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Energy in our life. Comenius Project (CF nº2010-1-CZ-COM06-0377805) Portuguese Web Site : http:/sites.google.com/a/esar.edu.pt/vascomonizcomenius/. ENERGY IN PORTUGAL.
Energy in our life Comenius Project (CF nº2010-1-CZ-COM06-0377805) Portuguese Web Site: http:/sites.google.com/a/esar.edu.pt/vascomonizcomenius/
ENERGY IN PORTUGAL • In a country such as Portugal, that has scarse fossil energy resourses, the need for renewable sources of energy is a reality.
Fossil Fuels • The production of non-renewable resources in Portugal is only 1% of the country’s production. • There are a few resources of coal and uranium. • Most of the energy resources imported by Portugal are oil, natural gas and coal.
Electrical energy obtained through several resources ELECTRIC ENERGY
Portugal’s energy imports (83,6%) are much higher than the EU average.
The crude is imported from african countries (Algeria, Nigeria, Libia) and from Saudi Arabia. Nigeria and Algeria are also important suppliers of natural gas. Coal comes from Colombia and South Africa.
CRUDE IMPORTS ( PORTUGAL) Portugal’s crude imports have been increasing
In Portugal most electricity is produced in thermic power plants using imported coal, natural gas and oil.
In Portugal, there are thermic power plants in Sines, Carregado and Abrantes, that produce 30% of our electricity.
Sines thermic power plant is listed as one of the 30 most polluting in Europe. • Nevertheless, carbon dioxide and other pollutents are being reduced.
Nuclear Energy • In Portugal there is no nuclear energy production.
The national production of uranium is entirely exported Uraniumdistributionin Portugal
In Portugal energy renewable sources are essencially the sun, the wind and water.
Wind Power Energy • Portugal has always had tradition of using the power of the wind in the windmills to grind cereals and in sailing.
In Portugal the use ofwindpower to produceelectricenergybeganin 1986 withthebuildingofthefirstwindpowerplantintheislandof Madeira.
The electric power produced by wind turbines has increased to 3571 MW in Portugal.
Because the portuguese coast is densely populated, the wind power plants have been built mostly in the interior in high grounds to increase the production of wind power energy.
Water Power Energy • Nowadays most of the electric energy used in Portugal comes from water power.
The potencial use ofwaterpowerenergyisdistributedalloverthenationalterritoryespeciallyinthenorthandcenterofthecountry, wheremostdamswerebuilt.
There are 145 dams with more than 15 meters high. • Nevertheless, only 46% of our country’s water energy potencial is being used.
Solar Energy Portugal has a highnumberofhoursofsunperyear , speciallyinthe interior andsouthofthecountry. About 300,000 m²sunpannels are estimated to havebeeninstalled. Oneofthethebiggest solar powerplantsin Europa, isin Amareleja, Alentejo inthesouthof Portugal.
Geothermic Energy • In the Azores Islands they use geothermic energy to obtain about 25% of the electric power consumed in these islands.
In the Azores the production of electricity from geothermic energy is distributed as follows:
Wave Energy The portuguese coastal areas (specially the western mainland coast and the Azores) have great natural conditions for the use of wave energy. The water is a very abundant resource in our country and there are deep waters near the coast. Portugal is a pioneer in projects such as the construction of a prototype in the Azores and in Póvoa do Varzim (north of Portugal).
Biomass Energy • The portuguese forrest ocupies about 38% of the national territory. Yet, energetic potencial of this resource hasn’t been well explored: only about 5% of the energy used comes from biomass.
Sustainable Resources Management • Decreasetheenergyconsumption. • Makepeopleawareoftheimportanceofrenewableenergysourcespromotingtheirdevelopment. • Reduceourdependenceofimportedfossilfuels. • Create a competitivemarketwithhigherqualityandlowerprices for thedevelopmentofrenewableenergysources. • Choose policies andplans for thedevelopmentofrenewableenergysources.
Netography • http://www.aguaquentesolar.com/publicacoes/16/FORUM_Relatorio-Sintese.pdf • http://www.notapositiva.com/trab_estudantes/trab_estudantes/geografia/geografia_trabalhos/energrenovaveis.htm • http://www.eneop.pt/canais.asp?id_canal=110 • http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energia_hidr%C3%A1ulica • http://pensamentopararenovar.blogspot.com/2008/12/energia-hidrulica-e-as-suas-vantagens-e.html • http://images.google.pt/images?hl=pt-PT&um=1&sa=1&q=recursos+hidricos&aq=2&oq=recursos+&start=0 • http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energia_geot%C3%A9rmica • http://www.google.pt/images?hl=pt-pt&q=energia%20geotermica&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi • in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/master/02energy/pres8_1.pps • http://www.erse.pt/pt/gasnatural/Paginas/default.aspx
Bibliography Lobo, José Silva. 2001 Coordenadas. Actividades Económicas. Volume 2. Campos, C. & Z Delgado.2007. Sistema Terra. Sustentabilidade na Terra. Texto Editores.