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SIPPS Lesson 27

SIPPS Lesson 27. Review ai_, _ay, or, ir, ar, ee, ea. aim jay rid raid bay. sar ait dail aiv tay. Mixed Lists. clay waist bray quill quail. tain aiv cray quist aint. harder lists. connect connected disconnected connecting connection. absent absence absences

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SIPPS Lesson 27

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SIPPS Lesson 27 Review ai_, _ay, or, ir, ar, ee, ea

  2. aim jay rid raid bay sar ait dail aiv tay Mixed Lists

  3. clay waist bray quill quail tain aiv cray quist aint harder lists

  4. connect connected disconnected connecting connection absent absence absences absentee Morphemic Transformations

  5. conditions conditional unconditional unconditionally govern government governmental governor Morphemic Transformations

  6. invent inventor invention reinvent uninvented inspire inspiring inspiration inspirational cont’d

  7. Sight Syllables dis (discuss, distance) -mand (demand, command) -spect (inspect, respect) [def: look]

  8. mand (demand, command) [def: order] grat (gratitude) [def: thank)

  9. num.er.ous numerous re.main.der remainder dis.play display sail.or sailor Eng.land England break.fast breakfast se.ri.ous serious dair.y dairy pop.u.lar popular tre.men.dous tremendous de.part.ment department in.de.pen.dence independence cer.tain certain Mas.sa.chu.setts Massachusetts a.pos.tro.phe apostrophe ref.er.ence reference main.tain maintain re.li.gious religious reading syllables

  10. may.or mayor af.fairs affairs re.gard regard lay.er layer cam.paign campaign magician magician var.i.ous various hur.ried.ly hurriedly anx.ious.ly anxiously car.riage carriage pre.vi.ous previous im.ag.ine imagine

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