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Beginning Teacher Support Program. regedfac.ncdpi.wikispaces.net. Beginning Teacher Support Program Plans. State Board Policy. Priority: Twenty-first Century Professionals Category: Licensure Policy ID Number: TCP-A-004 Policy Date: 11/04/10.
State Board Policy • Priority: Twenty-first Century Professionals • Category: Licensure • Policy ID Number: TCP-A-004 • Policy Date: 11/04/10
4.120 Beginning Teacher Support Program Plans • Annual BTSP plan must be developed • Provide comprehensive program for BTs • Plan must meet BTSP Standards • Plan must demonstrate BTSP Program is proficient on each standard and element • BTSP must be aligned to standards and assessed according to the continuum
4.120 Beginning Teacher Support Program Plans • BTSP Plan must be approved by local board of education • “Charter schools and non-public institutions that have a state approved plan to administer the licensure renewal program shall submit a BTSP Plan to the SBE for approval.”
4.120 Beginning Teacher Support Program Plans • describe adequate provisions for efficient management of the program. • designate, at the local level, an official to verify eligibility of beginning teachers for a continuing license. • provide for a formal orientation for beginning teachers which includes a description of available services, training opportunities, the teacher evaluation process, and the process for achieving a continuing license.
4.120 Beginning Teacher Support Program Plans 4. address compliance with the optimum working conditions for beginning teachers identified by the SBE. 5. address compliance with the mentor selection, assignment, and training guidelines identified by the SBE. 6. provide for the involvement of the principal or the principal's designee in supporting the beginning teacher.
4.120 Beginning Teacher Support Program Plans 7. provide for a minimum of 4 observations per year in accordance GS 115C-333, using the instruments adopted by the SBE for such purposes. The plan must address the appropriate spacing of observations throughout the year, and specify a date by which the annual summative evaluation is to be completed.
4.120 Beginning Teacher Support Program Plans 8. provide for the preparation of a Professional Development Plan (PDP) by each beginning teacher in collaboration with the principal or the principal's designee, and the mentor teacher. 9. provide for a formal means of identifying and delivering services and technical assistance needed by beginning teachers.
4.120 Beginning Teacher Support Program Plans 10. provide for the maintenance of a cumulative beginning teacher file that contains the PDP and evaluation report(s). 11. provide for the timely transfer of the cumulative beginning teacher file to successive employing LEAs, charter schools, or non-public institutions within the state upon the authorization of the beginning teacher.
4.120 Beginning Teacher Support Program Plans 12. describe a plan for the systematic evaluation of the Beginning Teacher Support Program to assure program quality, effectiveness, and efficient management. 13. document that the local board of education has adopted the LEA plan, or that the charter school or non-public institution plan has been approved by the SBE.
4.60 Observations/Evaluations The Beginning Teacher Support Program Plan must specify the role of the beginning teacher's assigned mentor in the observations.
BTSP Plan Approval Process • Create BTSP Plan at local level • Follow local board process for approval of BTSP Plan • Submit BTSP Plan to Regional Education Facilitator (REF) • REF will send notification to LEA or charter school • Approval Letter • Revisions needed
BTSP Plan Approval Process • REF will notify Licensure Division of plan approval • Plan must remain on file at LEA AND with NCDPI (through REF) • If changes are made at the local level OR State Board of Education Policy changes, BTSP Plan will need to reflect changes and approval process must be completed again
Goals of Peer Review Process • Increase teacher effectiveness, thus student achievement • Help build capacity for “critical friend” collaboration • Encourage reflection for BT support and retention • Strengthen our profession through regional collaboration
Benefits of the Process Aligns with what is expected from teachers 21st century skills, collaboration Improves BT Support Increases guidance and benefits for BTs by holding districts and charters accountable Improves retention Increases Student Achievement Recognizes uniqueness of each LEA and charter school Increased awareness and development through collaboration in professional learning communities
BTSP Peer Review Process State Policy #TCP-A-004 (November 4, 2010) Self-Assessment Annual Peer Review Process Five Year Formal Review by NCDPI
State Board Policy TCP-A-004 4.130 Beginning Teacher Support Program Annual Reports, Annual Peer Review and Process, and Five Year Formal Review Reports Each LEA, charter school, or non-public institution with an approved Beginning Teacher Support Program plan must submit an annual report on its Beginning Teacher Support Program to the Department of Public Instruction by October 1 that includes evidence of demonstrated proficiency on the Beginning Teacher Support Program Standards and of mentor success in meeting Mentor Standards.
State Board Policy TCP-A-004 Every fifth year NCDPI will formally review Beginning Teacher Support Programs to review evidence and verify that program proficiency is demonstrated on all Beginning Teacher Support Program Standards. The monitoring team should report any standards and key elements where programs are not deemed at least proficient to NCDPI. Programs that are rated developing on the standards continuum should be put on an improvement plan and reviewed more frequently to ensure that all beginning teachers are supported.
State Board Policy TCP-A-004 In order to assist in progressing along the Beginning Teacher Support Program continuum to provide the highest quality support to beginning teachers, schools will participate in implementing a regionally-based annual peer review and support system
BTSP Self-Assessment Growth Process Critical review of current BTSP program Rating Scale (aligned with NCEES) Five Program Standards Sample Evidences Document
Self Assessment Standard 3: Mentoring for Instructional Excellence
BTSP Annual Peer Review Process Growth Process documented by REFs Review of current BTSP program by “critical friend” Within regions Optional cross region additional collaboration Rating Scale (aligned with NCEES) Five Program Standards Sample Evidences Document
BTSP Peer Review Process Standard 5: Formative Assessment of Candidates and Programs
BTSP Annual Peer Review Process What to bring to Annual Peer Reviews? Self-Assessment (and next steps based on reflection of self-assessment) Evidences and Artifacts Current BTSP Plan Previous Annual Peer Review forms (after first year) Other?
5 Year BTSP Review Every fifth year NCDPI will formally review district BTSPs to review evidence and verify that program proficiency is demonstrated on all BTSP Standards. NCDPI will address any program standards and key elements where programs are not deemed at least proficient. Programs that are rated developing on the standards continuum will be put on an improvement plan and reviewed more frequently to ensure that all beginning teachers are supported.
5 Year BTSP Review What to prepare for 5 Year BTSP Reviews? Five annual Self Assessments Five annual Peer Reviews Current BTSP Plan Other Supporting Documentation
Why monitor? • NCDPI expects LEAs/Charters to be in compliance with the policy to support beginning teachers. • BTSP Monitoring was partnered with Title II Monitoring but is now separate as Title II has been realigned with Federal Programs Division of NCDPI.
Preparing for Monitoring • Regional Education Facilitator (REF) will contact the HR Director and/or BT Coordinator (LEAs) or Principal (Charters) announcing the monitoring visit. • REFs will coordinate scheduling with LEA/Charter, including visit dates, interview, and exit conference. • LEA/Charter will arrange a meeting space for the team and will gather and organize documentation (BT lists, BT files, supporting evidences) needed for the visiting team. • LEA/Charter will send prepared survey links to BTs and Mentors prior to the visit.
After a Monitoring Visit • A final monitoring report will be sent to the district within 30 business days of the visit. • The LEA will have 30 days to respond and 90 days to implement changes to address areas of concern. • Technical Assistance Visits will occur periodically after the monitoring visit to monitor response to areas of concern and to offer support as needed.
DocumentsBTSP Monitoring ReportSample EvidencesTally Sheet LEA/Charter Checklist Areas of Concern Follow-up
BT Files Reviewed 30% of Previous Year’s BT 1s, 2s, 3s Completed on site during the visit with ratings: Developing, Proficient, Accomplished, Distinguished Areas of Concern Resources needed to address these areas Recommended opportunities for improvement Commendations BTSP MONITORING REPORT
Shared with LEA/Charter during Exit Conference Sent electronically to Superintendent and BT Coordinator after the visit BTSP MONITORING REPORT
AREAS OF CONCERN FOLLOW-UP • Any unchecked boxes in the Developing and Proficient columns are Areas of Concern • LEAs/Charters will be provided a Workplan template to address the Areas of Concern • Completed Workplan must be submitted to DPI within 90 days
Mentor Training • Face-to-face: Contact your Regional Education Facilitator • 21st Century Mentoring: Self Paced (Available in Home Base Professional Development)
Mentor ContinuumMentor Standard 3: Mentors support beginning teachers to know the content they teach.
Conclusion • Questions? • Thank you for your continued support! • Please contact us if we can help! regedfac.ncdpi.wikispaces.net