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Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program Update. EIAS Database Workshop June 18, 2008. Topics. 2006-07 VPK Participation Kindergarten Screening Data Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rates 2007-08 VPK Participation FTE Funding Legislative Appropriations
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program Update EIAS Database Workshop June 18, 2008
Topics • 2006-07 VPK Participation • Kindergarten Screening Data • Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rates • 2007-08 VPK Participation • FTE Funding • Legislative Appropriations • Minimum Funding for School District Summer VPK Programs • Class Size Reduction Requirements • Reporting VPK Students in Public Schools
2006-07 VPK Participation Data 120,483 Children in School-Year Programs + 10,370 Children in Summer Programs • 130,853 Total Children Enrolled (58%)
2006-07 VPK Providers 4,538 School-Year Providers + 578 Summer Providers • 5,116 Total VPK Providers
Kindergarten Screening Section 1002.69(1), F.S., requires DOE to: • Direct each school district to administer a statewide screening instrument to each kindergarten student in the school district within the first 30 days of each school year. • Each school district shall designate sites to administer the statewide kindergarten screening for non-public school childrenwho attended VPK in the previous year.
Kindergarten Screening • Subset of the Early Childhood Observation System (ECHOS) • Two measures of Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) • Letter Naming Fluency • Initial Sound Fluency
Kindergarten Screening • To be considered “ready for kindergarten” a child should score • ECHOS: • Consistently Demonstrating or • Emerging/Progressing • DIBELS (Letter Naming and Initial Sound): • Above Average or • Low Risk
2007-08 ECHOS Results: VPK Completers and VPK Non-Completers
2007-08 DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency (LNF) Results: VPK Completers and VPK Non-Completers
2007-08 DIBELS Initial Sound Fluency (ISF) Results VPK Completers and VPK Non-Completers
VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate • One accountability indicator for the VPK Education program is the VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate • The Readiness Rate is calculated based on the performance of a provider’s VPK graduates on the Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener (FLKRS)
Calculation of VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate • A provider’s rate is equal to the sum of the percent of children who are “ready” on each measure(ECHOS + Letter Naming + Initial Sound)
Minimum Kindergarten Readiness Rate Section 1002.69(6), F.S., requires: • State Board of Education adoption of a minimum kindergarten readiness rate that, if achieved by a provider would demonstrate the provider’s satisfactory delivery of the VPK program. • The minimum rate may not exceed the rate at which more that 15 percent of all providers would fall below the minimum rate.
2006-07 VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate – Statewide Results • Children who participated in the VPK program performed better on the kindergarten screening than children who did not participate. • 2006-07 Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate reflects the performance of 90% of all VPK providers. • Eighty-five percent of Florida’s VPK providers earned a readiness rate greater than 210 out of a possible 300 points.
Providers Not in Rate • Ten percent (10%) or 521/5,116 VPK providers were not included in the readiness rate due to having less than four children: • Enrolled • Met substantial completion (70% or more of the program) • Screening results on each of the measures.
2006-07 VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate TimelinesRule 6A-1.099821, FAC • 11/21 – 12/11: Provider Verification of Children Served • 12/11 – 1/11/08: Coalitions/DOE/AWI approve changes • December: KG screening results matched with Survey 2 • December/January: Screening/Survey 2 data matched with AWI Provider/Child data base • 1/18: Preliminary Rates Calculated and Posted • 1/18 – 2/2: Dispute Process • 2/18: Final Rates Posted • 2/19 State Board Meeting: Minimum Rate Set
VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate Website: www.vpk.fldoe.org
Readiness Rate Match Process Data Flow Diagram AWI Provider Child Data Data EDW Survey 2 FLKRS DataScores To Infinity to Match (Master File with FLKRS/S2) Providers/Coalitions Verify Data on Readiness Rate Website MASTER FILE To E&R to Calculate Readiness Rate Dispute Process PRELIMINARY READINESS RATE DOE/AWI Verify and Accept or Decline Disputed Data Accepted Changes Incorporated into Final Data File FINAL READINESS RATE
2007-08 Statistics (as of April 23, 2008) 126,436 Children in School-Year Programs +10,000 Children in Summer Programs* • 136,436 Total Children Enrolled (59%) * From VPK Estimating Conference, March 2008
2007-08 VPK FTE Funding • 2007 Appropriations = $343,749,575(60.6%@ 87.30% Payout Rate) • July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 = $2,677 x DCD + 5% Coalition Administrative Cost with minimum funding for school district-required VPK program in summer ---------------------------------------------- • 2008 Appropriations = $354,349,575(62.2% @ 88.0% Payout Rate) • 2008 July and 2008-09 School-Year Program = $2,628 X DCD+ 5% Coalition Administrative Cost
District Summer VPK Minimum Funding LevelSection 1002.71(3)(d), F.S. • Funding for Summer VPK programs offered by school districts shall be • Based on a FTE that is evenly divisible by 10OREnrollment calculation shall be adjusted by adding the minimum number of students / FTE that is evenly divisible by 10 (i.e. round up to nearest 10) • Calculated monthly at the district level Note: The additional funds are sent after student attendance is certified and advance payments are reconciled by the early learning coalition.
District Summer VPK Minimum Funding Level • Section 1002.53(6)(b), F.S. requires • “...the school district must provide for the admission of every eligible child within the district whose parent enrolls the child in a summer prekindergarten program delivered by a public school under s. 1002.61.”
District Summer VPK Minimum Funding LevelBase Student Allocation • May and June payments based on2007-08 VPK BSA of $2,677 • July and August payments based on 2008-09 VPK BSA of $2,628
Impact of Class Size Calculation • To be eligible to offer the VPK school-year program, the school must meet the applicable class size requirements. • For 2008-09, 31 schools in 14districts and FAU/Palm Beach and FSU lab schools are ineligible to offer the VPK school-year program.
Class Size / Charter Schools • Charter schools may offer VPK if class size requirements are metAND • If the charter contract with the district school board includes VPK as a grade level, the charter school VPK program is considered a public school and is exempt from state child care licensure requirements • If the charter contract does not include VPK, then the charter school VPK program is considered a private school and licensure requirements must be met.
Reporting on FLDOE Database Districts required to submit information to the DOE regarding these students consistent with the DOE’s FTE General Instructions Reporting to local Coalition for funding Enrollment Attendance Reconciliation Reporting VPK Students in Public Schools
District Data Collection Requirements • Report children enrolled in school district VPK programs using VPK course code numbers • Report expenditures using VPK program cost category • Function 5500 for direct expenditures • Function 5900 for costs that are normally incurred by the facility for staff • School-Year and Summer should be reported in separate projects • Do not report pupil transportation expenditures (Function 7800) • Comply with AWI/Early Learning Coalition reporting requirements
VPK in Public Schools / MIS • FTE General Instructions • “A separate Student Course Schedule format must be reported for each class in which a PK-12 student is in membership during each of the Survey Periods, regardless of the eligibility of that student to be counted for funding in the Florida Education Finance Program.”
VPK MIS / School Year • 540 Hour (School Year) program • Reported in Surveys 2 and/or 3, as appropriate • Course # 5100580 • FEFP Program Number: 999 • FTE Earned: 0000 • Days Per Week/Class Minutes Weekly: • The number of days per week the student is scheduled to attend VPK and the actual number of instructional membership minutes during the week for which the student is enrolled in VPK
VPK MIS / Summer • 300 Hour (Summer) program • Reported in Surveys 4 and 1 • Course # 5100590 • FEFP Program Number: 999 • FTE Earned: 0000 • Days Per Week/Class Minutes Weekly • The number of days per week the student is scheduled to attend VPK and the actual number of instructional membership minutes during the week for which the student is enrolled in VPK
School Number for VPK students served in contracted sites • District VPK students served in contracted sites • The district MSID contact should request a number by completing and submitting the Master School Identification (MSID) application. • 9001 (Superintendent’s Office)
Federal/State Indicator Status format (Surveys 2, 3, and 5) • Prekindergarten / VPK Students • Prekindergarten Program Participation - Code V unless the student participates in more than one program, in which case the program which is the primary funding source should be recorded
Federal/State Indicator Status format (Surveys 2, 3, and 5) • Kindergarten Students (formerly in VPK) • Program Participation Prior to Kindergarten – Code V unless the student participated in more than one program,in which case the program which was the primary funding source should be recorded
Prior School Status/Student Attendance format (Surveys 2, 3, 5) • Prekindergarten / VPK Students • E05 if the student is enrolled in PK for the first time • E09 if the student is enrolled in PK for the first time and enters from a country other than the U.S. or a U.S. Commonwealth / Territory
Prior School Status/Student Attendance format (Surveys 2, 3, 5) • Kindergarten Students (formerly in a district / public school VPK program) • E01 if enrolled in same district for KG as attended for VPK • E02 if enrolled in a different district for KG than attended for VPK
Prior School Status/Student Attendance format (Surveys 2, 3, 5) • Kindergarten Students (formerly in a non-district / non-public school VPK program) • E03 if previously in a private school/VPK program • E05 if previously in a private child care center or family child care home/VPK program or has never attended public or private school
VPK in Private Schools / ESE • Students attending a private VPK program who receive ESE services from the district may be reported for ESE funding but must not be reported for the VPK course (on Student Course Schedule format)
VPK in Public Schools / ESE • Fulltime ESE students for whom the location of services is the VPK class in a public school should be reported with appropriate ESE course number for 720 hours of FEFP funding during the regular school year • Are not reported for VPK course • Do not receive funding for VPK • May attend Summer VPK
VPK in Public Schools / Blended Programs • VPK courses may be submitted with other PK courses, such as 5100520 (Head Start), 5100530 (Title 1 PreK), 5100560 (PreK Other) , and 5100570 (School Readiness) • VPK courses may be submitted with ESE course(s) funded through the FEFP(e.g. VPK / FEFP number 999 for 900 minutes a week may be submitted with ESE / FEFP number 111 for 90 minutes a week)
Staff Demographic Information (Surveys 2, 3, and 5) • Degree/Credential Earned • C - Child Development Associate (CDA)or CDA Equivalent (CDAE) • A - Associate’s • B - Bachelor’s • M - Master’s • S - Specialist • D - Doctorate • Z - Not applicable
2008-09 “STUDENT” DATABASE CHANGES Revised Data Element:CERTIFICATION/LICENSURE/QUALIFICATION STATUS[Located on the Teacher Course format – Student Database]Added a new code (“V”) for the VPK program to identify the qualifying status of prekindergarten instructors. [VPK Course numbers: 5100580, 5100590] CODE/DEFINITION :A …….. adjunct teaching certificate as per s. 1012.57, F.S. B Substitute teacher. H ……. qualified status has been documented pursuant to a … (HOUSSE) plan, as per …. I Instructional staff member certified/licensed in the field being taught. O ….. appointed by the school board to teach out-of-field under Rule 6A-1.0503, FAC. M ….. teaching in a field that was the teacher’s minor field of study, as per s. 1012.42, F.S. S …… teaching in a field ….. has demonstrated sufficient ….. expertise, as per s. 1012.42, F. S. N Non-certificated ….. possessing expert skill in ….. appointed ….. under Rule 6A-1.0502, FAC. V Prekindergarten instructor certified/licensed to teach Voluntary Prekindergarten classes per ss. 1002.63(5), 1002.55(3)(c), and 1002.55(4), F.S.
Contact Information Office of Early Learning Florida Department of Education (850) 245-0445 earlylearning@fldoe.org