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SIPPS Lesson 26

SIPPS Lesson 26. Will it rain all day? ai_, _ay. bait cork ray hate nay. laim tor dain ay irm. Mixed Lists. claim sport tray flame spray. aist stor ainst surp smay. harder mixed lists. irregular words. Please help me build my new fort? build

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SIPPS Lesson 26

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SIPPS Lesson 26 Will it rain all day? ai_, _ay

  2. bait cork ray hate nay laim tor dain ay irm Mixed Lists

  3. claim sport tray flame spray aist stor ainst surp smay harder mixed lists

  4. irregular words Please help me build my new fort? build No, I will not help. I built a fort last year. built Hand my a piece of candy, please piece

  5. possible possibly impossible mistake mistaken unmistakable consider considered reconsidered considerate consideration considerable Morphemic Transformations

  6. illustrate illustrator illustration assist assisted assisting assistance possible possibly possibility impossible impossibly impossibility

  7. Sight Syllables ent (accident, different) ves (vessel) cap (capital, captain)

  8. sight syllables cont’d fac (factory, manufacture) [def: make] civ (civil, civilization) [def: citizen]

  9. ner.vous nervous a.way away cor.ner corner con.tain.er container fa.vor.ite favorite re.main remain al.ways always im.ag.ine imagine sub.ma.rine submarine com.fort.a.ble comfortable hol.i.day holiday pre.vi.ous previous mo.tor motor ex.claim exclaim reading syllables

  10. lay.er layer Ha.wai.i Hawaii car.riage carriage Nor.way Norway ner.vous nervous ob.tain obtain may.or mayor man.u.fac.ture manufacture im.me.di.ate immediate com.mu.ni.cate communicate for.mu.la formula pre.vi.ous previous hos.pi.tal.i.ty hospitality anx.ious.ly anxiously hur.ried.ly hurriedly cont’d

  11. kitty beside tumble polite tomato travel garbage wa.gon cabin hamburger duty budget station lever Reading Entire Words

  12. committee flavor effort process detective Roman formal target muzzle derive coffee digestion liberty incident opera specific

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