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The Middle East. The Middle East Today: Political Map. 19. 4-->. 17. 18. 11-->. 6. 7. 1. 13. 8-->. 9. <--10. 2. 12. 5. 3-->. 16. 15-->. 20. 14. 21. Middle East? OR Near East? OR Southwest Asia? OR….?. What is the “Middle East”?.
The Middle East Today:Political Map 19 4--> 17 18 11--> 6 7 1 13 8--> 9 <--10 2 12 5 3--> 16 15--> 20 14 21
What is the “Middle East”? • The Middle East is not a separate continent, but geographically is the area in which Africa, Asia, and Europe interconnect • There are no natural borders that delineate the boundaries of the Middle East. • Egypt, Iran, Sudan, Turkey, North Africa are disputed parts of the region.
What is the “Middle East”? • In fact the boundaries of the Middle East are political, and they keep shifting overtime. • Islam is the common thread that join Middle Eastern Country together
Ancient Middle East • http://www.mapsofwar.com/ind/imperial-history.html
Ottoman Empire c. 1800 • Multiethnic, multireligious state ruled under Islamic laws • Ruled by sultan • By 1800, power beginning to weaken • Threat from powerful, industrialized European nation-states & imperialism
Middle East & European Imperialism • France Algeriain 1830, Tunisia in 1881 • British took Aden (Yemen) in 1836, Egypt in 1882 • Italy Libya in 1911 • Russia also gained influence
Sykes-Picot Agreement • Ottoman Empire joinedCentral Powers • Other Arab states joined with British who promised them independence after war… BUT • France & Britain had secret Sykes-Picot Agreement which divided the territory among themselves!!!! • Plus the Balfour Declaration (would support nation for Jewish people in Palestine) = Distrust in the West
Middle East – Post WWI • Mandate System • Mandates = semi-colonial territories • Set up by League of Nations • Hopes for nation-states crushed • Kurds (ethnic group) promised settlement, instead were divided among Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq
Development of Middle East • Very different across the Middle East • Islam & politics? Modernization? Relationship with West? • Three types of regimes in Islamic states • Muslim States = Muslim majority, secular gov’t (Turkey) • Islamic States = Muslim majority, principles of Islam used for guidance (Egypt, Indonesia) • Islamist States = Depend on Islamic or Shari’a law for governance (Iran, Saudi Arabia)
Middle East Nationalism • Rapid economic change due to oil resources • Demand for oil among industrialized countries • Arab Revolt of 1916-1917 • Led to partitioning of Ottoman Empire • Rise of nationalism around the Middle East • By 1936, Iraq, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, & Syria were independent • Only Palestine was not autonomous
Modernization in Turkey • 1922 – Turkish nationalists led by Mustafa Kemal overthrew last Ottoman emperor • Established Republic of Turkey (1st republic in Middle East) • Kemal as 1st president of Turkey = Atatürk (“Father of the Turks”) • Modernization • Broke connection between Islam and state • Separated Islamic laws from national laws • Replaced Islamic courts with secular courts • Gave women legal & political rights (suffrage, no veil) • Western style of dress • EDUCATION!!! – Secular public schools • Alphabet changed from Arabic to Latin
Modernization in Iran • 1921 – Reza Khan, army officer, seized power • Military dictatorship • Became ruling shah in 1925, renamed Persia as Iran (Reza Shah Pahlavi) • Westernization not as successful as in Turkey • Broke w/Islamic traditions • Built roads & railroads, encouraged industrialization • Women given more rights • Iran occupied by British & Soviet troops in WWII (Iran’s pro-German policies) • Conflict w/U.S. & West over shah’s right to throne – extended West’s influence • 1979 Islamic revolution by religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew shah • Iranian hostage crisis in Tehran in 1979 – released 444 days later
Egypt & Arab Nationalism • Controlled by British since 1882 (although under Ottoman Empire…) • Arab nationalism opposed British control/influence • 1952 – GamalAbd al-Nasser led coup and was named president of Egypt • Suez Crisis in 1956 • Brief union w/Syria as United Arab Republic • Attacks on Israel • Replaced by Anwar Sadat & then Hosni Mubarak
Palestine • Lesson for another day… • Has some self-determination but still strives for nation-statehood 2010
Saudi Arabia • While Turkey and Iran broke with many Islamic traditions, Saudi Arabia held strictly to Islamic law. • The harsh desert land was home to a group of nomads known as Bedouins. • They lived in large family groups, each led by a shaykh (sheikh) = means “elder”. • In 1902, a shaykh named Abd al-Aziz Obn Saud, set out to extend his power. • In 1926 he proclaimed himself king of the nation of Saudi Arabia. • Still an absolute monarchy. King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
Iraq After fall of Ottomans… • British mandate, created gov’t, renamed Iraq • Attacks on Israel, Iran, Kuwait • Ethnic oppression & genocide under Saddam Hussein
Afghanistan • Islamic Republic of Afghanistan • Chronic instability & conflict • “Great Game” = Russia & Britain’s Empire vied for control • Communist government for a period of time (controlled by Soviets) • Withdrawal of Soviets led to civil war • Rise of Taliban (from largest ethnic group, the Pashtuns) • Controlled Afghanistan until ousted in 2001 • President Hamid Karzai
Kuwait: An Island Floating on a Sea of Oil KuwaitCity
Leading U. S. Oil Suppliers The U. S. imports 30% of its oil needs from the Middle East.
Issues Facing Middle East • Ethnic & religious conflicts • Religion v. modernizationv. politics • Arab-Israeli conflict over statehood/territory • Economics • Arab spring/political instability