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Interim Assessment 2014 Reading Informational Text. nterim. Grade 2 Teacher Directions Hillsboro Elementary Interim Assessment. Interim Assessment Awesome Team Members, Writers and Editors!. Important Information . This booklet is divided into two parts…
Interim Assessment 2014 Reading Informational Text nterim Grade 2 Teacher Directions Hillsboro Elementary Interim Assessment
Interim Assessment Awesome Team Members, Writers and Editors!
Important Information • This booklet is divided into two parts… • Teacher’s Resources and Answer Keys • Pages 1 – 9 • Student Assessment (can be printed in a small booklet form) • Pages 10 – 26 • This is the HSD Elementary Interim Assessment. This material is intended for assessing reading informational standards 1,2,3,5,6 and 7 taught in the first • school semester. • Printing Instructions… • The interim assessment should be ordered through the HSD Print Shop. • Be sure you order the section: Teachers Directions • Be sure you order one copy of the student assessment for each of your students.
Important Scoring Information • Directions for Interim Assessment • The HSD Elementary Interim Assessment is required. Please enter the student scores into Synergy. • Grades K – 2 • Students in kindergarten should have the passages read to them as a listening comprehension assessment. • Students in grades 1 – 2 should read the passages independently if they can, however; students not reading at grade level may have the passages read to them. • Grades 3 – 6 • Students in grades 3 – 6 should read the passages independently unless an IEP signifies otherwise. • Synergy: • When students have finished the entire assessment enter the total number of correct for each of the four reporting categories. There is a possibility of 5 total points for each reporting category. • Selected Responses: 0-1 Point Each • Constructed Responses: 0 – 3 Points each • Reporting Categories
Optional Classroom Use: You may use this class scoring sheet if you wish.
SBAC Reading Assessment Constructed Response General Template Short Constructed Response Short constructed response sample questions are designed to assess CCLS reading standards. These are single questions that ask students to respond to a prompt or question by stating their answer and providing textual evidence to support their answer. The goal of the short response questions is to require students to show succinctly their ability to comprehend text. In responding to these questions, students will be expected to write in complete sentences.
Interim Assessment Answer Key Constructed Response RI.2.6 15.Explain the different ways penguins use their flippers. Use information from the passage Cool Creatures. Scoring [Notes} “Teacher Language” Student gives essential elements of a complete interpretation:Essential elements of a complete interpretation of the prompt: explaining the different ways penguins use their flippers; should onlyinclude information taken from Cool Creatures(not personal experiences or other texts, etc…) or extraneous information outside of the prompt. Aspects of the Task/Evidence: Aspects of the task include student responses that show evidence of understanding the prompt. Specific evidence of how penguins use their flippers should include: (1) penguins use their flipper to swim underwater (2) penguins use their flippers to help them slide. Focused and organized, consistently addressing: Students’ writing stays consistently on the topic of the prompt and is organized (readable) in such a way that it focuses on the prompt.
Interim Assessment Answer Key Constructed Response RI.2.7 16. Describe the life stages of the penguin. Use information from paragraph 4 and the illustration below. Scoring [Notes} “Teacher Language” Student gives essential elements of a complete interpretation: Essential elements of a complete interpretation of the prompt: Describe the life stages of the penguin, should only include information taken from Cool Creaturesandthe Life Stages Illustration (not personal experiences or other texts, etc…) or extraneous information outside of the prompt. Aspects of the Task/Evidence: Aspects of the task include student responses that show evidence of understanding the prompt. Specific evidence of the 4 life stages of a penguin from Cool Creatures include: (1) the female lays one or 2 eggs on land (2) the male penguin takes care of the eggs until they hatch (3) the chick molts and becomes an adult (4) and the adult finds a mate. Specific evidence of the 4 life stages of a penguin from the illustration includes (only different information is included here than what is already stated from Cool Creatures), (1) The nest is a burrow under the ground, a circle made of stones or a nest of grasses (stages 2-4 are the same details as in Cool Creatures(above). Focused and organized, consistently addressing: Students’ writing stays consistently on the topic of the prompt and is organized (readable) in such a way that it focuses on the prompt.
Interim Assessment - Selected Response Answer Key Reporting CategoriesKEY DETAILS MAIN IDEA REASONING STRUCTURE
Interim Assessment Reading Informational Text nterim Interim Student Assessment Name________________________
Lexile: 750 African Animals 1 Much of the continent of Africa is a savanna. A savanna is an open grassland with few trees. Africa's savanna is home to many different types of animals. The savanna is a habitat. A habitat is a place where an animal lives. Here are some animals that live in the African savanna. 2 Lion Lions are big cats with gold-colored fur. Lions are carnivores (KARneh-vawrz). Carnivores are meat eaters. Lions live together in a group called a pride. 3 Elephant Elephants are animals with trunks and tusks. Elephants are herbivores (ER-beh-vawrz). Herbivores are plant eaters. Elephants live together in a group called a herd. Figure 1 Lions are big cats.
African Animals 4 Giraffe Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. They are plant eaters. Their height helps them reach leaves on tall trees. Giraffes live in a herd of about 10 animals. 5 Warthog Warthogs are a type of wild hog. Warthogs are omnivores (AHM-nehvawrz).Omnivores eat both plants and meat. Female and baby warthogs live in a small group called a sounder. Males live alone. 6 Hippopotamus Hippopotamuses are animals that live partly on land and partly in water. They are herbivores that eat mainly grasses. Hippos live in a herd of up to 15 members. Figure 2Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world.
Which sentence best describes a carnivore? • Lions are carnivores. • Carnivores are meat eaters. • Plant eaters are carnivores. • Carnivores live partly on land and water. 2. According to the text, how are elephants and giraffes alike? They both have trunks. Elephants and giraffes are carnivores. Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. Both animals are plant eaters.
3. What animal group eats most like a hippopotamus? • warthogs • elephants • giraffes • lions 4. What is the main topic of the passage African Animals? Animals that live in the African Savanna Lions that live in Africa Warthogs that live in the savanna A hippopotamus is an African animal.
5. Which sentence best explains the author’s main purpose for writing the passage African Animals? • The author wants the reader to know that giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. • The author wants to describe a savanna. • The purpose of this text is to explain the difference between herbivores and carnivores. • The author wants to describe some of the animals that live in the African Savanna. • 6. What information can the reader learn from all of the paragraphs in the passage African Animals? • The reader can learn about kinds of groups the animals live in. • The reader can learn how each kind of animal protects itself. • The reader can learn what color the animals are. • The reader can learn what kind of sound the animals make.
7. What would be a good title or heading for paragraph 1? Animals in Africa What is a Habitat What is a Savanna Open Grasslands
Lexile: 730 • Cool Creatures • 1 • What is black and white and wet all over? A • penguin going for a swim! Penguins are birds. They have feathers and lay eggs. Unlike most birds, penguins don’t fly. They use their wings as flippers. Penguins flap their flippers to swim underwater. Their webbed feet help them steer. • 2 • Penguins look for food in the ocean. They use their beaks to catch prey. Prey is an animal that is eaten by another animal. Penguins eat fish, squid, and krill. Krill are tiny animals that look like shrimp. • 3 • On land, penguins walk with a waddle or a hop. They often slide on their bellies to travel over ice or snow. They use their flippers and feet to help them slide. 1 • 4 • There are four stages in the life cycle of a penguin. First, the female penguin lays one or two eggs on land. Second, the male penguin takes care of the eggs until they hatch into chicks. Third, the chick molts and becomes an adult penguin. Finally, the new adult penguin finds a mate and continues new life cycle. 2 4 4. The adult finds a mate. 3
Cool Creatures • 5 • Penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere. That is the part of Earth below the equator. The equator is the make believe line around the center of Earth. Most penguins live in Antarctica, where it is cold. Some live near the equator. It is warm there. GLOSSARY equator– the make believe line around the center of the earth molts- shedding downy feathers prey – an animal eaten by another Figure 2 Map of where penguins live Equator
8. What is the main topic of the passage Cool Creatures? • Penguins Eating Habits • Where Penguins Live • Facts About Penguins • Penguins Use Flippers 9. What is the focus of paragraph 2? Unlike most birds, penguin cannot fly. Penguins look for food in the ocean. Penguins eat fish and squid. Female penguins lay eggs on land.
10. What happens during the second stage of a penguin’s life cycle? The female penguin lays eggs. The eggs hatch into chicks. The chick molts. The adult penguin finds a mate. 11. Based on paragraph 5 in the passage Cool Creatures, why do most penguins live in Antarctica? Most penguins look for food in Antarctica. It is in the Southern Hemisphere. Most penguins like cold temperatures. Most penguins live near the equator.
12. Look at Figure 2. According to the map, where do penguins live? North America, Africa, and Asia Europe , Antarctica, Asia, and North America South America, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica South America, Africa, Antarctica and Asia 13. According to the glossary, which word means “an imaginary line around the center of the earth?” Glossary Equator Molts Prey
14. Which sentence best explains the author’s purpose for writing the passage Cool Creatures? The author wants the reader to compare penguins to birds. The author want to describe the life cycle of a penguin. The purpose of this text is to explain where penguins live. The author wants the reader to learn some facts about penguins.
1 1. Mother lays 1 or 2 eggs in a nest. The nest is a burrow under the ground, a circle made of stones or a nest of grasses. 2 4. The adult finds a mate. 4 2. Father takes care of the eggs until the chicks hatch. 3 3. The chick grows up and becomes an adult.
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