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Teaching with Instagram ShellyTerrell.com Bit.ly/ELTLINKs List.ly/list/EDQ-instagram
The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.? - Yousuf Karsh?
15 second videos Unlimited image uploads IOS / Android Filters, frames, blur Tag people #hashtags Age: 13+ Comment Geotag
You can make the account private so that only parents & students see it!?
Create a #Hashtag?? Not recommended!?
Working with images? Schooltechnology.org Photos of elementary students using iPads at school to do amazing projects. Flickr, CC 2.0
• They can turn in photo or video assignments directly to you.? • You can review it then post in the main account & tag them.?
Create collages with PicCollage free IOS/Android app?
Image Chef IOS App? ©https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/imagechef/id330357169?l=en&mt=8
You Doodle IOS App? Stickers, frames, filters, text, collages, and more!?
• Post a collage? • Students create a 6 word story
• Post an image? • Students create a short poem or haiku inspired by the image
• Post a collage of images and facts about a place from the readings or a mystery hangout? • Students guess and add another fact they find
• Post an image or word cloud about the upcoming topic? • Each student posts a question to research?
Writing prompts Writing prompts??
Recreate a scene from the chapter Indian, Colonists and Pilgrim by PrayingMother, Flickr
Send them on scavenger hunts!
Once upon a time... Chain Story? And the bird… …The End!
Video commentary relating to the subject or reading
Book Trailers by Larry Ferlazzo? Bit.ly/instagramtrailers?
Role-play a character to introduce them to the topic.
ShellyTerrell.com/ resources/webinars List.ly/shellterrell