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15. How Genomes Evolve

Explore the evolution of genomes from the first 10 billion years to the human genome in the last 5 million years. Learn about gene acquisition, non-coding DNA influence, and more. Discover the impacts of whole genome duplication, gene duplication, and lateral gene transfer. Evaluate hypotheses on gene evolution and compare human vs. chimpanzee genomes.

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15. How Genomes Evolve

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  1. 15. How Genomes Evolve

  2. Learning outcomes When you have read Chapter 15, you should be able to: Speculate on the events that led to evolution of the first genomes Distinguish between the various ways in which genomes can obtain new genes Using examples, discuss the possible impacts that duplication of whole genomes and of individual genes or groups of genes has had on genome evolution Explain how new genes can arise by domain duplication and domain shuffling Assess the likely impact of lateral gene transfer on genome evolution in bacteria and in eukaryotes Outline how transposable elements may have influenced genome evolution Define and evaluate the ‘introns early' and ‘introns late' hypotheses List the differences between the human and chimpanzee genomes and discuss how such similar genomes can give rise to such different biological attributes

  3. 15.1. Genomes: the First 10 Billion Years 15.2. Acquisition of New Genes 15.3. Non-coding DNA and Genome Evolution 15.4. The Human Genome: the Last 5 Million Years

  4. 15.1. Genomes: the First 10 Billion Years

  5. Figure 15.1. The origins of the universe, galaxies, solar system and cellular life

  6. Figure 15.2. Copying of RNA molecules in the early RNA world. Before the evolution of RNA polymerases, ribonucleotides that became associated with an RNA template would have had to polymerize spontaneously. This process would have been inaccurate and many RNA sequences would have been generated.

  7. Figure 15.3. Two scenarios for the evolution of the first coding RNA. A ribozyme could have evolved to have a dual catalytic and coding function (A), or a ribozyme could have synthesized a coding molecule (B). In both examples, the amino acids are shown attaching to the coding molecule via small adaptor RNAs, the presumed progenitors of today's tRNAs.

  8. Figure 15.4. Conversion of a coding RNA molecule into the progenitor of the first DNA genome

  9. Figure 15.5. A short stretch of peptide nucleic acid. A peptide nucleic acid has an amide backbone instead of the sugar-phosphate structure found in a standard nucleic acid.

  10. 15.2. Acquisition of New Genes

  11. Figure 15.6. The evolution of life.

  12. Figure 15.7. The basis of autopolyploidization. The normal events occurring during meiosis are shown, in abbreviated form, on the left (compare with Figure 5.15). On the right, an aberration has occurred between prophase I and prophase II and the pairs of homologous chromosomes have not separated into different nuclei. The resulting gametes will be diploid rather than haploid.

  13. Figure 15.8. Autopolyploids cannot interbreed successfully with their parents. Fusion of the diploid gamete produced by the aberrant meiosis shown in Figure 15.7with a haploid gamete produced by the normal meiosis leads to a triploid nucleus, one that has three copies of each homologous chromosome. During prophase I of the next meiosis, two of these homologous chromosomes will form a bivalent but the third will have no partner. This has a disruptive effect on the segregation of chromosomes during anaphase (see Figure 5.15) and usually prevents meiosis from reaching a successful conclusion. This means that gametes are not produced and the triploid organism is sterile. Note that the bivalent could have formed between any two of the three homologous chromosomes, not just between the pair shown in the diagram.

  14. Figure 15.9. Gene duplications during the evolution of the human globin gene families. Comparisons of their nucleotide sequences enable the evolutionary relationships between the globin genes to be deduced, using the molecular phylogenetics techniques described in Chapter 16. The dates of key duplications are shown. The initial split was between an ancestral gene that gave rise, in one lineage, to the modern gene for the muscle oxygen-binding protein, myoglobin, and, in the other lineage, to the globin genes. This duplication is estimated to have occurred approximately 800 million years ago. The proto-α and proto-β lineages split by a duplication that occurred 500 million years ago and the duplications within the α and β families took place during the last 200 million years. Note that each set of genes is now on a different chromosome: the myoglobin gene is on chromosome 22, the α-globin genes are on chromosome 16, and the β-globin genes are on chromosome 11. See Figure 2.14for more details about the globin genes. Based on Strachan and Read (1999). Abbreviation: Myr, million years.

  15. Figure 15.10. Models for gene duplication by (A) unequal crossing-over between homologous chromosomes, (B) unequal sister chromatid exchange, and (C) during replication of a bacterial genome. In each case, recombination occurs between two different copies of a short repeat sequence, shown in green, leading to duplication of the sequence between the repeats. Unequal crossing-over and unequal sister chromatid exchange are essentially the same except that the first involves chromatids from a pair of homologous chromosomes and the second involves chromatids from a single chromosome. In (C), recombination occurs between two daughter double helices that have just been synthesized by DNA replication.

  16. Figure 15.11. Structural domains are individual units in a polypeptide chain coded by a contiguous series of nucleotides. In this simplified example, each secondary structure in the polypeptide is looked upon as an individual structural domain. In reality, most structural domains comprise two or more secondary structural units.

  17. Figure 15.12. Creating new genes by (A) domain duplication and (B) domain shuffling

  18. Figure 15.13. The α2 Type I collagen polypeptide has a repetitive sequence described as Gly-X-Y. Every third amino acid is glycine, X is often proline and Y is often hydroxyproline (Hyp). See Table 3.1for other amino acid abbreviations. Hydroxyproline is a post-translationally modified version of proline (Section 11.3.3). The collagen polypeptide has a helical conformation, but one that is more extended than the standard α-helix.

  19. Figure 15.14. The modular structure of the tissue plasminogen activator protein. See the text for details

  20. BOX 15.1. Segmental duplications in the yeast and human genomes

  21. Research Briefing 15.1. Segmental duplications in the yeast...

  22. 15.3. Non-coding DNA and Genome Evolution

  23. Figure 15.15. Transposons can initiate recombination events between chromosomes or between different sites on the same chromosome.

  24. Figure 15.16. Insertion of a transposon into the region upstream of a gene could affect the ability of DNA-binding proteins to activate transcription.

  25. Figure 15.17. The ‘exon theory of genes'. The short genes of the first genomes probably coded for single-domain polypeptides that would have had to associate together to form a multisubunit protein to produce an effective enzyme. Later the synthesis of this enzyme could have been made more efficient by linking the short genes together into one discontinuous gene coding for a multidomain single-subunit protein.

  26. Figure 15.18. One prediction of the ‘introns early' hypothesis is that the positions of introns in homologous genes should be similar in unrelated organisms, because all these genes are descended from an ancestral intron-containing gene.

  27. Figure 15.19. A vertebrate globin gene showing the relationship between the three exons and the four domains of the globin protein

  28. Box 15.2. The origin of a microsatellite

  29. 15.4. The Human Genome: the Last 5 Million Years

  30. Figure 15.20. One possible scheme for the evolution of modern humans from australopithecine ancestors. There are many controversies in this area of research and several different hypotheses have been proposed for the evolutionary relationships between different fossils. Abbreviation: Myr, million years.

  31. Figure 15.21. Human chromosome 2 is the product of a fusion between two chimpanzee chromosomes. For more details about the banding patterns of these chromosomes, from which the fusion is deduced, see Strachan and Read (1999).

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