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My books- Learning to Go https://gumroad.com/l/learn2go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers http://amazon.com/The-Goals-Challenge-Teachers-Transform/dp/0415735343 <br>Resources at http://shellyterrell.com/classfinale
A Class Finale They Won’t Forget! ShellyTerrell.com/classfinale
Is school over, yet?!@!
In a few days, students can: Explore the world Help others Express gratitude Play Reflect Cultivate relationships
Reflect “Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead.” - Yvonne Woon Altered photo by Lance Shields, Flic.kr/p/8HEB8R
Digital Scrapbooks Buncee.com/buncee/44768
Reflect on goals & set ones for the summer Goal Poster by EvelynGiggles, Flickr, CC 2.0
Recommended Tools & Apps EduBuncee Tackk Canva Biteslide Pic-Collage Smore Glogster
Class moments magazine! Flipboard.com/section/the-paly-voice-bL09Sx
School year highlights newspaper! issuu.com/londonnews/docs/the_pirate_ship_may_2014_year-end_e
A thank you to their teachers! Glossi.com/TitansDigest/103846-titans-digest-may-issue?sb=anon-e6d83e18888a178ac750e40c5d2d460c
Ted Talk, Ignite, Pecha Kucha Youtu.be/h11u3vtcpaY
Watch & write commencement speeches! Brainpickings.org/index.php/page/3/
Advice to future students Voicethread.com/?#q+advice.b1940877.i10230814
Take the learning outside!
Whoever wants to understand much must play much. - Gottfried Benn Photo by Sherif Salama, Flic.kr/p/4unZDG
SketchNation GetKathoot TinyTap Sploder Stencyl Unreal What2Learn Unity ClassTools X-Note Scratch MIT Zondle Gamestar Mechanic Game Maker Studio Hopscotch GameSalad Purpose Games Tynker Gamefroot Textbased Adventures Game Maker 3D Adventure Games Create games Code Avenger Flowlab Kodu Shellyterrell.com/games
Visit a guest expert physically or virtually! Field Trip: First Grade Outdoor Educa4on by woodleywonderwork, Flic.kr/p/7hc7G7
Education.microsoft.com/connectwithothers/ guestspeakers
Students create questions Students line up to ask 1 at a time
Create a Lip Dub, Farewell, or Memories Video! TOOLS & APPS Magisto iMovie Moovly Powtoon TouchCast Wideo Thinglink Splice ShellyTerrell.com/video Photo by Kirill Kniazev, Flic.kr/p/nM4w1N
Explore the world!
VR Field Trips with Google Cardboard Photo by kimubert, Flic.kr/p/BrmcwQ
Shellyterrell.com/ humor
Gum.co/learn2go ShellyTerrell.com/classfinale @ShellTerrell Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell Youtube.com/user/atesol