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BRIDGEPAD SYSTEM TRAINING. PRESENTED BY BRIDGEPAD CO. Why use BPAD Scoring System?. Because it replaces error prone, slow, hand-written scoring systems Because it is an affordable, reliable and fast WIRELESS scoring system

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  2. Why use BPAD Scoring System? • Because it replaces error prone, slow, hand-written scoring systems • Because it is an affordable, reliable and fast WIRELESS scoring system • Because it is easy to use and both players and Directors will enjoy using it.

  3. DESCRIPTION • SYSTEM PARTS: • 1) ACBLscore for Windows, version 7.50 or later. • 2) BRIDGEPAD software package. • 3) RF Server(s) - Link Between PC and BP tabletop units using radio frequencies. • 4) Tabletop units ( BP units) • 5) PC or Laptop, Windows 2000 or later software.

  4. HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? • It uses radio frequency (RF) signals to establish 2-way communication between the computer and the BP units at each table. • Game director uses ACBLscore program ( as before, just the “Windows” version) to set up the movement for one or more sections. • He/She selects “REMOTE SERVER” scoring option for each section. This triggers a link between ACBLscore program and BRIDGEPAD program, called BridgePad.exe.

  5. HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? • This link allows our software to send the movement information to ALL tables, to receive contract results from each table and to POST them to the ACBLscore Data Base. • This is done thru the RF server, which is a transmitter and receiver of data. • The BP units are also transmitters/receivers of data, as well as memory devices that STORE ALL SCORES at a given table, even if there is an RF or computer failure.

  6. HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? • Maximum distance allowed for tables away from RF server/PC: 200 feet • Optimum transmission rate= 19,200 Bauds/sec. • The BP units are controlled by N/S, who enter the contract and show the results to E/W, for their approval, before sending them to the PC.

  7. HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? • BP units receive the movement information from BRIDGEPAD software, calculate contract results, send them to the PC after E/W approval ( by hitting NEXT or their E/W approval code, if enabled as an option). • This process prevents players from playing wrong boards, entering wrong contract results or difficult to read results, among other benefits.

  8. HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? • Mistakes entering data at the BP units can be corrected using the BACK key, while at the same screen, or the ERROR key before the beginning of the next round. • Wrong results sent to PC after the end of the round can be corrected manually via ACBLscore or by using the ERROR key and the director’s password (QK Next) to correct it at the table unit. This permits 100% accuracy on final summary for all pairs.

  9. HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? • The results from each board are displayed on a Matrix in the PC. They can show round #, contract, NS-EW pair numbers, opening lead and final result, as selected in “Game options”. • At the end of the last round, all results are readily available, no need to wait. Directors can print the matrix from the PC for players analysis of the hands, if so desired.

  10. HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? • Results can be posted to ACBLscore at any time by pressing CTRL-P while in the ACBLscore Window. • Please do this sparingly ( every 3 rounds or so) to prevent missing result corrections at the tables.

  11. HOW DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? • CTRL-P Must be pressed twice after the final round to insure ALL results are posted. • Scores corrected by the players will be posted to ACBLscore if the previous score has not been posted already. For this reason it’s suggested that CTRL-P be done sparingly. • Anytime a board is corrected, a message is sent to the computer to inform Director which table, section and board number was corrected. An easily accessible Table keep the data on all corrected scores.

  12. DIRECTOR’S STEPS TO RUN SYSTEM • Start by setting up all section(s) movement parameters, using ACBLscore Window’s version. Make sure RF server is connected to the computer’s USB port. • Choose “Use remote server for score entry” Do this for all sections created for this game • Use F11 to select “Remote Options”. Do this for all sections created for this game.

  13. DIRECTOR’S STEPS TO RUN SYSTEM • After ALL sections have been set up, use F11 and select “Start Remote Server-reset server • After few seconds the BP software icon will appear at the bottom of the computer screen and the Matrix will show on the screen.

  14. DIRECTOR’S STEPS TO RUN SYSTEM Do not close either program during the game. They can be minimized, if so desired. • Game options ( hand records, comparison scores, etc ) for sections managed by one RF server must be selected BEFORE the first BP unit is initialized ( go to BP Program, “Game options”)

  15. DIRECTOR’S STEPS TO RUN SYSTEM • The BRIDGEPAD System is ready to start sending and receiving information to and from the BP units. Please distribute the BP units to players for Initialization. • As players initialize each table, it shows on the Matrix. Director can monitor progress of game at this matrix, which includes all sections. The matrix can show results by board# or by round#, chosen under Game Options.

  16. DIRECTOR’S STEPS TO RUN SYSTEM • When using different computers to score games at same or nearby rooms, each computer needs to be set for a different channel ( go to BridgePad program, Communication, and change it there). All BP units controlled by a given computer must be set to that channel also. Use Director’s menu, option 2, to select/change the channel for each BP unit, or press 88 as a short cut to change channels, only at the initial BP screen. • Director’s Menu: On the initial screen press BACK, then enter password: Q of D, K of H, Next. Hit Next twice after making your selection

  17. Final Results • At the end of the game, each player can check his final results for each board and the final percentage. (it works only with simple movements w/out phantom pairs). These are unofficial scores – manually entered scores are not included.

  18. HELPING TIPS • The first 10 mins of most games are the critical ones. It’s fine if the players play the 1st board w/out using the BP units to score them. Once the Director knows how many tables/pairs are there, it takes only 2-3 mins to set up the movement in the computer.

  19. HELPING TIPS • It may be better to distribute BP during the first round. It’s strongly recommended that Directors wait until the final movement is set before distributing BP to the tables. • This approach also prevents players from fidgeting with the BP units, which could create interference issues with other BP units or RF server.

  20. HELPING TIPS • If one of the players or the Director enters No Play (NP) or Late Play (LP) at one of the tables, Director has to enter it manually into ACBLscore, otherwise the last round will not be posted. • LP boards scores will show in the matrix but they need to be entered manually to ACBLscore.

  21. HELPING TIPS • If one of the tables enter wrong table # and that table is already taken, there will be a warning on his terminal. • If the table is not taken, the rightful owner of the table will get the warning and will be able to claim the table. The incorrect table will be notified when trying to post the first score.

  22. HELPING TIPS • When running a Two ( or more) Sessions event one must run each session in a separate game file. Use the XOV command in ACBLscore to transport names, master points, scores, etc, from the 1st to the 2nd session. • Change “Game Options” for the 2nd session to delete asking for ACBL player numbers.

  23. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS-HARDWARE • PC/Laptop Turned Off: All game parameters will be recovered by simply turning it back On. • RF Server disconnected/ Loss of RF transmission: Turn off BP software only, then reinstall RF server by going to ACBLscore, F11, then select Restart Remote Server.

  24. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS-HARDWARE • After RF communication is restored, all previous scores are sent automatically to the computer. • If, for some reason, RF communication can not be restored, the director can see on the BP screen all scores from each BP unit by hitting PWR key 4 times at the end of the game. • The lost scores can also be sent to the computer electronically , one unit at a time, at the end of the game, if RF communication is restored, by using the re-send scores under director’s menu.

  25. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS-HARDWARE • WARNING: Use of Cordless phones ( or Walkie-Talkies) in the game room can result in communications and transmission failures. However, after the phone call ends, communication should be restored. If not, turn-off BP software and use the re-start procedure to recover RF communication.

  26. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS-HARDWARE • Failed batteries on BP units: Simply replace batteries. No loss of data will occur. Press PWR key, followed by the number 3 key. • The first symptoms of weak battery is loss of communication with the server. • Broken/ Failed BP unit: Replace it with a new unit using the “Replace Failed Unit” protocol. Enter the same section, table number and EW code on the new unit. Previous data is sent to the new unit at the point in time the failure happened.

  27. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS-HARDWARE • If the RF server or the computer is down, no scores can be sent from the BPs. In that situation there is a message on the BP screen to inform players of the situation. • The BP units will work off line and save all the scores internally. When communication is reestablished, all the scores are transmitted automatically.

  28. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS-HARDWARE • If communication can not be restored during the game, the Director should instruct players to continue entering scores in the BP units, which will store all scores in its memory for later retrieval. At the end of the session the RF server can be started and transmission from each unit can proceed using the proper procedure ( Director’s menu #7).

  29. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS-SOFTWARE • If the number of tables or the movement needs to be changed during the first round, go to that section ACBLscore page, hit F9, use “SET” Command to make desired changes, choosing “change movement parameters” • The New movement info will be sent to each BP unit after the next time it reports a board result.

  30. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS-SOFTWARE • To correct errors, sometimes it may be better to edit the movement at the end of the game. Example: While running a Howell game, a NS pair at the middle of the game forgot to switch sides and played boards in the wrong direction. • Trying to edit the movement at this point in time may be counterproductive. Consider leaving the move as is and edit it at the end of the game.

  31. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS-SOFTWARE • If a pair forgets their E/W approval/security code, it can be found in our software under Files- Security codes • Code 99 can also be used as the default override security code • Code 00 is not allowed as a security code.

  32. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS-SOFTWARE • If something goes really wrong at the beginning consider closing the BP software and start from scratch using the“Start Remote Server” command after the movement has been edited in ACBLscore. • This will delete all previous scores, though, but it will also prevent potential confusion in ACBLscore when new scores are posted.

  33. SUMMARY • The BP system allows fast and accurate posting of scores to ACBLscore program. It will speed up the game by preventing mistakes. • As Directors and players become familiar with the BP procedures, they will enjoy using it, and appreciate its advantages. bpt080409

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