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Year Round School

Year Round School. Htay Ku Paw James Beavers III. Why is it important. Year Round School is important because it gives parents a second option of education for their children. It gives students an option to graduate early or supplement their education. Pro’s Year of Round Schooling.

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Year Round School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Year Round School Htay Ku Paw James Beavers III

  2. Why is it important • Year Round School is important because it gives parents a second option of education for their children. • It gives students an option to graduate early or supplement their education.

  3. Pro’s Year of Round Schooling • Long vacation disrupts learning patterns and leave children in chance of getting in trouble. • Kids retain the information they get in the classroom that they would lose during the summer. • Parents cannot keep kids educational active during the summer. • Reduction in discipline problems in the classroom • Opportunities for teachers to work year round and get paid more • Teachers get a better understanding for their students.

  4. Con’s of year round Schooling • Students preform below their grade level because they lose focus and tired from not get a break. • In 1998 a parents group “Stop Year Round School” (SYRS) claimed it would disrupt family life and little to improve Quality of education. • Kids lose summer job and don’t learn the value of a dollar. • Schools’ cost goes up by having to repair the school more and having to pay bills through the school the whole year • Parents that cannot afford lunch or that pay half lunch will have to continue paying during the year round school instead of save that money

  5. Debate Questions • What are the key reasons schools are moving to year round school? • Do you think kids benefit from year round school?

  6. Referances • http://www.2facts.com.indianapolis.libproxy.ivytech.edu.allstate.libproxy.ivytech.edu/icof_story.aspx?PIN=i0501700&term=Year+round+school • http://sks.sirs.com.indianapolis.libproxy.ivytech.edu.allstate.libproxy.ivytech.edu/cgi-bin/hst-article-display?id=SIN0824-0-5805&artno=0000295826&type=ART&shfilter=U&key=Year%20round%20school&title=Learning%20Isn%27t%20for%20Nine%20Months%3B%20It%27s%20Forever&res=Y&ren=Y&gov=Y&lnk=Y&ic=N • http://sks.sirs.com.indianapolis.libproxy.ivytech.edu.allstate.libproxy.ivytech.edu/cgi-bin/hst-article-display?id=SIN0824-0-5805&artno=0000022743&type=ART&shfilter=U&key=Year%20round%20school&title=Time%20and%20Learning&res=Y&ren=Y&gov=Y&lnk=Y&ic=N • http://www.cehd.umn.edu/carei/publications/documents/Year-round.pdf

  7. Thank You!

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