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Welcome to Mrs. Pousson’s “The road to success is always under construction.”

Welcome to Mrs. Pousson’s “The road to success is always under construction.”. LA Class. What do I do when I get to class?. Look on the board. Get your supplies. Make sure your backpack is NOT in the middle of the isle.

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Welcome to Mrs. Pousson’s “The road to success is always under construction.”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Mrs. Pousson’s“The road to success is always under construction.” LA Class

  2. What do I do when I get to class? • Look on the board. • Get your supplies. • Make sure your backpack is NOT in the middle of the isle. • Begin the warm-up. You never know when I will be grading the warm-up for the day. • Do not come into class unless you are ready to work!

  3. Tardies • You will be counted tardy if you are not at least walking through the door when the bell rings. • You must sign the tardy clip board when you walk in tardy. Do not come to class 1st and then ask to go to the bathroom. GO TO THE BATHROOM BEFORE YOU COME TO CLASS!

  4. Supplies • Come to class prepared with paper, something to write with, markers, scissors, glue sticks, small sharpener. • If you do not have one something to write with, borrow from your neighbor. • If you need to borrow one from me, you must leave me 1 of your shoes or something personal which you will get back when I get the pencil back. • There are also pencils for sale for 3 Big Bucks.

  5. Dictionaries/Textbooks • Dictionaries are located on the book shelves. • The textbooks are NOT to be taken out of the class. • Your 3-subject spiral is YOUR responsibility. • The interactive notebook stays in class.

  6. Food/Drink/Gum • Water is allowed in class. • The only candy/food allowed is what is bought from me with your “Big Bucks”. • Gum only becomes an issue to me when you make it an issue.

  7. Bathroom Breaks • Use the restroom on your own time. • You have plenty of time before you come into class. • You will have 3 opportunities to leave my class during each 9 week period. 1. Turn to the back of your planner. 2. Write Pousson 3. Raise your hand with your fingers crossed.

  8. Planner and Cell Phones • Record your due dates in your planner or in your cell phone. • You or your parent can sign up for Remind 101. The link is on my website. • Cell phones will ONLY be used for educational purposes. If you have it out otherwise, I can take it from you and turn it into the front office.

  9. What to do if Mrs. Pousson isn’t in class when we arrive? • Wait outside against the wall until the teacher arrives. • Then proceed into class and follow the procedure for entering into the class.

  10. Where do I turn in my work? • On top of the bookshelves the classes are labeled by period. • If you do not have your work to turn in, you must get a sheet of paper and write what homework assignment you did not have and why.

  11. Make-up Work • Find a HW buddy in your group.

  12. Policies • Grades Major 60% Quiz 20% Daily 20% • HOME WORK POLICY All homework is due the following school day. If the student does not have his/her work, he/she can turn it in the following school day for a maximum grade of a 70.

  13. Policies • MAKE UP WORK 1. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed and make arrangements to make up a test or quiz. I will put a zero in the gradebook until it is made up. 2. If you know that you will be absent in advance, check with the teacher to see what you can do. 3. Long term assignments are due on the due date even if you are absent. You must make arrangements to turn it in ahead or on the due date, or it will be counted late.

  14. Policies • RETEST POLICY 1. One failing quiz and one failing test grade may be retaken at the student’s request for a maximum score of a 70% 2. Arrangements must be made BEFORE or AFTER school.

  15. Policies • CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM Cheating is defined as giving or receiving and/or using unauthorized information on a test or submitting duplicate work for individual assignments. Any student involved in an instance of cheating will have his paper taken and a grade of zero given. A discipline consequence may be assigned to a student found guilty of cheating.

  16. Classwork • Partners • Groups • On your own • Be ready for me to randomly call on you • Must be labeled with your name, date, and period on the top right hand corner of your paper. • You will loose 2 points for each of these things not done for a total of up to 8 points off of any work turned in to the teacher.

  17. Other • Please get any supplies, sharpen your pencil , or throw away thrash as needed as long as it isn't while I am talking. • Ask your partner and neighbors for help before asking me. Ask 3 before me!

  18. Quality of Work • I have high expectations. • Part of your grade will be based on the quality of the work.

  19. Library • You will try go to the library every 3 weeks. • You will walk to the library without talking. • You may recheck or reserve a book on any computer. • Be aware of the due date on your book.

  20. Class Reward • The class can earn various opportunities. • The class must have 7 stickies to earn a privilege. • Examples: Listening to music, sitting on the floor while reading, sit wherever you want etc.

  21. Personal Reading Assignments • You will be required to read at least 1 book per 9 weeks in level and 2 per 9 weeks in PreAp. • You will complete a dialectic journal which will be provided by the teacher.

  22. Punishwork Punishwork is assigned when: 1. my room is left messy. 2. too much talking. 3. you are caught chewing gum. 4. ever Mrs. Pousson sees a need to give punishwork. I apologize to the few who may sometimes have to suffer for the many.

  23. Helpers I am always in need of helpers. If you are the type of student who likes to help, these are some of the ways which you can help: 1. passing out graded papers 2. helping others when you are done 3. making sure there is no trash on the floors 4. grading papers 5. etc.

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