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The Concepts of Health: Physical, Mental, and Social Aspects

Explore physical, mental, and social well-being through the lens of the Royal Family. Learn about factors influencing health and the holistic concept of wellness. Dive into ideas of ill health and explore illness, disease, and disability concepts.

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The Concepts of Health: Physical, Mental, and Social Aspects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. You have 10 seconds to name… 5 members of the Royal Family

  2. Concepts of Health

  3. How would you describe your physical health? What effects your physical health? What is there in your society that effects your health? What is spiritual health? Does everyone have it? What effects it? How would you describe your mental health? What effects your psychological health? What is there in your environment that effects your health?

  4. The concepts of health are entwined and difficult to separate.

  5. Negative Concept of Health Positive Concept of Health You are healthy when you have the absence of disease Therefore, if you don’t have a disease, you are healthy Well Being Not JUST the absence of disease Feeling good in many ways

  6. Holistic Concept of Health

  7. The World Health Organisation (WHO) • “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” (http://www.who.int/about/en/)Do you think this is a positive or negative concept of health? Is it a holistic concept of health? Explain your answer.

  8. You have 10 seconds to name… 5 words starting with the letter 'z'

  9. How do you view ill health? There are different ideas as to what ill health is. The following are concepts of ill health which look at how individuals and society view ill health. Illness, Disease & Disability Iatrogenesis The sick role The clinical iceberg Concepts of Ill Health (Unit 7, P2)

  10. What Are Illness, Disease & Disability?

  11. Are Illness, Disease & Disability Indicators of Ill Health? What do you consider to be ill health? Does someone with a prosthetic leg and who can do all the things that an able bodied person do, have a disability? Do all people with disabilities have ill health? Do all illnesses and diseases cause ill health?

  12. What is Illness? Illness is subjective. “I feel ill” can mean different things to different people. Both these boys have the same symptoms, one feels ‘ill’ and one doesn’t.

  13. What is Disease? Disease is Objective. Symptoms have been diagnosed and have been given a specific name, eg Chickenpox or Cancer or Depression or Multiple Sclerosis etc Either you have a disease or you don’t. This child has measles

  14. Iatrogenesis • Caused by the doctor in the course of treating the patient. •  Illich criticised health care providers and drug companies for the 'medicalisation of life'

  15. Talcott Parsons Sick Role Talcott Parsons says that being ‘sick’ is a socially conditioned role. He says we behave in a certain way once we know we are ‘sick’.

  16. Talcott Parsons’ Theory:The Sick Role Parsons said that society applies ‘rules’ to people who are ill. The sick person AND the society have obligations: Sick Person: To seek appropriate medical help AND to want to get better. Society: To excuse the sick person from normal social roles (eg worker, mother etc) AND to not hold the patient responsible for their condition AND for the sick person to be taken care of These obligations must be fulfilled for the person to be allowed to be in the ‘sick role’.

  17. The Clinical Iceberg This theory says that because only 1/3 of patients present their symptoms to a health professional we are never really sure how many people have ill health. It gives an indication that peoples’ concept of ill health are different. Why do you think only 1/3 of people visit the doctor?

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