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Steps to keep your Children Safe from Internet Children are using computer technology and internet-connected devices at younger ages than ever. Unfortunately, the risks associated with being online will not wait just because they are young or because they are your children. As children are increasingly targeted in online attacks, parents must take steps to instill secure computing habits and protect their kids' devices. Here are 6 tips for keeping your kids safe online. Here are some simple steps to keep your child safe online. 1.Look Out their Cyberworld "Parents have to get involved. Just as they know every detail of the playground around the corner — the jungle gym, the swings —they need to know their kids’ online playground as well,” says Tim Lordan, staff director of the Internet Education Foundation. It may be hard to keep your eyes open after visiting what seems like the 100th website devoted to Barbie, but playing copilot to your child is the best way to make sure she gets a smooth ride. 2.Practice Basic Security Checks Your children having a safe online experience starts with you having a safe online experience. This means keeping your computer in top shape when it comes to security and building secure habits online. Install a reputable anti-virus solution to make sure that your computer is clear of common viruses and malware. Other necessary steps include having strong passwords, updating the OS and all software regularly, and never downloading untrustworthy materials. Train yourself and your children on how to recognize common social engineering methods as well such as email or social media phishing. 3.Having a conversation with Children Kids are getting their first internet-connected gadgets at pretty young ages. So start talking to them early. Warn them about malware, dangerous websites, and sex offenders. Let your kids know you’re looking out for them, speak honestly with them, and listen. After all, if it’s just you talking, it’s not a conversation. It’s a lecture. And no one likes a lecture. 4.Using a Private Network If you want to prevent your location from being tracked and protect your family on any network, the best thing to do is to get a Virtual Private Network. It connects your device to an offsite secure server and uses an encrypted connection to keep your data safe on that connection. There are two main benefits to using a VPN. The first is that is masks your IP address, meaning that your children’s location cannot be tracked online. The second is that the encrypted connection protects your family on risky public networks so information cannot be intercepted. While you may not be able to get a VPN connected to every toy in your house, you can at least get one for your (or their) smartphone, computers, and other common devices. 5.Make Internet Consumption a family time
You watch movies together. Why not browse the web together? Making it a family event can be fun. You’ll learn more about your kids’ interests, and can guide them to websites that are more appropriate to their age. 6.Observe the Behavioral Changes Being secretive about what they do online, withdrawing from the family, and other personality changes could be signs that an online sex offender is preying on your kid. So keep an eye out for any behavioral changes. But we can be smart when it comes to keeping our children safe online, simply by connecting with them and by staying informed. Our young people deserve nothing less. School Information Initiative by Shakuntala Vidyalaya For latest Updates, visit our Social Media. #Schoolwithhostelinbhilaichhattisgarh, #hostelschoolinbhilai, #CbseSchoolsinBhilai, #Bestschoolinbhilai, #CbseschoolwithhostelfacilityinBhilai, #Cbseschoolsinchhattisgarh #BoardingSchoolsinBhilai, #CBSEResidentialSchoolsinBhilai, #BestBoardingSchools, #teenagerbehavior, #behavioralissues, #Topcbseschoolsinbhilai, #internetsafety, #protectionforinternet