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Solving Scalar Linear Systems Iterative approach. Lecture 15 MA/CS 471 Fall 2003. Some matlab scripts to construct various types of random circuit loop matrices are available at the class website:. The Sparsity Pattern of a Loop Circuit Matrix for a Random Circuit (with 1000 closed loops).
Solving Scalar Linear Systems Iterative approach Lecture 15 MA/CS 471 Fall 2003
Some matlab scripts to construct various types of randomcircuit loop matricesare available at the class website:
The Sparsity Pattern of a Loop Circuit Matrix for a Random Circuit (with 1000 closed loops) b
gridcircuit.m An array of current loops with random resistors (resistors on circuit boundary not shown)
Matrix Due To Random Grid Circuit b Note the large amount of structure in the loop circuit matrix
The Limits of Factorization • In the last class/lab we began to see that there are limits to the size of linear system solvable with matrix factorization based methods. • The storage cost for the loop current matrix built on a Cartesian circuit stored as a sparse NxN matrix is ~ 5*N • However, using LU (or Cholesky) and symmetric RCM the storage requirement is b*N which is typically at least an order of magnitude larger than the storage required for the loop matrix itself. • Also – memory spent on storing the matrices is memory we could have used for extra cells…
Alternative Approach • We are going to pursue iterativemethods which will satisfy the equationin an approximate way without an excessive amount of extra storage. • There are a number of different classes of iterative methods, today we will discuss an example from the class of stationary methods. http://www.netlib.org/linalg/html_templates/node9.html
Jacobi Iteration • Example system: • Initial guess: • Algorithm: • i.e. for the I’th equation compute the I’th degree of freedom using the values computed from the previous iteration.
Couple of Iterations 1st iteration: 2nd iteration:
Pseudo-Code For Jacobi Method 1) Build A, b 2) Build modified A with diagonal zero Q 3) Set initial guess x=0 4) do{ a) compute: b) compute error: c) update x: }while err>tol
Running The Jacobi Iteration Script • I ran the script with the stopping tolerance (tol) set to 1e-8: • Note that the error is of the order of 1e-8 !!! • i.e. the Jacobi iterative method computes an approximate solution to the system of equations!.
Try The Larger Systems • First I made the script into a function which takes the rhs vector, system matrix and stopping tolerance as input. • It returns the approximate solution and the residual history.
Run Time! • First I built a circuit matrix using the gridcircuit.m script (with N=100) • Then I built a random source vector for the right hand side. • Then I called the jacobisolve routine with: • [x,residuals] = jacobisolve(mat,b,1e-4);
Convergence History Stoppingcriterion..
Increasing System Size Notice how the number of iterations required grew with N
Ok – so I kind of broke the rules • We set up the Jacobi iteration but did not ask the question “when will the Jacobi iteration converge and how fast?” Definition: A matrix A is diagonally dominant if Theorem: If the matrix A is diagonally dominant then Ax=b has a unique solution x and the Jacobi iteration produces a sequence which converges to x for any initial guess Informally: The “more diagonally dominant” a matrix is the faster it will converge… this holds some of the time.
Going Back To The Circuit System • For the gridcircuit code I set up the resistors so that all the internal circuit loops shared all their resistors with other loops. • the current balance law => for internal cells the total cell resistance = sum of of resistances shared with neighboring cells… • i.e. the row sums of the internal cell loop currents is zero • i.e. the matrix is weakly diagonally dominant – and does not exactly satisfy the convergence criterion for the Jacobi iterative scheme.
Slight Modification of the Circuit • I added an additional random resistor to each cell (i.e. increased the diagonal entry and did not change the off-diagonal entries). • This modification ensures that the matrix is now strictly diagonally dominant.
Convergence history for diagonally dominant system – notice dramatic reduction in iteration count
Gauss-Seidel • Example system: • Initial guess: • Algorithm: • i.e. for the I’th equation compute the I’th degree of freedom using the values computed from the previous iteration and the new values just computed
First Iteration 1st iteration: As soon as the 1 level values are computed, we use them in the next equations..
Theorem First This Time!. • So we should first ask the questions • When will the Gauss-Seidel iteration converge? • How fast will it converge? Definition: A matrix is said to be positive definite if Theorem: If A is symmetric and positive definite, thenthe Gauss-Seidel iteration converges for any initial guess for x Unoficially: Gauss-Seidel will converge twice as fast in some cases as Jacobi.
Gauss-Seidel Algorithm • We iterate:
Comparing Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel Same problem – Gauss-Seidel takes almost half the work
The Catch • Ok – so it looks like one would always use Gauss-Seidel rather than Jacobi iteration. • However, let us consider the parallel implementation.
Volunteer To Design A Parallel Version • Decide which cells go where • Decide how much information each process needs to keep locally • Decide what information needs to be communicated among processes. • Are there any intrinsic bottlenecks in Gauss-Seidel or Jacobi?. • Can we devise a hybrid version of GS which avoids the bottlenecks?.
Project 3 (serial part) In C: • Build a sparse matrix based on one of the random circuits (design the storage for it yourself or use someone else’s sparse storage structure or class) • Write a sparse matrix times vector routine. • Implement the Jacobi iterative scheme