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Accelerator Research & Development: Enhancing LHC Operations & Future Innovations

Explore research, development, and operations for linear collider, advanced microwave technologies, accelerator beam physics, and computational solutions contributing to LHC advancements. Stay informed on Plasma Wakefield, Laser Acc., Novel RF sources, and High-gradient collaboration.

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Accelerator Research & Development: Enhancing LHC Operations & Future Innovations

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  1. ARD All-Hands Tor Raubenheimer 4/21/08

  2. LHC R&D Contribute to the LHC operation and upgrades Linear Collider R&D Develop linear collider designs and technology for NC and SC options Advanced Microwave R&D Develop advanced rf structures and sources Advanced Accelerator R&D Research options for ultra-high gradient acceleration using technologies such as lasers and plasmas Accelerator Beam Physics Supports operating accelerators and R&D groups with optics designs and understanding of collective effects Accelerator Computation Develop computational solutions for accelerator design and operation using massively parallel computing Test Facilities Operate and support test facilities including NLC Test Accelerator, ESB, ESA, ATF & ATF2 SLAC ARD Departments & Functions ARD All-Hands April 2008

  3. DOE HEP Re-organization ARD All-Hands April 2008

  4. Acc Science versus Acc Development • OHEP is using B&R codes to control funding at an increasing level of detail • Definitions of Accelerator Science and Accelerator Development are not entirely clear but … • Acc Science: long-term R&D aimed at promising concepts • e.g. PWFA and Laser acceleration or High Grad Collaboration • Acc Development: mid-term R&D aimed at a deliverable on the 5-year time-scale • e.g. Klystron-based X-band rf power system or a CLIC acc structure • All programs need to be justified in terms of expected benefit for DOE HEP • As funding gets tighter, the vision tends to constrict onto topics with clear potential ARD All-Hands April 2008

  5. Accelerator Science Plasma wakefield and laser acc High gradient collaboration Novel rf power sources Beam theory and computing Operations NLCTA; EBS; ESA FACET Computational SciDAC? Not clear what the boundary is Accelerator Development X-band rf power source CLIC accelerator structure CLIC design LHC design (beyond LARP) Accelerator computing Beam fdbk and instrumentation Other HEP accelerator design inc. Project-X, super-B, … ILC and LHC (LARP) Ongoing programs SC RF and LHC Ops May get involved in these Main Program Elements Mapped to OHEP ARD All-Hands April 2008

  6. Linear Collider R&D • Strong leadership in ILC GDE • Strongly support ILC as only near-term LC possibility • Working on 1.3 GHz RF power sources, beam delivery system, particle sources, and systems integration • Collaboration with CERN and KEK on CLIC • Accelerator structure development and testing • CLIC structures based on SLAC/KEK work at 11 GHz • Future collaborations on beam delivery, e+/e- sources, and collective effects (impedance, electron cloud, ion instabilities) • Building 12 GHz klystrons for CERN testing program • Will re-invigorate X-band (11~12 GHz) R&D • Provides more conservative solution to normal conducting LC • Could be used as a step towards a Two-Beam Accelerator for a multi-TeV collider or as a compact FEL-driver ARD All-Hands April 2008

  7. High Gradient (X-band) R&D • Long history of X-band rf development • Achieved >400 MW 11.GHz rf power in 400 ns pulses • Modulators, klystrons, and rf pulse compression • Routine operation of ~5m X-band structures at >50 MV/m • Strong collaboration with CERN and KEK • Improved understanding of gradient limitations • Theoretical and experimental studies • Studying rf power flow, arc formation, pulsed heating , … • Significant improvements in X-band structure capbility • >100 MV/m (unloaded) in traveling wave structures • Collaborating with CERN to develop structures for 120MV/m • 150 MV/m in single cell standing wave structures • Potential for very high gradient normal conducting linacs ARD All-Hands April 2008

  8. FACET Experimental Facility • Continued progress requires new facility to replace the capabilities of the FFTB • FACET program will address critical questions for PWFA-basedcollider or compact radiation source ARD All-Hands April 2008

  9. SLAC Accelerator Research: FY08 • Redirection of ILC program – roughly 10M$ redirected • Effort in Accelerator Science B&R similar to FY07 • Large increase in Accelerator Development B&R • Effort on X-band rf sources – re-examination of earlier work • Program abruptly ended in 2004; developing new plan • Continued effort on 1.3 GHz rf sources • 1.3 GHz rf power is required for SC RF cavities used by for ILC, Project X, and other projects based on SC RF • Developing many new technologies: solid-state Marx Generator modulators, Sheet Beam Klystron, Rf distribution system • Increased design studies for Project X • Impedance calculations and linac design efforts • New effort on CLIC design and X-band LC • Efforts of ILC team on X-band and CLIC designs as well as ILC • Includes development of ATF/ATF2 test facility ARD All-Hands April 2008

  10. SLAC Accelerator Science: FY09-FY12 (1) • Advanced acceleration R&D: laser acceleration • E163 laser acceleration experiment presently operating in NLC Test Accelerator. Has demonstrated optical wavelength bunching. • Demonstrate acceleration in advanced microstructures with staging by 2009 at with gradients of ~1 GeV/m. • Demonstration of 1~2 GeV beam acceleration by 2012. • Advanced acceleration R&D: plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA) • PWFA program has demonstrated 40 GeV acceleration in 80 cm plasma. New R&D program will begin with the operation of the FACET user facility in 2010. • Demonstration of two bunch e- and e+ acceleration and beam quality preservation with gradients of >10 GeV/m by 2015. • The next step is a multi-bunch multi-staged demonstration which would be the final demonstration before construction of a linear collider  FACET-II ARD All-Hands April 2008

  11. SLAC Accelerator Science: FY09-FY12 (2) • Host of the US High Gradient Collaboration and working to understand fundamental limitations in accelerator structures • Studying breakdown physics, geometry issues, and material limitations with goal of having solid understanding of breakdown limitations by 2012 and supporting High Gradient user collaboration. • Will enable the design of optimal rf structures for accelerators and rf generation with goal of ~150 MV/m concept by 2012. • Fundamental studies of Advanced Microwave rf sources • RF power sources are heart of a linear accelerator. Past studies have (mostly) demonstrated >400 MW in 400 ns. However this source is too expensive for much more than 75 MV/m acceleration and a new approach is needed for an optimized linac at ~150 MV/m. • Explore new ideas for rf power sources with a goal of reducing the cost per MW/m by 3 to 4. Combined with the High Gradient work, this will enable the design of a 150 MV/m linac. • Goal for 2012 is a concept supported by detailed simulations. ARD All-Hands April 2008

  12. SLAC Accelerator Science: FY09-FY12 (3) • Multi-TeV Linear Collider design • Will explore design issues for TeV and multi-TeV Linear Colliders and further develop a path to a multi-TeV laser or plasma driven LC. • Develop multi-TeV LC designs for laser and PWFA colliders. • Results will guide the Advanced Acceleration R&D program at SLAC and elsewhere. Low level of effort is ongoing. • Beam Theory • Studying nonlinear dynamics, beam optics, and collective effects to enable the design of new high performance colliders and storage rings. Members work closely with Accelerator Design groups and with the Advanced Computation groups in modeling collective effects. • Effort enables the design of high performance colliders and rings. Low level of effort is ongoing. ARD All-Hands April 2008

  13. SLAC Accelerator Development: FY09-FY12 (1) • CLIC Structure Collaboration • Design and demonstration of CLIC accelerator and Power Extraction (PETS) structures in collaboration with CERN and KEK. The CLIC specification is 100 MV/m in the accelerator structures and ~400 MW/m rf power from the extraction structures. Both designs must include HOM damping. • Design, including detailed EM simulations, of the CLIC accelerator structure and PETS by 2010. • Fabrication of prototype accelerator structures and demonstration the gradient performance at the NLC Test Accelerator by 2012. • Demonstration of the HOM damping of the PETS and the accelerator structure at ASSET facility in the SLAC linac by 2012. ARD All-Hands April 2008

  14. SLAC Accelerator Development: FY09-FY12 (2) • X-band RF power source development • Past studies between 2002 and 2004 demonstrated most components of an X-band rf power source with >400 MW in 400 ns which can optimally drive an X-band linac at ~75 MV/m. • The modulator system will be re-optimized using expertise gained from the ILC program. • The X-band klystron will be improved to reduce fault rates using knowledge on structure breakdown gained from the High Gradient collaboration. • Demonstrate an integrated rf power source for a >75 MV/m linac by 2012. • Plan for a 3~6 GeV demonstration linac with a gradient in excess of 75 MV/m to be constructed 2013 – 2016 • May be follow-on to FACET  FACET-II ARD All-Hands April 2008

  15. SLAC Accelerator Development: FY09-FY12 (3) • Beam Feedback and Instrumentation • Develop beam feedback and instrumentation for next-generation accelerators including ILC, LHC, luminosity factories • Next generation accelerators will be limited by feedback and instrumentation performance. The program at SLAC has developed state-of-the-art feedback and instrumentation systems for PEP-II, KEK-B, and other high current storage rings. This program will continue these developments and apply them to future accelerators. • Specific programs in the 2008-20012 timescale include development of LLRF control for LHC, bunch-by-bunch feedback for the SPS, and development of feedback systems for the ATF and ATF2 test facilities at KEK. ARD All-Hands April 2008

  16. SLAC Accelerator Development: FY09-FY12 (4) • Accelerator design with Advanced Computing techniques • Support for advanced accelerator design using advanced computing techniques to further understand the performance of operating accelerators or to optimize the design of the next-generation accelerators. • Specific applications to ILC, CLIC and LHC including impedance studies of collimators and other beamline devices for LHC, the design of HOM damping systems for the baseline and alternate ILC cavities, and calculations of HOMs in CLIC accelerator and Power Extraction structures. ARD All-Hands April 2008

  17. SLAC Accelerator Development: FY09-FY12 (5) • Next-Generation Accelerator Design • General design studies for the next generation of test facilities and accelerators including accelerators such as Project X at Fermilab, a Super B-factory in Italy, Chicago, or Japan, and advanced test facilities for linear colliders or other advanced accelerator concepts. • Theory support for commissioning and design studies of LHC which is not covered by LARP funding. • Includes work on electron cloud, SPS feedback systems, and LHC LLRF as well as other topics. • Theory and design support for studies of CLIC or other X-band linear collider designs. Includes work on the CLIC Beam Delivery System in collaboration with Daresbury Laboratory, design of bunch compressor systems, and studies of damping ring instabilities as well as concepts for a staged X-band linear collider. • Specific deliverables by 2012 include collaboration on a CLIC CDR and design of klystron-based X-band linear collider that could be upgraded using CLIC Two-Beam Acc. technology ARD All-Hands April 2008

  18. ILC and LHC • 1.3 GHZ rf program is making great strides • NC structure; couplers; rf distribution; 10 MW tubes; Marx • ATF-2 will be commissioning soon! • FFTB-like performance in dedicated facility • LC Gun Test Lab • ILC laser system under development • LHC will be turning on soon • Phase-II collimator system is being developed at SLAC • Starting crystal collimation working group – LHC and Tevatron exp. • Lots of areas to contribute • Tom Markiewicz is leading SLAC effort and Uli, Alex, and Nan are helping to prioritize SLAC program ARD All-Hands April 2008

  19. Photon Science • Want increased engagement in Photon Science efforts • LCLS commissioning • First X-ray FEL • Large project and lots of possible ways to contribute • PEP-X • Possible future upgrade(s) to PEP-II for Photon Science • LCLS and future upgrades • Possible expansion using ESA shared with HEP • Possible expansion using upstream portion of linac • Various options using different methods of seeding • RF Gun Test Area(s) • Developing plans for rf gun test area including a possible expansion of Klystron Test Lab (ASTA) or using SLAC linac injector region ARD All-Hands April 2008

  20. A Roadmap for Multi-TeV Lepton Colliders Normal conducting - Two-Beam-based Multi-TeV LC Normal conducting – Klystron-based 350 GeV LC Plasma Acc Multi-TeV LC 5th Generation SR Sources? 4th Generation SR Sources Superconducting RF 500 GeV LC The LC roadmap illustrates options and connections between them. Selecting a path requires additional information suchas LHC results and technology status Neutrino source Neutrino ring Muon collider(few TeV) Timescale (personal guess) 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 ARD All-Hands April 2008

  21. Linear Collider Roadmap • Working to develop the ‘Roadmap’ in greater detail • 5 working groups started – others in progress • PWFA – Mark Hogan & Andrei Seryi (focused on FACET right now) • X-band rf power – Chris Adolphsen • Novel rf power sources – Sami Tantawi • Two Beam Accelerator – Ron Ruth • X-band structures – Sami Tantawi • LC Systems – Andrei Seryi (to be started) • Laser Acceleration – Eric Colby (to be started) • Goal is to develop a draft by August 1st and complete by and of fiscal year ARD All-Hands April 2008

  22. Funding Outlook • Looking at mid-year budgets now • Looks reasonable; may have some extra funding available but … • Concern about a continuing resolution • Want to have enough carry-over to cushion a tight initial budget • Think we are in good shape • Need to develop 5 year budget plans • Expect to see ~11M$ for ILC and increased funding for LC R&D (X-band and plasma and laser R&D) • Some funding may be available for Project-X • Need to work on ‘out-reach’ • Outside world does not know what we do anymore! • Need to talk within division more – educate each other and then educate outside ARD All-Hands April 2008

  23. ARD Meeting Schedule • Many exciting results from all efforts • Need to share these with each other ARD All-Hands April 2008

  24. Admin Issues and Computer Support • Two admins: Joan Valine and Naom Nagahashi • Both stretched thin  individuals responsible for much more • Developing policies and procedures web pages • Travel • Visitors and invitation letters • P-cards and purchase reqs • Computers and timesheets • Will be available next week • Computer support will be supplied by SCCS • Primary contact is Nick Arias with backup support from SCCS • Nick is covering three areas on site: A&E, ILC City, and ESB • Send help requests send mail to: ithelp-ard@slac ARD All-Hands April 2008

  25. Upcoming Events • SPC meeting May 2-3 • SLAC Vision document to be discussed • P5 report will likely be released at end of May • Impact on ILC, X-band / CLIC, PWFA / laser, and Project-X • Funding impact is not yet clear • FACET review will be June 5-6 • Important step to launch FACET • SLAC HEP Program review will be July 7-9 • Last SLAC HEP program review • Future reviews will be by program not by lab • Accelerator Science Program review will likely be in September ARD All-Hands April 2008

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