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A pplying C LEANER PRODUCTION to M ULTILATERAL E NVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENTS. ACME. CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention. S ESSION 9.B. United Nations Environment Program Division of Technology Industry and Economy. Swedish International Development Agency.
ApplyingCLEANER PRODUCTION to MULTILATERAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENTS ACME CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention SESSION9.B United Nations Environment ProgramDivision of Technology Industry and Economy Swedish International Development Agency
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 2 / 32 INTRODUCTION CP approach to Basel Convention The “CP Methodology” has been adapted to the Basel Convention with focus on identifying opportunities to minimize the use and/or discharge/ emission of hazardous/toxic substances in industries.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 3 / 32 METHODOLOGY Focus on hazardous and toxics wastes • CP methodology is tailored to focus on materialistic wastes including hazardous / toxic wastes from a industry. • The methodology explains: • What should be done in theory. • How it is done in practice.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 4 / 32 METHODOLOGY Methodology based on 3 elements • 1/ The Cleaner Production (CP) strategy: • - prevention of waste; • - systematic approach; • - integrated into business processes; • - aimed at continuous improvement. • 2/ Several existing CP audit methodologies. • 3/ Real practice experience from CP assessments carried out in the past.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 5 / 32 METHODOLOGY How to use it? Companies can avoid/minimise the generation of the hazardous/toxic wastes through the same 6-step Cleaner Production approach with little adaptation Under each step there are several tasks. Each task describes what a company should do to avoid/minimise the generation of the hazardous/toxic wastes.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 6 / 32 METHODOLOGY CP methodology adapted to Basel 1a - Meeting with top management 1b - Form a Team and inform staff 1c - Pre-assessment to collect general information 1d - Select focus areas 1e - Prepare assessment proposal for top management approval STEP 1 Planning and Organization 2a - Staff meeting and training 2b- Prepare focus area flow charts 2c - Walkthrough of focus areas 2d - Quantify inputs and outputs and costs to establish a baselines 2e - Quantify losses through a material and energy balance STEP 2 Assessment 3a - Cause analysis 3b - Identify possible options 3c - Screen options for feasibility analysis STEP 3 IdentificationofOptions 4a - Technical, economic and environmental evaluation of options 4b - Rank feasible options for implementation 4c - Prepare implementation and monitoring proposal for top management approval STEP 4 FeasibilityAnalysisofOptions STEP 5 Implementation and Monitoring 5a - Implement options and monitor results 6a - Prepare proposal to continue with hazardous/toxic waste reduction for management approval. STEP 6 ContinuousImprovement
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 7 / 32 STEP 1 Planning and Organization • Purpose of step 1: • - To obtain top management commitment • - Plan and organize the detailed study • Without an approved plan, there is no commitment! • Output of step 1: • A written proposal with selected steps and tasks to avoid/minimise the generation of the hazardous / toxic wastes, approved by top management.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 8 / 32 STEP 1A Meeting with top management • If you are top management • Purpose of this first meeting is to get the commitment of company middle managers, staff and/or external facilitators to carry out a pre-assessment and write a proposal for a detailed assessment. • If you are a company middle manager or external facilitator • Purpose of this first meeting is to get top management’s approval for a pre-assessment and writing of a proposal for a detailed assessment.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 9 / 32 STEP 1B Form a team and inform staff • A Team of 4 - 6 people should be formed with: • Person who knows the major raw materials used and environmental impacts of the same. e.g. Environment Manager or Chief Laboratory Analyst • Person who knows the production process.e.g. the Head of Production • Person with access to general company information and material cost data.e.g. the company’s Accountant or Finance Manager • A communications or training person. • A top management representative who normally is not part of the Team’s day-to-day work.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention – 10 / 32 STEP 1C Pre-assessment to collect information • The mainpurpose of the pre-assessment at company levelis tocollect and review general information: • to identify the major raw material used and their characteristics, the majors outputs (wastes and emissions) and their characteristics; • to identify potential area of waste minimization; • to write a realistic proposal to top management. • Information collectedshould include: • - General company details, organization chart with the different departments and main functions; • - General production flow chart for the whole company with the main inputs and outputs for each production step; • - Production data for the past 3 years; • - Energy and other resource consumption data and costs for the past 3 years; • - An inventory of major equipment; • - Overview of information collected for each process step / for each department; • - Hazardous/toxic material used and emitted/discharged.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 11 / 32 STEP 1D Select focus areas • A focus area can be: • - The entire plant. • - A department, production line, or process step, such as the chemical pulping or the filtration. • - Specific equipment or raw material, such as chemical reactor, filter press, hazardous chemicals, etc.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 12 / 32 STEP 1E Prepare assessmentproposal • Assessmentproposal for top management approval: • It is important to obtain top management commitment because an energy assessment costs money and staff time and can interrupt the production process. • This proposal can be prepared within the company or by an external facilitator who has been involved in tasks 1a to 1d. • The assessment proposal should include:Objectives, Scope (i.e. focus area), Outputs, Approach, Methodology, Team, Time planning , Budget.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 13 / 32 STEP 2 Assessment • Purpose of step 2: • To assess hazardous/toxic material used and/or discharged / emitted for the focus area(s). • Output of step 1: • An overview of the quantity of hazardous / toxic material used and/or discharged / emitted; • Estimate of costs required for the assessment for the focus area(s). • Then it becomes easier to identify options to avoid/minimise the use and/or discharge/emission of the hazardous/toxic materials in step 3!
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 14 / 32 STEP 2A Staff meeting and training • Organizing staff meeting and training before commencing the Assessment: • - to inform staff about the assessment (particularly from focus area but preferably everyone from top management to production staff throughout the plant); • - to inform their roles to get their support.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 15 / 32 STEP 2B Prepare focus area flow charts • Preparation of flow chart for each of the selected focus areas: • - List the different steps of the focus area; • - List the most important inputs (resources) for each step; • - List the most important outputs for each step; • - List the intermediate and final products between the steps.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 16 / 32 STEP 2C Walkthrough of focus areas • Conduction of detailed walkthrough of the focus areas, usually starting at the first step of the process flow chart and finishing at the last step. • The purpose of the walkthrough is to: • - Better understand the focus area; • - Get feedback from production staff about problems… • - Write down any visible losses of energy and materials; • - Obtain information about quantities and costs for the inputs and outputs of each focus area step.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 17 / 32 STEP 2D Establishing a baseline • Establishingbaseline by quantifying inputs and outputsconsisting of: • - Quantities (e.g. tons of raw materials per day) • - Costs (e.g. $ per ton of raw materials) • - Other characteristics (e.g. moisture content, temperature and pressure of the process, etc.)
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 18 / 32 STEP 2E Quantify losses • Quantification of losses through material and energy balance • Whatever goes into a process must come out somewhere else. • Based on the process flow chart and quantified inputs and outputs prepared in the previous tasks, “balance” the inputs and outputs.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 19 / 32 STEP 3 Identification of Options • Purpose of step 3: • To identify opportunities to avoid/minimize the losses and improve energy efficiency for the selected focus areas. • Output of step 3: • List of options that will be investigated on their feasibility in step 4.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 20 / 32 STEP 3A Determine causes of losses • Once losses have been identified, it is important to Identify the ‘cause’. • The best way to analyze the causes is: • by answering the questions: Why are these losses occurring?Why is this material hazardous/toxic? • through a brainstorm session with the Team and other staff from the focus areas.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 21 / 32 STEP 3B Identify possible options • Identification of Possible options: • Through brainstorm session with the Team and other staff from the focus areas. • Options can fall in the following categories: • - Good housekeeping • - Improved process management • - Production process / equipment modification • - New technology / equipment • - Input material substitution • - On-site reuse / recovery • - Production of useful by-product. • - Product modification
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 22 / 32 STEP 3C Screen options for feasibility analysis • The easiest way of screening is by categorising the options as follows: • - Options that can be implemented directly; • - Options that require further analysis; • - Options that can be considered at a later stage.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 23 / 32 STEP 4 Feasibility Analysis of Options • Purpose of step 4: • - to determine which options are technically, financially and environmentally feasible; • - in what order they should be implemented. • Output of step 4 : • a proposal that is approved by top management, with recommended options for implementation; • procedure to do this; • a list of options that require further investigation or which are not feasible.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 24 / 32 STEP 4A Evaluation of options • Techno - economic and environmental evaluation of options • Team should : • - Investigate which options are technically, economically and environmentally feasible. • - Identify other possible reasons for implementing the option. • - Think of possible barriers to implementing the option.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 25 / 32 STEP 4B Rank feasible options for implementation • Prioritizing options for Implementation: • Options to be implemented in the short terme.g. within one year • Options recommended for implementation but in the longer term • 3. Option recommended for further investigation, or to be considered at a later stage / non feasible options
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 26 / 32 STEP 4C Implementation and monitoring proposal • Proposal for Implementation and Monitoring Plan to top management should include: • - An introduction • - Number of options identified • - Options investigated for feasibility • - Feasible options • - Options requiring further investigation • - Non feasible options
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 27 / 32 STEP 4C Implementation and monitoring proposal • Options recommended for implementation in the short term: • - Total estimated investment required, annual ongoing costs, annual savings and payback period • Total estimated environmental benefits • Most important other reasons for implementation • - Most persistent and difficult barriers and proposed solutions • - Table with list of options Environmental management plan for the hazardous/ toxic substances which could not be eliminated from use and/or generation.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 28 / 32 STEP 5 Implementation and Monitoring • Purpose of step5: • to implement feasible options in order of priority; • monitor results of implemented options; • discuss findings with top management. • Output of step 5: • reduction in quantity of the use and/or discharge/emissions of the hazardous/toxic substances; • improved energy efficiency and reduced GHG emissions from implemented options; • agreement with top management about the next steps.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 29 / 32 STEP 5A Implement options and monitor results • The monitoring should include: • - Economic results. • - Environmental results. • - Other results (e.g. any other benefits from the option like improved legal compliance, reduced injuries etc. and barriers encountered if any).
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 30 / 32 STEP 6 Continuous Improvement • Purpose of step 6: • To ensure that the company continues with improving the environment through a systematic way that is integrated in company processes. • Output of step 6 : • continuation of implementing the identified options; • integration of CP assessment into company processes.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 31 / 32 STEP 6A Prepare a proposal to continue • Preparation of proposal to continue the avoidance / minimization of the use and/or discharge / emission of harzardous / toxic substances • Assessment proposal: • - for the assessment of new selected focus areas; • feasibility analysis of the additional options selected for further investigation. • Implementation and monitoring proposal: • for additional options selected for implementation; • environmental improvement options.
ACME - Session 9.B - CP methodology adapted to Basel Convention - 32 / 32 CONCLUSION End of session 9.B Thank you for your attention… Any questions?