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SCIENCE !!! What is it good for? A _______ ______. Starr Ugly Rumors Rush Hour. Science is good for… Answering Questions Infanticide !!! What is it good for?. The Burying Beetle, Nicrophorus sp. Intro stuff…. Syllabus see Blackboard Contacting me: use email; visit my office
SCIENCE !!!What is it good for?A _______ ______ • Starr • Ugly Rumors • Rush Hour
Science is good for…Answering QuestionsInfanticide !!!What is it good for? The Burying Beetle, Nicrophorus sp.
Intro stuff… Syllabus see Blackboard Contacting me: use email; visit my office TEXTBOOKS: Simon, Reese Dickey; MasteringBiology Course divided into 3 modules, dates TENTATIVE but… About course… Disabled Student Policy: read it TESTS and GRADING: 3 m/c tests + 2 assignments: Read the MISSED/LATE EXAM Policy assiduously. 15% penalty for late tests. Assignments: 1) TEDs and 2) MB Quizzes X-cred: extra TEDs. Due 2 weeks before end of sem. RESPONSIBILITIES: read it. COME SEE ME IF YOU NEED HELP Classroom Ettiquette: read it. Try to remember to turn off your cell phones please. Etc. John Morrissey’s speech…
Have you: • Gotten a book? • Figured out how to get into Blackboard? • Read the syllabus? • Gotten access to MasteringBiology website? • Joined your class at MB? • Started reading Chapter 1 • Started utilizing MB website for Ch 1?
Welcome to Biology 1020:Zoology Q: So…What is Biology ? A: Biology is… Q: But then, what is science; what is life?
WHAT IS SCIENCE ??Science is… • one type of knowledge • a method of problem solving • “organized curiosity” • empirical (adjective)
THE FACTS OF SCIENCEMUST BE… • 1. empirically verifiable • 2. potentially falsifiable • or logically inferred (don’t overlook the role of logical inference!) • Read “Process of Science” section in textbook chap 1.
WHAT IS LIFE??So, what do the rocket scientists say?NASA says: Life is… • a chemical system that is… • capable of Darwinian evolution.
WHAT IS LIFE?Lynn Margulis (famous biologist) says: Life is a… • self-directed; • water-based; • carbon-metabolic; • lipid/protein bound; • nucleic acid-replicated; • protein read-out system !
self-directed,water-based, carbon-metabolic,lipid/protein-bound; nucleic acid-replicated; protein read-out SYSTEM
self-directed; water-based; carbon-metabolic;lipid/protein-bound; nucleic acid-replicated; protein read-out SYSTEM
self-directed; water-based; carbon-metabolic;lipid/protein-bound; nucleic acid-replicated; protein read-out SYSTEM
self-directed; water-based; carbon-metabolic;lipid/protein-bound; nucleic acid-replicated; protein read-out SYSTEM
lipid/protein-bound; cytoplasm plasma membrane Fig. 4-5b, p.53
…lipid/protein-bound; Recognition protein Receptor protein extracellular environment lipid bilayer cytoplasm Protein pump across bilayer Protein channel across bilayer Protein pump Cell membranes (inside and out) are made of lipid & protein
self-directed; water-based; carbon-metabolic;lipid/protein-bound; nucleic acid-replicated; protein read-out SYSTEM
self-directed,water-based, carbon-metabolic, lipid/protein-bound;nucleic acid-replicated; protein read-out SYSTEM
self-directed,water-based, carbon-metabolic,lipd/protein-bound; nucleic acid-replicated; protein read-out SYSTEM • Francis Crick: Life has obvious diversity! But does it have an underlying unity?The answer is yes… the Universal Genetic Code and the Central “Dogma” are common to all life.
Lynn Margulis says… 1. Self-directed 2. Water-based 3. Carbon-metabolic 4. Lipid/protein-bound 5. Nucleic acid-replicated 6. Protein readout-system Your Textbook says… 1. Order/Organization 2. Regulation 3. Growth and Development (via DNA) 4. Energy utilization 5. Responds to stimuli 6. Reproduction (via DNA) 7. Evolution (via DNA) Hmmm…?NASA says…: 1. Chemical system 2. Capable of Darwinian evolution Joe Friday; Baskin Robbins; teacher’s Games;’ own it
#1. ORDER/ORGANIZATIONHIGHLY ORGANIZED and METABOLIC • I hate to admit it but …. • All science is physics and chemistry because physics and chemistry are the sciences that study the only two things that science can study…. • MATTERand • ENERGY
GEOLOGY is the application of physics & chemistry to rocks and mountains and stuff like that.
ASTRONOMY is the application of physics & chemistry to stars, planets and stuff like that.
andBIOLOGY is the application of physics & chemistry to LIFE.
The 7 Characteristics of Life#1 (and #4) Order/Organization and Energy Use are closely related • Order and Organization (Life, Energy, Entropy) • 2. Regulation • 3. Growth and Development (via DNA) • 4. Energy utilization • 5. Responds to stimuli • 6. Reproduction (via DNA) • 7. Evolution (via DNA)
HIGHLY ORGANIZED AND METABOLIC#1 Order and #4 Energy are intertwined !!Life’s Organization is: • Dynamic • Hierarchical
HIGHLY ORGANIZED AND METABOLIC ENTROPY = DISORGANIZATION(randomness) The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: The Entropy (of the universe) is always increasing ! What’s wrong? [Marbles] [Train]
HIGHLY ORGANIZED AND METABOLIC Hey! What about the 1st Law? (of Thermodynamics)
PATUXENT RIVER SWANSON CREEK The Chalk Point Electricity Generating Plant http://www.youtube.heat is work
Life is highly organized!? How can that be when the 2nd Law says: • Disorganization is the rule and • Organization is the exception
Consider the acetone again…can we get it back in the bottle???
So, if you want to be a flourishing, “happy,” living thing of any kind… we eat energy and excrete entropy ! ! !
Life’s organization isHEIRARCHICALking, queen, prince, princess, duke, duchess… 1. ATOMS 7. ORGANISMS 2. MOLECULES 8. POPULATIONS 3. CELLS 9. COMMUNITIES 4. TISSUES 10. ECOSYSTEMS 5. ORGANS 11. BIOSPHERE 6. ORGAN SYSTEMS
atom Elements are fundamental forms of matter. Atoms are the smallest units that retain an element’s properties. Electrons, protons and neutrons are its building blocks. This hydrogen atom’s electron zips around a proton in a spherical volume of space. Fig. 1-2a, p.4
molecule Two or more joined atoms of the same or different elements. “Molecules of life” are complex carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, DNA, and RNA. Only living cells now make them. Fig. 1-2b, p.4
cell Smallest unit that can live and reproduce on its own or as part of a multicelled organism. It has an outer membrane, DNA, and other components. Fig. 1-2c, p.4
tissue Organized array of cells and substances interacting in some task. Many cells (white) made this bone tissue from their own secretions. Fig. 1-2d, p.4
organ Structural unit made of two or more tissues interacting in some task. A parrotfish eye is a sensory organ used in vision. Fig. 1-2e, p.4
organ system Organs interacting physically, chemically, or both in some task. Parrotfish skin is an integumentary system with tissue layers, organs such as glands, and other parts. Fig. 1-2f, p.4
multicelled organism Individual made of different types of cells. Cells of most multicelled organisms, including this Red Sea parrotfish, are organized as tissues, organs, and organ systems. Fig. 1-2g, p.5
population Group of single-celled or multicelled individuals of the same species occupying a specified area. This is a fish population in the Red Sea. Fig. 1-2h, p.5