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XMetaDissPlus Metadata Set of the German National Library for Online Publications Maren Brodersen, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. 2. History of the metadata set - MetaDiss - XMetaDiss - XMetaDissPlus and metadata core set
XMetaDissPlusMetadata Set of the German National Library for Online PublicationsMaren Brodersen, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
2 • History of the metadata set- MetaDiss- XMetaDiss- XMetaDissPlus and metadata core set • Transfer interfaces- web form- automatic compiling-process of metadata by OAI protocol: now and in the future - hot folder (under progress) • In practise- e-Journal- Online-dissertations • Questions | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
3 History: MetaDiss I First metadata standard used for collecting online dissertations • online dissertations: collected since 1998 • HTML based on Dublin Core and DDB-elements • transfer interfaces: web form and e-mail • still in use http://www.d-nb.de/eng/netzpub/ablief/metadiss.htm | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
4 History: MetaDiss II Example: metadata record <META NAME="DC.Publisher.CorporateName" CONTENT="Bibliothek der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover"> <META NAME="DC.Publisher.CorporateName.Address" CONTENT="Bünteweg 2, 30559 Hannover"> <META NAME="DDB.Contact.ID" CONTENT="NIE95017"> <META NAME="DC.Type" CONTENT="Text.Thesis.Doctoral"> <META NAME="DC.Creator.PersonalName" CONTENT="Keller, Petra"> <META NAME="DC.Title" CONTENT="Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der frühen akustisch evozierten Potentiale (FAEP) bei der Katze für den Einsatz in der Grundlagenforschung und zur klinischen Anwendung"> <META NAME="DC.Language" CONTENT="(SCHEME=ISO639-2) ger"> <META NAME="DC.Contributor.CorporateName" CONTENT="Hannover, Tierärztliche Hochschule, Klinik für Kleine Haustiere"> <META NAME="DC.Date.Accepted" CONTENT="(SCHEME=ISO8601) 1997-11-19"> <META NAME="DC.Subject" CONTENT="(SCHEME=DNB-Sachgruppe) 34"> <META NAME="DC.Identifier" CONTENT="(SCHEME=URL) http://ep.tiho-hannover.de/diss/1997/pkeller.pdf"> <META NAME="DDB.NumberOfFiles" CONTENT="1"> <META NAME="DDB.Server" CONTENT="Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover"> <META NAME="DDB.Contact" CONTENT="akarsten@bib.tiho-hannover.de"> | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
5 History: MetaDiss III Example: catalogue record | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
6 History: XMetaDiss I XML-based metadata standard for collecting online dissertations • established in 2005 • XML with DCMI, ETD-MS, ddb-elements … pc:MetaPerse.g. http://www.d-nb.de/standards/xmetadiss/ddb.xsd • transfer interfaces: web form, e-mail and oai • URN is now mandatory • still only for online dissertations and doctoral thesis • future plans: to integrate other publication typeshttp://www.d-nb.de/standards/xmetadiss/xmetadiss.htm | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
7 History: XMetaDiss II Example: metadata record <xMetaDiss:xMetaDiss xmlns:xMetaDiss="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/xMetaDiss/" xmlns:cc="http://www.dnb.de/standards/cc/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dcmitype="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:pc="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/pc/" xmlns:urn="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/urn/" xmlns:thesis="http://www.ndltd.org/standards/metadata/etdms/1.0/" xmlns:ddb="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/ddb/" xmlns="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/subject/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/xMetaDiss/ http://www.d-nb.de/standards/xmetadiss/xmetadiss.xsd"> <dc:title xsi:type="ddb:titleISO639-2" lang="ger">Regulation von Autoimmunerkrankungen durch den PTPN22 1858*C/T Polymorphismus und die NCF1 Gen-/Pseudogenstruktur</dc:title> <dc:title xsi:type="ddb:titleISO639-2" lang="eng" ddb:type="translated">Regulation of autoimmune diseases by PTPN22 1858*C/T polymorphism and by the genomic pattern of NCF1 and its pseudogenes</dc:title> <dc:creator xsi:type="pc:MetaPers"> <pc:person> <pc:name type="nameUsedByThePerson"> <pc:foreName> Peter</pc:foreName> <pc:surName>Hoffmann</pc:surName> </pc:name> </pc:person> </dc:creator> <dc:subject xsi:type="xMetaDiss:DDC-SG">610</dc:subject> …<dc:type xsi:type="ddb:PublType">ElectronicThesisandDissertation</dc:type> <dc:identifier xsi:type="urn:nbn">urn:nbn:de:bsz:21-opus-49386</dc:identifier> … </xMetaDiss:xMetaDiss> | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
8 History: XMetaDiss III Example: catalogue record | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
9 History: XMetaDissPlus and metadata core set I Present metadata standard for collecting online publications • reference description online since June 2010 • XML with DCMI, ETD-MS and ddb- and dini-elements • transfer interfaces: web form and oai • URN is mandatory but … • list of publication types is integratedhttp://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:11-100109998 • version update to 2.1 till the end of 2010http://www.dnb.de/standards/xmetadissplus/xmetadissplus.htmhttp://www.d-nb.de/netzpub/ablief/kernset_metadaten.htm | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
10 History: XMetaDissPlus … II Example: metadata record <xMetaDiss:xMetaDiss xmlns:xMetaDiss="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/xmetadissplus/" xmlns:cc="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/cc/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dcmitype="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:pc="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/pc/" xmlns:urn="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/urn/" xmlns:thesis="http://www.ndltd.org/standards/metadata/etdms/1.0/" xmlns:ddb="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/ddb/" xmlns:dini="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/xmetadissplus/type/" xmlns="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/subject/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.d-nb.de/standards/xmetadissplus/ http://www.d-nb.de/standards/xmetadissplus/xmetadissplus.xsd"> <dc:title xsi:type="ddb:titleISO639-2" lang="ger">Zwischen Reichsstandschaft und Standesherrschaft</dc:title> <dc:creator xsi:type="pc:MetaPers"> <pc:person> <pc:name type="nameUsedByThePerson"> <pc:foreName>Jörg</pc:foreName> <pc:surName>Brückner</pc:surName> </pc:name> </pc:person> </dc:creator> … <dc:type xsi:type="dini:PublType">doctoralThesis</dc:type> <dc:identifier xsi:type="urn:nbn">urn:nbn:de:swb:ch1-200301622</dc:identifier> … </xMetaDiss:xMetaDiss> | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
11 Transfer interfaces: web form | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
12 Transfer interfaces: automatic compiling process of metadata by oai Conditions for new automatic workflow: • metadata formats must be standardised (valide and complete) • metadata record must contain “transfer-URL” • file formats must be known and suitable for long term preservation as well as access • defined interface on both sides (data and service provider) | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
13 Transfer Interfaces: hot folder • metadata and object submitted together • metadata must be XML and standardised • submitting files via SFTP-(SSH/FTP) or WebDAV • name conventions for metadata file: catalogue_md.xml • test phase will start soon | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
14 In Practise: e-Journal I Example: List of journal title | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
15 In Practise: e-Journal II • Mandatory elements for e-journal parts (articles or issues)- title- transfer-URL (oai only)- issue (volume, number …)- year of publication- access rights (original and archived copy)- persistent identifier (if there is one) Author/s should be quoted if existent. | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
16 In Practise: e-Journals III Example: journal title with articles | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
17 In Practise: e-Journals IV Example: catalogue record of journal article | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
18 In Practise: e-Journals V Preconditions for XMetaDissPlus and e-journals - element <dcterms:isPartof> - several options such as: ddb:DNB-ZSTitelID or ddb:Erstkat-ID - and information about issue structured in: ddb:noScheme • publication type in dini:PublType: - article, contributionToPeriodical or PeriodicalPart • one record for every “part” of the journal • single articles without ID treated as “monographs” • Other solutions possible | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
19 In Practise: online dissertations I Example: multiple part dissertation online: 3 records | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
20 In Practise: online dissertations II Example: multiple part dissertation print: 4 records | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
21 In Practise: online dissertations III | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
22 In Practise: online dissertations IV Example: multiple part dissertation online: 1 record | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
23 In Practise: online dissertations V | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
24 In Practise: online dissertations VI Example: metadata for multiple part dissertation | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
25 In Practise: online dissertations VII Metadata for multiple part dissertations: MetaDiss: <META NAME="DC.Type" CONTENT="Text.Thesis.Doctoral"><META NAME="DC.Format" SCHEME="IMT" CONTENT="application/pdf"><META NAME="DC.Format" SCHEME="IMT" CONTENT="application/zip"> XMetaDissPlus:<dc:typexsi:type="dini:PublType">doctoralThesis</dc:type><dc:typexsi:type="dcterms:DCMIType">Text</dc:type><dc:typexsi:type="dini:PublType">ResearchData</dc:type><dini:version_driver>publishedVersion</dini:version_driver><dc:identifierxsi:type="urn:nbn">urn:nbn:de:kobv:01-200312125</dc:identifier><dcterms:mediumxsi:type="dcterms:IMT">application/pdf</dcterms:medium> <dcterms:mediumxsi:type="dcterms:IMT">application/zip</dcterms:medium> | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010
26 Thank you for your attention!Questions? | XMetaDissPlus| 11.November 2010