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Languages and Literacy

Languages and Literacy. Literacy is about communicating thoughts and feelings using words. It connects us to our world, helps us to be a functioning part of our culture. In a LOTE the 4 skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are taught.

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Languages and Literacy

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  1. Languages and Literacy • Literacy is about communicating thoughts and feelings using words. • It connects us to our world, helps us to be a functioning part of our culture. • In a LOTE the 4 skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are taught. • Children can be successful in any or all of these macro skills. • LSRW in the 1st or 2nd language help the whole cognitive system to develop (Cummins)

  2. Why not focus more on English? question: • Here at (school name) our English Literacy program is achieving fantastic results already. • LOTE can enhance literacy in English – better understanding of English by comparing how the 2 languages work. • study of LOTE helps develop skills of communication for the 21st century, increasing global connections.

  3. myth: English is the only area for developing literacy • All areas of the curriculum develop literacy, and all teachers are responsible. • Literacy is about language. • LOTE can enhance literacy, language and communication skills. • There is one integrated source of thought underlying each language learning. When you develop understanding of one system, the others develop also. • Teachers can use strategies to assist this.

  4. question: How can LOTE help English literacy? • Comparison of 1st and 2nd language helps learners to better understand English structure and workings. • develops better skills for decoding and making meaning. • LOTE helps flexibility and competence with language concepts. • Can be a new beginning for some to achieve success, self-esteem and English language development.

  5. myth: Languages are only for academics and less able students shouldn’t have to do them. • It’s normal for people to speak more than one language. • Ability to acquire language is not linked to particular intelligence. • All children will achieve well in a language if they challenge themselves. • For some children who have not had much success with language before, it is a chance to enter on a level playing field and start fresh with all the others in their class.

  6. question: Will studying another language be confusing for the children? • learners don’t mix up LOTE with 1st language. • successful second language learners transfer their knowledge about language from one language to another. • effective LOTE teachers help this to happen. • research shows those students continuing to learn a LOTE achieve better results in English.

  7. question: What is the point in studying another language when English is now the International language? • To be literate in the 21st century is to be able to manage communication across languages and cultures. • To understand other cultures it is essential to understand how their language works. • Particularly important to access opportunities with our closest neighbour, Indonesia, millions of whom will not be proficient in English. • communication with global markets - 1997, 80% of home pages in English; 2001 - 43% online pop. using English (Global Reach – Internet Statistics)

  8. The Languages and Literacy Partnership in the 21st century • 21st century children need a different literacy from that of their parents. • Literacy in English is also about culture and about distinctive ways of thinking and being. • LOTE gives another perspective on the world which is used to make sense of our own culture.

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