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Sexual and Reproductive Health. JEOPARDY!. Game Rules/Guidelines. Participants will divide into two teams, each sitting in a circle. Ask participants to come up with a name for their team. Write these names on a flip chart, for scoring.
Sexual and Reproductive Health JEOPARDY!
Game Rules/Guidelines • Participants will divide into two teams, each sitting in a circle. • Ask participants to come up with a name for their team. Write these names on a flip chart, for scoring. • This game of Jeopardy has five categories to choose from. As the numbers go up, the questions become more difficult (i.e. 500 is more difficult than 100). • The facilitator will choose the first category and number, and read the question out loud. • After the facilitator has read the question, the teams will have the opportunity to talk within their group and decide on the correct answer. *Teams cannot answer before the facilitator has read the complete question*
Game Rules/Guidelines • The first team that slaps the table (or raises their hands) will get to answer the question. They should provide an immediate answer within ten seconds. If they answer correctly, then they get the points for that question and will have the opportunity to choose the next category and number. If they do not answer correctly, then the other team will get the chance to answer and get the points. • The facilitator should keep score on the flipchart. If neither team answers the question correctly or within one minute of posting the question, then the facilitator will choose the next category and number. • The Daily Double is worth double points • The team that has the most points after all of the questions are answered wins!
What is reproductive health? Defined by WHO as a state of physical, mental and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system at all stages of life. Reproductive health implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so. Click here to play more Jeopardy!
State one youth reproductive right • The right to gender equality and to be free from all form of discrimination • The right to freedom of thought • The right to information and education on RH and sexuality • The right to choose whether or not to marry and to found and plan a family • The right to the best possible sexual and reproductive health services • The right to participation • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
State at least three components of reproductive health • ASRH • Safe motherhood • Family Planning • RTO, STIs and HIV/AIDS • Reproductive rights • RT non-infectious details • Gender-based abuse and violence • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
State at least three reasons why YRH is important for education and employability • Reduces chances for girls to drop out from school due to teen pregnancy • Reduces risk of gender-based violence in school and at work • Increases self-confidence of youthThere are many others — it is up to the discretion of the facilitator which answers are acceptable • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
What is one Millennium Development Goal that corresponds to Reproductive Health? • Target 5.A: Reduce by three quarters, bewteen 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio • Target 5.B: Achieve by 2015, universal access to reproductive health • Target 3.A: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015 • Target 4.A: Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate • Target 6.A: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS • Target 6.B: Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
List one potential health complication of early teenage pregnancy • Maternal or child mortality • Maternal morbidity (ie fistula) • Premature birth weight • Neonatal trauma • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
What is the minimum number of times should a pregnant woman visit the antenatal clinic? Based on research findings, WHO recommends at least four antenatal visits for all pregnant women at specific times during which interventions beneficial for the health of the mother and/or the baby can be administered. Click here to play more Jeopardy!
State three things a pregnant woman should avoid • Alcohol • Smoking • Drugs • X-rays • A harmful environment • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
True or False: The #3 killer of girls aged 15-19 globally is pregnancy and childbirth-related deaths • False: According to the UNFPA, pregnancy and childbirth-related deaths are the #1 killer of girls aged 15-19 globally. Each year, nearly 70,000 young girls die. • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
List one of the ten countries in the world where early motherhood is the most threatening to young girls • Niger • Liberia • Mali • Chad • Afghanistan • Uganda • Malawi • Guinea • Mozambique • Central African Republic • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
Name two barrier methods of contraception • Male condom • Female condom • Cervical cap • Diaphragm • The sponge • Spermicide • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
Name two hormonal methods of family planning • Oral contraceptive pill (“the pill”) • Contraceptive patch • Contraceptive vaginal ring • Injections • Implants • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
Name three family planning methods that can be used by young people • Oral contraceptive pills • Injectables (Implants and IUDs; depending on cultural beliefs) • Traditional/Natural family planning • Barrier methods • Emergency contraception • Any non permanent methods • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
Name one method of natural/traditional family planning • Calendar method (cycle beads, rhythm method, etc) • Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) • Symptoms-based (monitoring basal body temperature, ovulation, etc • Abstinence • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
What is the recommended time to space births from birth of child until next pregnancy? According to WHO, after a live birth, the recommended interval before attempting the next pregnancy (birth to pregnancy) is at least 24 months in order to reduce the risk of adverse maternal, perinatal and infant outcomes. In terms of birth interval (birth to birth) it is 32 months at least. Click here to play more Jeopardy!
List the three categories of gender-based violence • Physical • Emotional • Sexual • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
State three possible consequences of sexual violence • Medical: trauma to reproductive tract; STIs, HIV, unwanted pregnancy—unsafe abortion; • Psycholgical: post-traumatic stress disorder; depression; attempted suicide; • Social: stigma and discrimination; unsafe environment • (participants can name a combination of any of the three consequences mentioned within the categories above) • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
State two things that should be offered to assist a woman who has been raped • Rape kit • STI, HIV and pregnancy tests • Counseling • Shelter (if home not safe) • Legal council • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
State two ways a young person can experience gender-based violence at school • Physical: Corporal punishment; anything that can cause physical harm to a person • Sexual: Sex with someone without his/her consent or while they are incapacitated; the use of power or other intimidation to coerce sexual activity or favors; unwanted touch of any kind; sexual harassment or humiliation; drawing attention to someone based only on sex or what they are wearing, or how they are presenting themselves; treating one as an object • Psychological: Making threats; teasing; intimidating; putting someone down; bullying; humiliating; ignoring • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
What country has the highest prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence? South Africa: 1.19538 per 1,000 people Seychelles: 0.788294 per 1,000 people Australia: 0.777999 per 1,000 people Montserrat: 0.749384 per 1,000 people Canada: 0.733089 per 1,000 people Jamaica: 0.476608 per 1,000 people Zimbabwe: 0.457775 per 1,000 people Dominica: 0.34768 per 1,000 people United States: 0.301318 per 1,000 people Iceland: 0.246009 per 1,000 people Click here to play more Jeopardy!
List three STIs, other than HIV/AIDS • Bacterial • Chancroid • Donovanosis • Gonorrhea • Chlamidya • Syphillis • Viral • Adenoviruses • Viral hepatitis (Hepatitis B virus) • Herpes simplex (Herpes simplex virus (1,2)) • Genital warts/Human papillomavirus (HPV) • Kaposi’d sarcoma • Parasites • Pubic lice, collaquially known as “crabs” • Scabies • Protozoal • Trichomoniasis • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
DAILY DOUBLE: Globally, what is the most common life-threatening opportunistic infection affecting people living with HIV/AIDS? Tuberculosis Click here to play more Jeopardy!
Name the four bodily fluids that can transmit HIV from one person to another • Blood • Breast milk • Vaginal fluid • Seminal fluid • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
List one reason that sub-Saharan Africa has the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world. • Multiple concurrent partnerships • Transactional sex (perpetuated by poverty) • Click here to play more Jeopardy!
HIV prevention programs reach individuals with standard ABC messages. What do A, B, and C stand for? • Abstinence • Be faithful • Condom use • Click here to play more Jeopardy!