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Venezuela Technology Integration 2015

My books- Learning to Go https://gumroad.com/l/learn2go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers http://amazon.com/The-Goals-Challenge-Teachers-Transform/dp/0415735343 <br>Resources at http://shellyterrell.com/ventesoltech

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Venezuela Technology Integration 2015

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tips for Teaching with Technology ShellyTerrell.com/VENTesoltech

  2. Do you? Take selfies Status update Share images Tweet Like Keep calm and … Use emojiis Tag LOL Use filters Check in Comment Use Siri Google

  3. Our digital behavior influences our … Rituals Customs Values Language Learning Communication Photo by DaveLawler, Flic.kr/p/ceiLph

  4. The number one benefit of educational technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative … productive … learn things they didn't think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential. - Steve Ballmer Photo by One Laptop per Child, Flic.kr/p/5G9G6x

  5. Gum.co/learn2go

  6. Amazon.com/The-Goals-Challenge-Teachers-Transform/dp/0415735343

  7. Discover what tools your students currently use

  8. 1rqtefBP2wgcgOp7eAPdXe9kQ3x_loT3iQQWtY5KEu9M/viewform Google Forms https://docs.google.com/forms/d/

  9. Pedagogy is the driver, technology is the accelerator. - Michael Fullan iPad car mount by hammershaug, flic.kr/p/8ngYbH Via Steve-wheeler.blogspot.com

  10. Co-learning & Peeragogy •  Students shape their learning & the curriculum •  Instructor builds the foundation & provides various opportunities for learners to collaboratively create and curate the content and resources •  Students learn from & support each other Howard Rheingold Peeragogy.org

  11. Sites.google.com/a/msad60.org/technology-is-learning/samr-model Photo by tim.klapdor, Flic.kr/p/dSCBGm

  12. slideshare.net/timbuckteeth/presentations

  13. Digital Blooms by Kelly Tenkely, iLearnTechnology.com

  14. Peeragogy Collaboration Play Creativity Real-world connections Exploration Experimentation Digital Literacy Citizenship

  15. Scavenger hunts Digital stories Games ePortfolios Comics Tutorials Podcasts Mindmaps Videos Blogs Infographics

  16. Find the right tool/app

  17. Digital Posters Buncee Thinglink Piktochart Biteslide Smore Tackk Glogster PicCollage ImageChef Muzy

  18. Edshelf.com

  19. Graphite.org

  20. The technology may fail you at times!

  21. Have students learn the tools, then offer tech support

  22. Partner with parents

  23. Shellyterrell.com/survivaltips/parents

  24. Tip: Get students & parents to sign an Acceptable/ Responsible Use Policy (AUP)

  25. Utechtips.com/2009/07/31/aup-driven-by-vision-not-protection/Utechtips.com/2009/07/31/aup-driven-by-vision-not-protection/

  26. How do I manage this?

  27. MrsWideen.com I Can Cards

  28. Learning stations Group work Facilitate Image KSC-04PD-0583 CC by NASA

  29. Activity Logs Activity Logs

  30. Calendars Calendars

  31. The Cup System •  Give each group a stack of yellow, blue, & red cups. •  The top cup is their status. •  Yellow= sunny & bright, everything's all right •  Blue= we're through, what should we do? •  Red= we have a problem we cannot solve alone Theorganizedclassroomblog.com/index.php/blog/cup Theorganizedclassroomblog.com/index.php/blog/cup-management -management

  32. Whoever wants to understand much must play much. - Gottfried Benn Savage Wii Boxing Match image by Sherif Salam, Flickr

  33. What happens when we play games? Posi$ve  Stress   Mul$media  Explosion   Social   Goal-­‐oriented   Try  without  penalty   Failure  part  of  the  journey   Representa$on  of  the  world   students  want  to  be  a  part  of!   All  can  be  a  hero!   P. Maglione, Slidesha.re/pmteenmotivation

  34. Digitalplay.info/blog/

  35. Have them design walkthroughs Bit.ly/12I3epM

  36. 3 Things we should know about you 2 Places you love to visit 1 Job you wish you had

  37. Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. - Bill Gates

  38. Pearltrees.com/shellyterrell/tech-tips/id5941548

  39. Get your copy of Learning to Go- Gum.co/learn2go ShellyTerrell.com/survivaltips/techtips Twitter: @ShellTerrell Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell Amazon- The 30 Goals for Teachers Google.com/+ShellySanchezTerrell

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