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How to run Online Training Seminars. Our European team!. Rute Baptista (CSS) For the CSS, is running the first official «Webinar» on the eTwinning LearningLab Val Brooks (Ambassador UK)
Our European team! Rute Baptista (CSS) For the CSS, is running the first official «Webinar» on the eTwinning LearningLab Val Brooks (Ambassador UK) With Susie Arnott and other ambassadors, are promoting interactive sessions in UK to train beginners and to present free tools which can support school partnership Antonella Ciriello (Ambassador Italy) and Massimiliano D’Innocenzo (NSS Italy) With other ambassadors, they offer online seminars for beginners and on the TwinSpace in Italy Laimute Vidauskiene (Lithuania) With other ambassadors offer online workshops for beginners and advanced eTwinning teachers in Lithuania Sari Auramo (Finland) Offers online workshops for Finnish teachers in 2 weeks: how to start in eTwinning and then focus on her projects
A workshop on online training, why? • We are able to keep in touch and train more people • Sharing Ambassadors’ competences • Involve teachers in using new technologies • To make a face-to-face meeting more effective by holding online seminars for follow-up activities
Content of the Workshop How to plan, organize and deliver an online seminar (on eTwinning or other topics linked to eTwinning) Starting from our real experiences… we will expect you will be involved in discussionand brainstorming… in order to identify advices, tips and rules… useful for you, Ambassadors and NSS members, who would liketo offer online training!
Based on our experiences we identified some common steps: • Planning an online seminar • Promoting and launching an online seminar • During an online seminar • After an online seminar
a) Planning online seminars 1) Identification of the audience: • Beginners (All): For everyone is important to offer training on eTwinning platform, examples of best practices, in order to help new users and prevent inactivity. • Advanced (All): A further step is offeringtraining on TwinSpace and/or free collaborative tools available on the web TIP think about your audience before designing your training!
2) Number of participants: • Beginners: many participants (40 to 300) • Advanced: only 30-40 participants to practice online • All invite registered participants, this is managed by NSSs • Fi: teachers are free to invite new participants TIP According to the numbers, you can manage in different ways your audience!
3) Moderators’ team • Uk: NSS for beginners, 2 ambassadors for advanced training • CSS: moderator + expert • It/Lit: a group of 4-5 ambassadors + NSS TIP even the most experienced moderator should not and cannot work alone!
4) Moderators’ sharing & practice • UK/It: meet using the tool to teach themselves by doing • It: emails, googledoc, skype… • Lit: face to face TIP good collaboration between moderators is a key point!
5) Tool and licences: • UK/It: Webex • UK/It (past): Blackboard Collaborate • Fi: Adobe Connect • All licences belong to NSS TIP ask your NSS in order to know more about available licences!
6) Participants and tool to be used: • UK/It: only easy functions for beginners • Lit: they need practice • CSS/Fi: no particular issues TIP Make it simple and easy, don’t scare your audience!
Planning online seminars: our tips! • Think about your audience before designing your training • According to the numbers, you can manage your audience in different ways • Even the most experienced moderator should not and cannot work alone • Good collaboration between moderators is a key point • Ask your NSS in order to know more about available licences • Make it simple and easy, don’t scare your audience
Promote and launch online seminars 1) How to promote events • All: on the national website and newsletters • Uk/It: using social media • Lit: on other educational websites TIP Combine your personal contacts to a more comprehensive range of promotionals, contact your NSS!
2) Participants’ registration • CSS/UK/It/Lit: online form CSS/It: SurveyMonkey UK: Wufoo • Fi: by email to NSS or Ambassadors TIP Use an online form and ask your NSS, for them your data are very important!
3) Useful information about the audience Through the registration form: • All: • Region (to give details about the closest ambassadors) • Experience in eTwinning • School level and subject • It/CSS: motivation to participate TIP ask simple questions in order to know better your audience!
4) Just before starting… • UK: joining and preparation instructions sent to participants 3 days before the session • UK/It/Fi: joining instructions sent to participants just before the session • UK/It/Fi: host/presenter joins and prepares half an hour before the start TIP be sure all the audience will be able to reach the session!
Promote and launch online seminars: our tips! • Combine your personal contacts to a more comprehensive range of promotionals, contact your NSS • Use an online form and ask your NSS, for them your data are very important • Ask simple questions in order to know better your audience • Be sure all the audience will be able to reach the session …and your tips???
Now it’s your turn! Discuss with your group about how to plan, promote and launch an online seminar and write down your tips on this Titan Pad: http://bit.ly/cataniatips
During an online seminar 1) Reception / Icebreaking activities • All: introduce ourselves • All: presentation of the topics • All: general information about the tool (audio, raising hands, posts in chat…) • CSS and UK: pre-activity (such as a poll) • All: stay relaxed and smiling! TIP be relaxed and create a relaxing atmosphere!
2) Managing chat, latecomers, posts etc… • Uk: two presenters, taking turns • It/Lit: working in group, flexible to change role • CSS: only one presenter + moderator in the chat • Fi: NSS takes this role, while ambassadors presents TIP moderators’ flexibility and availability are important to maintain the audience attention high!
3) Active participation of the Audience: • UK: chat/audio for discussion, giving control of application/polling and breakout rooms • CSS/Lit/Fi: asking questions, involve in discussion • It: chat/microphone to communicate, exercises on TwinSpace to practise TIP the audience should be an active part of the seminar!
4) Managing problems: • UK: making sure to practise the tool in advance • CSS/It/Lit/Fi: flexibility and patience TIP you and your audience will face some problems, be prepared!
During an online seminar: our tips! • Be relaxed and create a relaxing atmosphere • Moderators’ flexibility and availability are important to maintain the audience attention high • The audience should be an active part of the seminar • You and your audience will face some problems, be prepared …and your tips???
QuickDemonstration Interactivity aids learning, so here are a couple of activities that allow participants to really get involved in the online seminar • Use of a poll • Application share and giving control • Use of web content for surveys
Now it’s your turn again! Discuss with your group about some activities you can offer in an online seminar and write down your tips on this TitanPad: http://bit.ly/cataniatips
After an online seminar 1) Evaluation: • CSS/UK/It send evaluation questionnaires (Wufoo, Survey Monkey) • Lit: opinions and reviews collected in the webinar’s website • Fi: discussion among NSS and Ambassador, participants can send emails, the second part of training in 2 weeks TIP ask for a feedback to your audience, it will help you in the future!
2) Monitoring and help after • All: giving contact details • CSS/UK/It: sending the recorded session • CSS/UK/It: contact via email with those who did not joint • It: a training TwinSpace is equipped with exercises is made available to practise afterwards • FI: the training is in 2 parts, with 2 weeks in between TIP do not leave your audience alone, the webinar should be only a start!
After an online seminar: our tips! • Ask for a feedback to your audience, it will help you in the future • Do not leave your audience alone, the webinar should be only a start …and your tips??? Remember… http://bit.ly/cataniatips
Suggestions for the future Training for ambassadors who would like to present webinars (a Learning Event – style course?) Discussion with NSS to develop similar processes across eTwinning Share ideas for possible content (e.g. eTwinning portal, free tools, project ideas etc) New presenters could join online seminars of an experienced presenter and learn that way. …
Obrigado! Thank you! Grazie! Dėkoju! Kiitos! Rute Baptista Portugal - CSS rute.baptista@eun.org Val Brooks United Kingdom - Ambassador val@vbrooks.co.uk Antonella Ciriello Italy - Ambassador alerossi10@tin.it Laimute Vidauskiene Lithuania - Ambassadors laimavid@gmail.com Sari Auramo Finland - Ambassadors sari.auramo@mantsala.fi Massimiliano D’Innocenzo Italy - NSS m.dinnocenzo@indire.it