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He chose 12 sailors sick with scurvy and gave each pair either: a quart of cider a day;

8A2 Vitamins and minerals. Who was James Lind?. In 1746 he investigated a cure for scurvy aboard HMS Salisbury. He chose 12 sailors sick with scurvy and gave each pair either: a quart of cider a day; a medicine containing the acid, vitriol, three times a day;

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He chose 12 sailors sick with scurvy and gave each pair either: a quart of cider a day;

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 8A2 Vitamins and minerals Who was James Lind? In 1746 he investigated a cure for scurvy aboard HMS Salisbury. He chose 12 sailors sick with scurvy and gave each pair either: • a quart of cider a day; • a medicine containing the acid, vitriol, three times a day; • a spoonful of vinegar three times a day; • a half pint of sea water every day; • an orange and a lemon every day; • one pill containing garlic, mustard seed, balsam and myrrh every day. He observed the sailors every day for a week. Only the sailors given citrus fruits showed any improvements.

  2. Vitamin What is it used for? Deficiency disease What foods contain it? A Vision, healthy skin Night-blindness Milk, cheese, oily fish, carrots, dark green vegetables B1 Healthy nerves, release of energy from cells Beri-beri Whole-grain cereals, yeast, nuts, egg, liver, peas, beans C Cell processes, absorbing iron Scurvy Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, blackcurrants D Absorbing calcium and making bones Rickets Oily fish, milk, butter, eggs All about vitamins

  3. All about minerals Mineral What is it used for? Deficiency disease What foods contain it? Calcium Bones, teeth, nerve cells Rickets Cheese, milk, sardines, chocolate, bread, spinach Iron In red blood cells, releasing energy Anaemia Liver, meat, eggs, cereals, apricots, spinach, cocoa

  4. Who was FG Hopkins? • FG Hopkins fed some rats on a diet of protein, carbohydrate and fat. • To some he also gave a small amount of milk each day. • Here is a graph of his results:

  5. RDAs of vitamins and minerals RDAs of vitamins and minerals (in milligrams, mg) Vitamin A 0.8 Vitamin B1 1.4 Vitamin C 60 Vitamin D 0.05 Calcium 800 Iron 14 Do you know what RDA means? Recommended daily allowance

  6. Deficiency diseases Match the deficiency disease to the food that will prevent it. Click to reveal the answers. rickets cereals anaemia oranges beri-beri carrots scurvy liver night-blindness milk

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