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Epidemiology in the Hospital Setting

Epidemiology in the Hospital Setting Benjamin A. Rybicki, PhD Senior Scientist, Henry Ford Hospital Henry Ford Health System Cardiovascular Respiratory Research Cancer Human Populations Molecular Bio Epidemiology Epidemiologists Neuro Statistics Population Database Laboratory

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Epidemiology in the Hospital Setting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Epidemiology in the Hospital Setting Benjamin A. Rybicki, PhD Senior Scientist, Henry Ford Hospital

  2. Henry Ford Health System

  3. Cardiovascular Respiratory Research Cancer Human Populations Molecular Bio Epidemiology Epidemiologists Neuro Statistics Population Database Laboratory Prog/Data Mgrs. Molecular Biology Laboratory Mol Biologists Statistics Biostatisticians Epidemiology Interviewers Abstractors Data Entry Biostatistics & Research Epidemiology www.henryford.com/body.cfm?id=39207

  4. BRE Organizational Structure Biostatisticians 13 Epidemiologists 16 Molecular Epid Research Lab 6 Data Management & Programming 10 Abstracting, Interviewing, RN/LPNs, MAs 36 Data Entry 2 Computer Facility 4 Secretarial 3 Project Support 10 Grants Managers 2 Administrative Manager 1 Total Staff 103

  5. Benign Cohort 1990 – 2006 N=8,117* PSA test +/- 1 year of benign specimen (N=7,122) Prostate cancer diagnosis on or before 12/31/2010 Yes No Cases N=1,441 Controls N=5,681 ≥ 1 year between benign specimen and cancer diagnosis N=1,136 ≥ 1 year of follow-up after benign biopsy N=4,431 Case-Control Matching: Age, race, and follow-up duration 800 case-control pairs Benign tissue available for study N=931 Benign tissue available for study N=3,633 Aim 1 & Aim 2 Tumor tissue available for study N=698 Aim 3 650 case-control pairs A Nested Case-Control Study using a Pathology-based Cohort

  6. Summary At Henry Ford, epidemiologists lead and co-lead research in step with the mission of the health system. Biostatisticians are often co-investigators on epidemiologist-lead research, but focus most on statistical issues across multiple projects.• Epidemiologists tend to favor observational studies, but often employ methodologies developed by basic science researchers and team with clinical researchers doing intervention studies. • Investigators who want to use population data to address a research question can benefit from interactions with an epidemiologist.

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