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Volunteering in an obstacle!. What’s that all about?. The Basics for you. Do not drink to much before you go to the obstacles, porta - potties are few and far between! Take a folding chair if you can, sometimes waiting is involved between competitors arriving at your obstacle.
Volunteering in an obstacle! What’s that all about?
The Basics for you • Do not drink to much before you go to the obstacles, porta-potties are few and far between! • Take a folding chair if you can, sometimes waiting is involved between competitors arriving at your obstacle. • Bring warm clothing and or rain gear if the weather looks like you will need it.
Competition hints • Being a volunteer at an obstacle has a lot of responsibility as you can ultimately make or break a competitor by your judgment calls. Please take time to learn the basics by reviewing this presentation, and ask questions prior to going out on course if you have any doubts, there are NO stupid questions.
Competition hints • Rule #1, just because a competitor goes around the obstacle in a different way from other competitors, does not mean it is wrong. The idea from the competitor’s point of view is to complete the obstacle as fast as possible using the direction they think is best for them and their horse or pony. • There only requirement is to go through the gates in order and in the right direction.
Competition hints • Rule #2, there should be at least three volunteers at an obstacle, two timers and at least one observer. Make sure you all keep out of the way when competitors arrive at the obstacle and while they are in the obstacle. • This means you are also responsible for crowd control, spectators should not cross an obstacle while a competitor is in the obstacle. Shoot to kill if you have to, just kidding!
Competition hints • Each team will have a designate a team lead, this person will be responsible for radio traffic, and be the go to person if decisions are needed. Normally they will be experienced and done this at least once before! • Timers are to stand inline with the Start and Finish, which may or may not be the same line. • Observers should position themselves where they can see all the gates, to make sure the competitors go through them correctly. This may mean moving during a competitor run, but make sure you keep out of the path of the carriage for yours and the competitors safety. • Inform team lead straight away of any penalties you observe, team leader should radio in any penalties ASAP, and make sure they are written on the score sheet.
Competition hints A typical obstacle will look something like this.
Competition hints • On arriving at the obstacle, make sure you understand where the Start and Finish line is, and the order and direction of the gates and where they are, A,B,C,D.. • Training level will do A, B, C, only. • Prelim will do A,B,C, & D (D not show here)
Competition hints • Each gate is consider “Live” until the competitor has gone through the gate in the correct direction, (red sign on right side of carriage) after that the gate is considered “dead”. • Once a gate is “Dead” the competitor can then go through it again in either direction legally.
Competition hints • It is also legal for a competitor to “button hole” a gate, meaning as long as the horse and carriage completely cross the plane of the gate they can turn back through it.
Timers • Timer’s, your job is extremely important, and can be stressful at times. • There should be two timers, one the primary and the second the backup. • While you are waiting for the next competitor look on your go order list to see what number should be coming next, watch as they could be out of order. Make sure the observer if there is one knows the number. • Check this is correct as the competitor arrives, the number is on the carriage, and a competitor will normally shout out their number as they arrive.
Timers • Both timer’s should start their watches as the head of the horse or pony crosses the line entering the obstacle. • Both should stop the their clock watch’s as the head of the horse or pony, crosses the line to finish. • You both will probably be off by a split second you go with the primary time first. The secondary is incase the primary watch does not start correctly for any reason. • Record the time on the Sheet provided to two decimal places, a “runner” will come by and collect them from you during the event.
Holding a Competitor • OK the stressful part! • While you are watching the competitor in the obstacle, you must also listen to the radio and watch incase a following competitor arrives at the obstacle for their turn, and the previous competitor is still in it. • In this case, the secondary timer must breakoff and flag down the approaching competitor and place them in “HOLD” clear of the obstacle.
Holding a Competitor • This timer should start their clock watch at the time of hold and record the time of the hold until the competitor is released for their turn in the obstacle. Always hold to a complete minute so 60, 120, seconds. • The competitor is allow to start at a run so make sure they know that and count them down from 10 seconds. • Radio to control as soon as possible that a competitor #?? has been placed in hold and for how long. • Because this may cause a chain reaction, help will normally be sent to your obstacle to get the competitor flow back on track. This can include holding competitors at the main course start line. • You may need to hold a competitor, if the obstacle has been damaged, radio damage in straight away.
Reasons to make notes • Competitor is placed on a HOLD • Competitor goes through a gate out of order, example they do B before A (only if you know from experience, other wise just note the gates in order and direction they were completed) • Competitor misses a gate completely, example goes through A, then C. (again only if you know from experience, the order of the gates you write on the score sheet is all you are responsible for). • One member on the carriage steps on the ground, this is also a penalty, usually done because the carriage is stuck on an obstacle.
Your responsibilities • To time the competitors while they are in the obstacle to the second decimal place ie: 1:13:23 • Make sure you also record the competitors number and time on the backup score sheet. • Describe the route taken by writing the order of the gates taken by the competitor on the score, circle any gate that they go through backwards. (You do not have to worry about them being training or Prelim level.) • Make sure spectators do not cross the obstacle while competitors are in it.
Typical Score Sheet Enter Competitor # Sign your name Score Sheet Enter any penalties Enter hold time if any. Enter time in obstacle Enter reason for any penalty. Enter the order of the gates as they were driven. Note circle the letter if gate was driven the wrong way.
Important Safety tips • If a carriage is in trouble, maybe it turns over, it is NOT your responsibility to get involved, radio for help straight away. • Trying to stop run way horses, is not a good thing especially if you are not used to being around horses. Trying to stop a run away horse with a carriage is even worst, stay clear and warn others to do so. • In general if a horse is down and injured it should be held down, and not allowed to get up. Again this is NOT something to be done if you do not know what you are doing. YOUR safety comes first, THINK before you act!
Who are the major players at the event #1 The VOLUNTEERS!!!, people who give up their time and travel on a weekend for free, that allows the event to happen. Without you the event would not be possible, THANK YOU. #2 The Judge, the person who is overall responsible for the making sure the competition is “fair and square”. #3 The “TD” Technical Delegate, the person responsible to making sure the course and event abides to the official rules. #4 The Competitors, normally two per carriage, a driver and a navigator, commonly called a “gator”. #5 The Staff, normally members of the club that put on the event.
Tools of the Trade Mode button The Stop Watch (Picture may be different from you watch but the buttons are usually the same.) • First select the stop watch mode, keep clicking the “mode” button until all zeros display.
Tools of the Trade The Stop Watch • Next, click the Start/Stop button to start the clock running. Make sure you press on the button firmly, (practice a few times to get the hang of it). Start/Stop button
Tools of the Trade The Stop Watch • Finally, click of the Split/Reset button again to reset the clock to all zeros. • Record the time against the competitor on the provided sheet. Split/Reset button
Tools of the Trade The Radio • There are many different types of radios, most have similar setups
Tools of the Trade The radio’s should be preset, but make sure the correct channel is selected and stays selected for the event. The Radio Channel button
Tools of the Trade To make a call click and hold the button on the side of the radio, while the button is depressed others can here you. Let go of the button to receive messages. If you hear someone else talking wait until they finish before you start to transmit. The Radio Talk button
Tools of the Trade Make sure the volume is at a level where you can hear it, you may need to ask for a radio check to know this, start at the loudest setting. The Radio Volume button
The Staff and Competitors can not thank you enough for volunteering your time and effort to make this event possible. THANK YOU SO MUCH