision
Outline • Introduction • Locality Sensitive Hashing for Finding Nearest Neighbors • Coherency Sensitive Hashing • Experiments • Conclusions
Introduction(1/2) Patch : k*k block 1080 query Find the closest patch linear search(search every patch one by one) 1920
Introduction(2/2) • (Streaming) Massive Data Sets => High Dimensional Vectors • E.g. 8*8 patch => v= [ v1, v2, ..., vi , …, vN] , dimension N = 64 • Linear search = find nearest neighbor • For very large databases of high-dimensional items • Time-consuming • Needs to find ApproximateNearest Neighbors (ANN) for each patch in real time. • Curse of dimensionality • Existing ANN methods include trees and hashes. • KD-trees • Locality-Sensitive Hashing(LSH)
Locality Sensitive Hashing for Finding Nearest Neighbors(1/2) Random line • A collision occurs when two points hash to the same value Projection = hash function Look up table Repeat L times =>the closest point will collide most times bucket Hash table
Locality Sensitive Hashing for Finding Nearest Neighbors(2/2) • Hash function: • a is d-dimensional random vector • r is predefine integer • Constant width of each quantization bin • b is random value from range [0, r] • To balance quantizationerror • v is the original vector 1. indexing 2. search
Coherency Sensitive Hashing (CSH) White:1, Black:-1 s=1, 4x4 kernel
4.2.1 Candidate Creation • Patch a, a1,a2of image A; Patch b, b1,b2of image B : Each entry can store k patches from each image=>total k+2*(k+1)+k=4k+2 candidates
4.2.2 Candidate Ranking • Given the candidate set (of size 4k + 2), to find the nearest one. • Main overall time consumer • Approximate the process, have a little impact, greatly reduce time. • Use Walsh Hadamard(WH) projections • Already computed in the indexing stage. • Accumulating the projections of the differences of patches on the WH kernels.
Experiments • We collected 133 pairs of images, taken from 1080p HD
Experiments • We computed the exact nearest neighbor match to serve as a ground truth. • A novel algorithm PatchMatch [4] to compare : • Not as accurate as LSH or KD-trees. • So fast. The key to this speedup is spatial coherent. Error : not the same match with ground truth [4] C. Barnes, E. Shechtman, A. Finkelstein, and D. B. Goldman. PatchMatch: A randomized correspondence algorithm for structural image editing. In SIGGRAPH, 28(3), 2009.
Image Reconstruction • Reconstruct image A, use image B • Such reconstructions are very common in many applications. • image editing (e.g. retargetting, inpainting), image denoising and super-resolution… • It simply replaces each pixel with the average of the corresponding pixels. Image B Image A
More results on web : http://www.eng.tau.ac.il/~simonk/CSH/index.html
Conclusions • We proposed an algorithm for computing ANN fields termed Coherency Sensitivity Hashing. • Follows LSH search scheme • But combines image coherency cues • It was shown to be faster and more accurate than PatchMatch.